You throw around words like "demonizing" and "degrading" and yet you never seem to realize WHY people assume a negative opinion of you. It's not a world-wide conspiracy to shun you and to remove you from as many communities as possible, it's a simple result of the way you act toward people in public and the dozens of times you've stepped out of line across Unreal sites. This massive shitstorm of a thread is only the latest in a long history of pointless tirades, conspiracy theories, accusations and outright insults you generate over mundane matters like custom maps in a 13-year-old game, and it should not surprise anybody that it becomes tiring.
Please finally stop accusing everyone around you of treating you unfairly when it's nothing more than rational reactions to the way you behave. You may disagree with the scores given to your map in the contest, but you must know that the score I have given to Isle of Sharighar was very diplomatic on my part, and would I have judged it with my sincere opinion on the build quality, length and gameplay, the map would have fared worse. I graded you higher especially to avoid the overblown reaction that I - for whatever reason - get to read here. It's personal opinions, Leo, and I strongly believe that I have judged your map fairly and hence cannot understand your unspeakable rage. Badmouthing other people's work because you believe yours to be better is atrocious manners the likes of which do not help your case in the slightest.
I shouldn't even be reacting to this thread because I know it's futile to discuss all of this, but I decided not to sit around while you drag UnrealSP through the mud with outrageous accusations. You show the most impudent sense of entitlement; it's as if you think that the world revolves purely around making your life miserable and so you must defend yourself by flaming everyone who writes anything remotely negative about you. That isn't how it works, the world has a lot of other things to care about, and you seriously need to improve your self-esteem and broaden your horizons considering how hard a contest score has impacted your life and health.
Also, if you think that your voluntary decisions to create a map for the contest, convert existing entries and to provide hosting space are reason enough for an entire community to feel forever indebted to you, you're simply seeing the wrong picture, and if you really want to sever ties with UnrealSP as much as you keep stressing every second post, I will gladly remove all references to these services that you've performed of your own will. You shouldn't feel any regret about this.
Consider perspectives other than your own, and you may come to the conclusion that you aren't the poor lonesome lamb that is being attacked from all sides, but rather that you carry a whole lot of responsibility for your situation yourself. And please stop creating controversial topics involving your personal problems with UnrealSP on other sites...