UT2003/2004 – Skin - Nano - Selket

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What Do You Think Of This Skin

  • Good!

    Votes: 3 37.5%
  • *SHRUG*

    Votes: 5 62.5%
  • Bad!

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Starry Might

Skin/Model Name: Selket
UT (99/2k3/2k4): "Unreal Tournament 2003" and "Unreal Tournament 2004"
System Requirements: N/A
Author(s): Nano
Download: SkinCity (2.2 MB)


Model: Asp/Cleopatra (EgyptFemaleB)
Voice: Default
Other: N/A

Support (SP/MP/Both): Both (I think...see “Additional Info”)
Support (Team Colors): 2
Known Issues: No Team Color heads, but this skin was made back in the “UT 2003” days, so that’s forgivable.

Additional Info:

Bot Stats:

Aggressiveness: 0.05
Accuracy: 0.24
Combat Style: 0.10
Strafing Ability: 0.27
Tactics: 0.51
Reaction Time: 0.01
Jumpiness: 0.00
Weapon Preference: None

Note: The above info was gleaned from the Bot Config info in-game using the “Edit" option. I had to fiddle slightly with the abilities and hit "Reset" to see the numbers, so while I tried to get it as close as possible, I'm not vouching for 100% accuracy, here.

Bot Use: 0 (no such string exists in the .upl)

Selket isn’t playable in the Single-player mode. You might be able to recruit her as a teammate, though.

Build Time: “Probably close to 100 hours”, to quote the readme.


I’ve realized that it’s been a little while since I last did a review, so I got off my keister and finished this one that I started awhile back. (*GRINS*)

Have you ever noticed that every now and then, some guy comes out of nowhere, releases something really nice, and is never heard from again? Such is the case with Nano and his “Selket” skin for Asp/Cleopatra. Not to be confused with the scantily-clad, power-hungry Nakhti princess from “Unreal Championship 2”, this Selket came out back in the “Unreal Tournament 2003” era.

The Good:

Pretty much every part of this skin was made from scratch except the flesh - Nano says in the readme file that he only slightly modified that part (“No need to reinvent the wheel here”, he says). The face (according to the readme file) was made in “Poser” and it and the hair were tweaked in “Photoshop”.

Her armor is cool and is gray with all sorts of colorful bits and accents on it. The color of her belly-button jewel has been changed to green.

She has Red and Blue Team Colors (but no CTF4 colors) that cover her torso armor (not the whole thing, though), her skirt, little accents on her leg armor, and her feet, so you shouldn’t have any trouble telling whose side she’s on in most team-based games.

She also has an okay portrait, and a okay Bio (her Age is “not telling” - that's pretty typical of us females, huh? *WINKS*)

The Bad::

Her hat doesn’t change color when she wears Team Colors. However, it’s very important to note that this skin was originally released for “Unreal Tournament 2003”, and that game DIDN’T support Team Color heads. Nano says in his readme that he actually made Team Color heads (they’re not in the Texture file, though), but didn’t know how to make them work. Hopefully, he eventually realized that what he wanted to do was impossible - at least in “UT 2003”.

The second flaw is MUCH more serious, but it has nothing to do with the actual skin itself. In the readme, Nano tells you to do the following to make her work as a Bot:

Selket.txt said:
Cut from here and paste these lines into the xplayersL1.upl file in the system folder for bot support:

This is VERY, VERY, VERY BAD advice! If you followed this advice (and don’t have a backup of the original xplayers1.upl file), you can kiss your ability to play online goodbye. Selket already has her own .upl file and she works just fine as a Bot as-is, anyway, so this step is COMPLETELY unnecessary! You’ve been warned!

The Bottom Line:

This is still the best custom skin for Asp/Cleopatra to date, IMO. Download her today! (But for Pete’s sake, don’t mess with your xplayers1.upl like the author tells you to!)



ra ra rat Putin!
Jan 24, 2004
Waterford, Ireland
Surprisingly good. I've never liked the actual model but the skin's very well made. 100hrs build time :eek: if I spent more than a few I'd crack up or die of boredom... Now if we all spent that long we'd all have great material ;) Thanks for the review Starry

Especially like the tc versions and Starry, I wouldn't even mention TeamFaces in a review as it wasn't made for 2k4 :tup:

Heed Starry's warning about editing xplayersL1.upl as that is an unforgiveable piece of bad advice in the ReadMe

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Starry Might

Meatball01 said:
it wont mess anything up unless you erase abny of the bots

i dont even have a xplayers file
Are you sure about that?

I remember back in the "UT 2003" days editing the file to add my own "DUP" bots. When I tried to spectate games online, it wouldn't connect.

Good thing I backed up the original! :D


ra ra rat Putin!
Jan 24, 2004
Waterford, Ireland
Meatball01 said:
it wont mess anything up unless you erase abny of the bots

i dont even have a xplayers file

We're talking about 2k3/2k4 here. If you even touch the xplayers*.upl you'll be lucky to get online at all. You certainly won't connect to servers running AntiTCC or any other cheat protection sw ;)
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May 8, 2005
i dont have xplayersL1 l2 or l3 files, and im in an active clan, i transported all the data into my upl file called Characters, as long as you don't change the original characters themselves nothing will happen

i have not had one anti tccc conflict, except for voice packs :(


ra ra rat Putin!
Jan 24, 2004
Waterford, Ireland
Aah I get ya. It's possible I guess if you don't have the original .upls as that way nothing's actually been changed. But changing the default game .upl and then trying to connect is a different thing. It's one way to not see the characters you don't like, I guess, Meatball :)

If you're patched to v3339 or later, vps shouldn't be a problem either :)
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