Unreal Tournament 2004 Voicepack

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Staff member
Nov 24, 1998
You may remember Rainecloud from our very own Voiceshrine. It seems he's back in action with a brand new (and the very first for UT2004!) Judge Judy voicepack (1.05 MB). Sounds riotously funny... I'll have to give it a shot. Hopefully, we'll be seeing more from Rainecloud in the near future!


Slapping myself in the face
Jan 17, 2004
Hey Rainecloud, if you're reading this: you don't have to do voicepacks the crappy ol' UT2003 way anymore. Sure you *can*, if you want to, but I'd recommend using the oldschool UT way. All you need is the .u and a .int, here's an example of what to put into the .int:


TauntString[41]="Meat tastes better when it screams!"
TauntString[42]="Meet your executioner"
TauntString[43]="Pain will purify you"
TauntString[44]="You make an excellent protein cube"
TauntString[45]="Pure skill"
TauntString[46]="Step aside"
TauntString[47]="There is no escape"
VoicePackName="Male Alien 2"

I'm not sure how much of that is necessary (searched the game's ints, all the voicepacks have 7 example taunts in the int for some reason), but it definitely works now: Male Alien 2 appears in the Voice selection menu in the Player setup screen.

Btw, Male Alien 2 is a voicepack that actually shipped with UT2004, but for some reason they didn't implement it into the game. I've made it useable now, and have managed a partial fix for the volume problem, although it still sounds a bit quiet (just tinker around with the Sound>volume settings for your vp in UEd to accomplish a similar fix for your vp). I'll release it publicly as a pack when I've done the other two hidden voicepacks. (not gonna bother with Male2Voice)


Voiceshrine Manager
Thanks, your help is appreciated.

I had no idea I could implement the voicepack so easily. In actual fact, I spent four hours this morning trying desperately to find some way of making the voicepack SHOW UP in the drop-down menu. And all I had to do was make a simple INT file... xD

Anyway, I'll sort the volume out next time, and thanks for your assistance. Oh, and a note to all you other users: the site will be back in business soon, with a section for UT voicepacks and a section for UT2004 voicepacks (Once BU finds my access codes which I've...accidentally lost). So, if you have anything to submit, please drop me a line at [email protected].

I know UT2004 is mostly an online game, but there's nothing quite as fun as fraggin' the hell out of bots with 15+ voicepacks on at once. Plus, it's a great way to relieve the stress of the day. :D

Edit: The voicepack works just fine with just this in the INT file:


VoicePackName="Judge Judy"

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CXP Director
Jan 31, 2004
Rainecloud said:
Dr. Zoidberg will be first on the list once I get my site back up and running. :)

I'm also a big Futurama fan, so I'll be working on other voices from the series, too.

:lol: sure i would not mind helpin with your site... after all i can test the design... and also help make it easier to browse...


Slapping myself in the face
Jan 17, 2004
hal said:
How about a proper Xan?

I did actually make one for UT2003, but because of the volume problem I didn't release it (I thought the bug was down to the imported sounds, and couldn't be arsed to change then re-import all of them)... if I haven't deleted it I could try to fix it and release it (it includes the Cuss Pack btw, mainly to fill the masses of taunts that UT2003 vp's tend to have).


Voiceshrine Manager
so to make a UT2k4 voicepack, we can basically just follow a UT tutorial?

It's very similar, but not quite the same. I'll be releasing an updated tutorial on how to make UT2004 voicepacks very soon, so keep your eyes peeled for an update. Hopefully, once the new site design is completed, I'll get a BU news update. *hint hint*

I'm sticking with a simple site design, but my HTML knowledge and image work has improved in my absence, so don't expect to see any problems this time around. Thanks for your comments.



A great idea for a voice would be the serious sam voice he is so funny forget the rest enrole sam