I can play Drain, maybe you have something more broken... Can you just reinstall?
Anyway, how do think we should call this XMP? Current suggestions are:
1. U2aXMP
2. Conceptual XMP (doesn't quite fit any more)
3. Alpha XMP
4. XMP2
I kinda like the last one, any more suggestions?
By the way, I have an idea. While waiting for the release, we could start porting the XMP maps to U2. There won't me any real major changes in U2 RC9, so we can start working right now, and leave only the finishing work for the time RC9 goes out. If someone's interested, post here. I guess we need someone to port Static Meshes, Textures and Sounds. After this is done, we'll need someone to fix map flaws, path maps, add EAX effects and add pickups. Not sure about this - once maps are able to be ported by importing them from .t3d, should people work on their own maps, or have roles, like pathing, adding pikups, fixing flaws etc.? I believe having a map for each person would cause less version conflicts... But then not all maps would have the same quality level...
So, if there are at least 2 people interested, we could start working. U2 has deathmatch and CTF support now, so it will be easy to test paths and pickups (note: bots tend to get stuck on Rocket Launcher pickups for some reason). I could port sounds and textures, anyone interested in porting Static Meshes?
EDIT: Woah! I've just found an undocumented feature! Teleporters in Unreal II work just like warp zones! That is, they also teleport projectiles! Neat! Alcazar will be very realistic then! And while falling down, your characters scream, so Alcazar will be even better! And thinking of quirks, we could make it so those stone Mukhoggs turn into real Mukhoggs!
You can study Unreal II in a day, but even after 10 years it won't cease to surprise you!