UT, Voodoo3, and 'VideoDriverClassName'

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Ryan Fenton

New Member
I have recently installed Unreal Tournament, but it doesn't seem to recognize my video card.

I have a Voodoo3 3000 AGP, the most recent 3DFX DirectX 7 drivers, and have patched to the 402 version of Unreal Tournament - but when I start the game, it starts in a window, with horrid image quality, and reports the video card selected reads as 'VideoDriverClassName' - as if the game does not recognize my video card. When installing, the game recognized my card, allowing me to select 3DFX as the display mode, and there were no apparant kinks in installation.

Has anyone else encountered this? I'll try re-installing, but I'd like to know if anyone else has had anything similar, and if and how they dealt with it. This problem hasn't been listed in any FAQ or 'known issue' list I've seen anywhere or in any forum I've visited - most annoying.

Ryan Fenton


New Member
Nov 24, 1999
Visit site
hey if theres one thing ya learn with unreal/ut is thats when sumthin goes wrong, its actually less trouble to just re-install /~unreal/ubb/html/frown.gif