[UT]Need recruits for new gametype.

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Sep 3, 2002
Ok, I've started on coding a new gametype I call Survival, basically the players have to survive a hoard of Skaarj/Monsters/whatever. The person who survives in the end or who has the most lives at the end of the match wins. So, instead of killing players/surviving like in LMS, the players have to survive a bunch of skaarj.

I have a lot of it done but I don't have knowledge on areas such as menu items and some other miscellaneous stuff, one thing that also bugs me is that I can't seem to figure out a way to stop the flow of skaarj properly. If anyone is interested in helping me code this, just say so. I've included an attachment with the source.

P.S. Also a few new ideas wouldn't hurt.


  • Survival.zip
    15.5 KB · Views: 27


Master of Dagoth Lies
Feb 2, 2000
Chicago, IL
I could probably hunt down the source code to Freehold if that might help. The Containment mode is similar to that.

If you can find Eavy's Monster mutator and examine that code, it might help as well.