Name: K-Rod/Cade
System Requirements: Unreal Tournament 2004
Author: (The) Slaughter
Download: SkinCity - 7.02 MB
Model: Altered Cybernetic Male
Animations: Original
Voice: Robot (original)
Skills: Skilled
SinglePlayer (None/PlayerOnly/TeamMate/Full): PlayerOnly
Team Colors (None/2/4): 4
# of skins: 2
Custom Bio: Yes
Type of Installation: Manual
Known Issues: none
Additional Info: n/a
From time to time Slaughter uses to release an altered original model and this time he has taken care of Klasnic`s beloved "teapod" Xan.
The Facts:
What would happen if a manic Juggernaut would be crossed with a bad mooded Cybernetic? That question was made and answered by Slaughter.
The outcome is Kojak! Ok he traded his Lolly for a Rocketlauncher but there is not much difference. And this time he is here to make BBQ (Barbequeue) for us.
A real nice idea are the diffferent logos for each teamcolor on K-Rod. Such things make me really worried that UT2004 doesn`t let us choose any suit for DeathMatches!
The Teamcolors itself are nicely done - good visibility, enough coverage, great design. There is really hardly any space for complainments left here.
The 2 suits themselves are quite different: K-Rod is the Industrial Killing Machine while Cade is more the camoed tank. Both score with a great design. I`d prefer Cade`s more but the pipes and leg areas in total make K-Rod my fav.
The Pros:
+ Nice new Model
+ Good portraits
+ 4 Team colors
+ Teamcolors can easily be rocognized AND have a different styling
+ Sweet Bio
The Cons:
- Robotic voice and added to the Cybernetics on Selection Screen
- I don`t like the pipes on Cade`s back, I`ve never been a fan of that pipes, but that`s my personal taste
The Bottom Line:
As usual Slaughter provides us with a precious addition for your UT-folder. Instant download is primary directive, disobeying is not an option - (Or shall K-Rod pay you a visit?)
System Requirements: Unreal Tournament 2004
Author: (The) Slaughter
Download: SkinCity - 7.02 MB
Model: Altered Cybernetic Male
Animations: Original
Voice: Robot (original)
Skills: Skilled
SinglePlayer (None/PlayerOnly/TeamMate/Full): PlayerOnly
Team Colors (None/2/4): 4
# of skins: 2
Custom Bio: Yes
Type of Installation: Manual
Known Issues: none
Additional Info: n/a
K-Rod/Cade - an one-man wrecking crew that demolishes everything in it`s path
From time to time Slaughter uses to release an altered original model and this time he has taken care of Klasnic`s beloved "teapod" Xan.
The Facts:
What would happen if a manic Juggernaut would be crossed with a bad mooded Cybernetic? That question was made and answered by Slaughter.
The outcome is Kojak! Ok he traded his Lolly for a Rocketlauncher but there is not much difference. And this time he is here to make BBQ (Barbequeue) for us.
A real nice idea are the diffferent logos for each teamcolor on K-Rod. Such things make me really worried that UT2004 doesn`t let us choose any suit for DeathMatches!
The Teamcolors itself are nicely done - good visibility, enough coverage, great design. There is really hardly any space for complainments left here.
The 2 suits themselves are quite different: K-Rod is the Industrial Killing Machine while Cade is more the camoed tank. Both score with a great design. I`d prefer Cade`s more but the pipes and leg areas in total make K-Rod my fav.
The Pros:
+ Nice new Model
+ Good portraits
+ 4 Team colors
+ Teamcolors can easily be rocognized AND have a different styling
+ Sweet Bio
The Cons:
- Robotic voice and added to the Cybernetics on Selection Screen
- I don`t like the pipes on Cade`s back, I`ve never been a fan of that pipes, but that`s my personal taste
The Bottom Line:
As usual Slaughter provides us with a precious addition for your UT-folder. Instant download is primary directive, disobeying is not an option - (Or shall K-Rod pay you a visit?)