UScript/Mod Group Learning

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[SAS]Solid Snake

New Member
Jun 7, 2002
New Zealand
I do find it interesting that people would rather contribute to yet another tutorial site rather than the Unreal Wiki. There again, I appreciate the ideals of the Wiki concept - and don't mind the total loss of ownership that comes with information posted on the Wiki.
Actually you hit the nail on the head. *Slaps forehead*. That is what is required at the Wiki, a link to just a tutorials section that just has a whole bunch of examples and nothing else. Within each tutorials there can be hotlinks within to link up the referencing part of the Wiki. :D Time to start writing some tutorials ...
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CXP Director
Jan 31, 2004
[SAS]Solid Snake said:
Actually you hit the nail on the head. *Slaps forehead*. That is what is required at the Wiki, a link to just a tutorials section that just has a whole bunch of examples and nothing else. Within each tutorials there can be hotlinks within to link up the referencing part of the Wiki. :D Time to start writing some tutorials ...

I know it is interesting, and anyways i hate trying to work on the unreal wiki, because of the wiki code... but i will support free unreal tutorial sites that arrise, but just do not ask me for money. :D


New Member
May 7, 2004
If any of you pros feel like it, the Group Learning Forum has a weapon modification project going. The cool thing is that the tutorial is done step by step as we each have time. So any time you guys feel like it, either send me a mail at amar2k@hotmail, or post in that forum adding anything you want to the tutorial. So this way you dont have to do everything, you can just write a little snippet on something that you deem worthy, for example, perhaps something about emitters for the gun firing. All credits will be given ofcourse.

Once the tutorial is complete, I will submit it to Paragon's site and the Wiki.



New Member
Sep 20, 2005

I would like to help with the code effort.
I really like the idea and I also have an idea to go with it.
How would you feel about starting up some type of chat to go with it. Live chat can help peeps with things and if done properly you can record the chats for later review etc...

Let me know what you think.
I can be reached via ICQ: 1532882 or YIM: hivoltageohm

I look forward to getting this stuff rolling.

Oh yea I am attempting to code a vehicle weapon. I know how the code classes work etc... I am just having difficulty setting things up initially. Like what varables to use and the game engine specifics.
