Wow...what can I say about UT?
10 years ago I was already a big Unreal fan. Loved the single player game but not online (through or even the Botmatches. I was curious about UT, the improved weapons and even the backward compatibility of Unreal DM maps, but nothing could had prepare me for the demo. Yes I actually bought a copy of PC Gamer just for the demo and was blown away by the sheer fast pace and mayham of the gameplay. I didn't buy it 'till next Xmas, when I finally got a 3D card, but G.O.T.Y.E. was even better with the inclusion of ChaosUT.
And then I got into the mods, so may of them.... Each of them turned UT into a totally different game. I've played Team Fortress, Sin, Counterstrike type games...even Q3A matches on UT maps if you can believe that!
It got to the point where I didn't even had to buy any more FPS games because UT did it all.
Sadly, I moved on to the other Unreal games in the series. UT2003 was suppose to be a major mod dev kit but was really disappointing as the gameplay. U2 XMP was a good class based game that didn't last long (don't get me started on U2 SP). And UT2004 was decent enough with Onslaught being my favorite online gametype...too bad thegameplay quickly got exploited and broken.
As much as I like and respect each of the Unreal games for their own strenghts & uniqueness, I really have to say the original UT is the best of the whole bunch and still resides on my HD to this day...
Oh yeah, seems as of today I share the same birthday as UT...W00T!