Just for the BuFers out there that care, I've been granted at least a print interview with Epic about Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict for GamesAreFun.com.
I'm HOPING that they'll agree to a video interview, as I think it would rock, but with them finishing the game and such, I've been told all I can be promised is the printed interview.
They have most of the questions already, but if any BuFers have anything else I could add before I get the interview, I can see about adding them.
If you have any questions you would like me to try and ask, email me at [email protected] with the subject: BuF UC2 Questions, or IM me. My AIM is UncleThursday, my Yahoo is unclethursday, and my MSN is [email protected] (but this is rarely on, just a warning).
I'm HOPING that they'll agree to a video interview, as I think it would rock, but with them finishing the game and such, I've been told all I can be promised is the printed interview.
They have most of the questions already, but if any BuFers have anything else I could add before I get the interview, I can see about adding them.
If you have any questions you would like me to try and ask, email me at [email protected] with the subject: BuF UC2 Questions, or IM me. My AIM is UncleThursday, my Yahoo is unclethursday, and my MSN is [email protected] (but this is rarely on, just a warning).