I went back playing UT for a bit and the bots in UT3 seem better for me and the gameplay is more fun and more fast paced and feels right.
UT had just overpowered Unreal weapons and that was about it....plus their look and of the game was very generic...I don't wanna sound harsh, but all this UT praising is kinda...out of place...UT is worse than Unreal, in its release it was very very bland and had very generic models, the bonuspacks and console versions fixed that, still I wish someone converted all the PS2 characters, they were all skeletal ones too.
It is just like Doom2 or Quake2 comparing to Doom or Quake.
Both were kinda bland compared to previous games and the level design was not that great.
UT was meant to be botpack addon for Unreal first though and it is multiplayer oriented, but still it kinda holds true.
I mean omg, the first UT is best and without bugs or anything (that is what the fanboys keep saying, or even forget about Unreal and play Unreal campaign or custom maps meant for Unreal on UT, even if it breaks things sometimes and does not feel same and then say they support Unreal, like UnrealSP and such sites)....oh my god how false is that statement, the netcode wasn't all that great, online there were many bugs like AI seeing through movers and such stupidities, while in Unreal this was never case.
Well, times when I played on godlike are gone, I cannot be that good against these bots now in original UT. But UT3 is more fun that way, it is not frustrating and not boring like UT can get.
UT even feels kinda slow paced and unbalanced compared to hardcore Unreal DM.
But yes UT is made to appeal to more people, it was kinda a trick by Epic that way...so they get what they want, but the value of the game is much lower for me than Unreal and it is really very generic if you look back. It is not bad though, but it is bland.