Unreal Engine 4 On Display 'Later This Year'

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Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
Maybe. If it has as much customizability as the UT series is famous for then bring it on. Also, they should at least really expand on the Energy Whip. Perhaps replace it with TK like in PsiOps?
They could enhance the whip in Bulletstorm but I prefer the whip to think like TK.
Boring. We already had 3 games that really fleshed the series out anyway. If they did do another GoW, I REALLY hope it brings something rather new to the table. Oh, and moar customization.
We've only had one Gears game on PC, though. Kind of disappointing for PC gamers who want to see how the story goes. There are lots of additional chapters and things they could enhance the PC versions with, even segments from other characters' point of view. I know this will never happen, but even just getting the Gears games on PC would be nice.
Maybe again. But if it seems like another rehash of the same boring stuff that was new about a decade ago then FRICK no! If I wanted to play the original Unreal, I'd, well, play the original Unreal.
There is a big difference between Unreal and Unreal 2 in terms of... well... just about anything. It wouldn't be THAT hard to capture the spirit of Unreal in another Unreal-themed game that actually had a point and a plot. Heck, Bulletstorm is a good example of the fact that they could do that (though it's not as long).
I'm open to this however that would be a risky thing to market with the UE4. The thing about this is that whatever they come out with, it's most likely going to be just as moddable as the other UT's. I mean, how couldn't it? It's going to have another fully featured UnrealEd, might as well make it complete once again with the fantastic moddability of it's UT predecessors.
I don't disagree that they will try to make whatever it is moddable. However, I disagree that this will be their mantra going forward for every game. Epic has UDK and it stands to reason UDK is a product that will come with them to UE4. I would even go so far as to say it will be one of the core focuses of the new engine (it is unfortunately a little obvious that UDK is an appendage to UE3). They don't need every game to be infinitely expandable anymore.

That doesn't mean they won't do that with some games but they don't need to and won't focus on it as much as they used to (see, Bulletstorm).
I don't think they're going to release the UE4 alongside something that isn't a game related to the Unreal series because if they were, then it shouldn't be called the Unreal Engine. Not only that, if they're going to make massive changes to the traditions of the Engine such as no map editor, it would take away at least a big part of what makes the Unreal Engine, Unreal.
Not really. Unreal Engine is its own brand. If anything, at this point, people in general think the games are named after the engine and not vice-versa.


UT99/2004 Mod Crazy
Mar 26, 2009
They could enhance the whip in Bulletstorm but I prefer the whip to think like TK.
The problem I saw with the whip was that you could could only yank things toward you if I'm not much mistaken. I hope I am actually.
We've only had one Gears game on PC, though. Kind of disappointing for PC gamers who want to see how the story goes. There are lots of additional chapters and things they could enhance the PC versions with, even segments from other characters' point of view. I know this will never happen, but even just getting the Gears games on PC would be nice.
I know I'm going to get reamed for this but don't you guys think that GoW is a console game mainly? I mean, while the PC version is usually better just because of potential modding of any sort to the game, GoW is pretty cut-and-dried. I can't really see too much stuff at all that could be done with GoW that you couldn't do just as effectively if not more so in UT3, editing wise, I mean.

There is a big difference between Unreal and Unreal 2 in terms of... well... just about anything. It wouldn't be THAT hard to capture the spirit of Unreal in another Unreal-themed game that actually had a point and a plot. Heck, Bulletstorm is a good example of the fact that they could do that (though it's not as long).
I think everyone's focusing too much on Bulletstorm. It was co-created by PCF. I highly doubt they're going to work on the next UE4 game with Epic whether they want to or not as new Unreal Engine games have all been usually done by Epic so we can't expect the same things from the UE4 game as we could from Bulletstorm.

I don't disagree that they will try to make whatever it is moddable. However, I disagree that this will be their mantra going forward for every game. Epic has UDK and it stands to reason UDK is a product that will come with them to UE4. I would even go so far as to say it will be one of the core focuses of the new engine (it is unfortunately a little obvious that UDK is an appendage to UE3). They don't need every game to be infinitely expandable anymore.

That doesn't mean they won't do that with some games but they don't need to and won't focus on it as much as they used to (see, Bulletstorm).
I see what you're saying however, IMHO, it would just be good business if they focused this upcoming game like the other UT's in terms of embracing the community.
Not really. Unreal Engine is its own brand. If anything, at this point, people in general think the games are named after the engine and not vice-versa.
Yes, but I'm going by what Epic might think. Not what the consumers will think. It has been proven countless times that Epic sometimes ignores its customers for better and for worse.


Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
The problem I saw with the whip was that you could could only yank things toward you if I'm not much mistaken. I hope I am actually.
You can do a lot of things other than pulling with it.
I know I'm going to get reamed for this but don't you guys think that GoW is a console game mainly? I mean, while the PC version is usually better just because of potential modding of any sort to the game, GoW is pretty cut-and-dried. I can't really see too much stuff at all that could be done with GoW that you couldn't do just as effectively if not more so in UT3, editing wise, I mean.
Gears is a game. They released the first "episode" of the game on PC and none of the rest. They ought to feel some obligation to finish the storyline for the people who bought the first game. I'm only talking about something they should do.
I think everyone's focusing too much on Bulletstorm. It was co-created by PCF. I highly doubt they're going to work on the next UE4 game with Epic whether they want to or not as new Unreal Engine games have all been usually done by Epic so we can't expect the same things from the UE4 game as we could from Bulletstorm.
Epic owns People Can Fly and many of the artists at Epic's offices contributed to and lead design on stuff in Bulletstorm.
I see what you're saying however, IMHO, it would just be good business if they focused this upcoming game like the other UT's in terms of embracing the community.
"Good business practice" to Epic right now is focusing on consoles. You can't really blame them because that is where the money is. The PC is less neglected today thanks to UDK but I still think we are at least 2 years out from another Unreal game if not more and who knows what will change in that time.


UT99/2004 Mod Crazy
Mar 26, 2009
You can do a lot of things other than pulling with it.
Oh good. I need to check it out sometime then.
"Good business practice" to Epic right now is focusing on consoles. You can't really blame them because that is where the money is. The PC is less neglected today thanks to UDK but I still think we are at least 2 years out from another Unreal game if not more and who knows what will change in that time.
Yeah, well they focused on the consoles with UT3. I think we all know how that one turned out. Besides, the Unreal Engine 4 game has to be on the PC anyway if they're going to implement ANY sort of editor with the game, excluding simplified map editors built for both consoles and PC's. (i.e. Far Cry 2) So if it's pretty much guaranteed to be on the PC, might as well keep on focusing on moddability, eh?
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Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
Yeah, well they focused on the consoles with UT3. I think we all know how that one turned out. Besides, the Unreal Engine 4 game has to be on the PC anyway if they're going to implement ANY sort of editor with the game, excluding simplified map editors built for both consoles and PC's. (i.e. Far Cry 2) So if it's pretty much guaranteed to be on the PC, might as well keep on focusing on moddability, eh?
Again, UDK. The fact that UDK exists precludes Epic from any responsibility in releasing a moddable game. That doesn't mean they won't, but there is really nothing telling them they need to at this point either.


Master of Science
Jan 25, 2000
the Netherlands
Boring. We already had 3 games that really fleshed the series out anyway. If they did do another GoW, I REALLY hope it brings something rather new to the table. Oh, and moar customization.

I didn't meant "give me gow". I meant "give me a gow", as in: a game sort of like gow. And with that, I mean: an action packed roller-coaster ride of shooting the living shit out stuff.


Aug 12, 2001
Again, UDK. The fact that UDK exists precludes Epic from any responsibility in releasing a moddable game. That doesn't mean they won't, but there is really nothing telling them they need to at this point either.

It's a valuable feature, or at least I would argue from the other side of the fence, not just to players of the game but to engine licensees. otoh, even though it's hard to dispute that mod tools allow players themselves to increase the value of a game, only a small percentage of licensed UE titles actually take advantage of this.
As a result Epic may just be appealing to their majority clients by redirecting efforts away from features they wont use. The other possibility is when UE4 was announced 4 years ago as being designed for consoles that today the focus is still on consoles.
As you mentioned there is also UDK, which for all purposes could be UE3.5. Since UE4 was/is being developed in parallel rather than in succession, it's quite possible it may turn out as UE2X was to UE2.5. I wouldn't exactly say that UDK relieves Epic from the obligation of creating mod tools for UE4. Even if they had no intention of shipping them with any of their own titles, doing such a thing is denying (while not often utilized but none the less) a major feature to licensees. It seems more reasonable that the primary focus is on next gen consoles where there is no place for mod tools and that PC builds of the engine are merely in place for ports.

Sweeney. Mar 12 2008
Version 4 will exclusively target the next console generation, Microsoft's successor for the Xbox 360, Sony's successor for the Playstation 3 - and if Nintendo ships a machine with similar hardware specs, then that also. PCs will follow after that.
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Malcolm's Sugar Daddy
Sep 16, 2004
PC gaming is kind of pointless at this point. Anyone that grew up with with a PS3 or Xbox 360 isn't going to turn around and buy a high end gaming PC. Especially since the next gen of consoles will probably do everything a PC can do aside from workstation purposes for a lot less money. There won't be Photoshop on Xbox, but everything else from browsing to shopping will be there.


UT99/2004 Mod Crazy
Mar 26, 2009
PC gaming is kind of pointless at this point. Anyone that grew up with with a PS3 or Xbox 360 isn't going to turn around and buy a high end gaming PC. Especially since the next gen of consoles will probably do everything a PC can do aside from workstation purposes for a lot less money. There won't be Photoshop on Xbox, but everything else from browsing to shopping will be there.
Yeah, except imagine trying to use UnrealEd with a controller. BLEH.


A Loose Screw
Nov 13, 2005
PC gaming is kind of pointless at this point. Anyone that grew up with with a PS3 or Xbox 360 isn't going to turn around and buy a high end gaming PC. Especially since the next gen of consoles will probably do everything a PC can do aside from workstation purposes for a lot less money. There won't be Photoshop on Xbox, but everything else from browsing to shopping will be there.
Actually PC Gaming is often cheaper than consoles for a much better experience.

Console manufacturers sell their stuff at a loss to nickel and dime you in license fees. If you add those up, the PC is cheaper.

Think about it, 4 years of XBOX LIVE fees = a 240$ video card every 4 years.


Nimbusfish Rawks
Apr 18, 2006
Exactly; and 360 games carry a £45 price tag whereas PC games are generally £30 or £35. Doesn't take long to get that back. The real difference is in the social connotations on each platform.


Malcolm's Sugar Daddy
Sep 16, 2004
Actually PC Gaming is often cheaper than consoles for a much better experience.

Console manufacturers sell their stuff at a loss to nickel and dime you in license fees. If you add those up, the PC is cheaper.

Think about it, 4 years of XBOX LIVE fees = a 240$ video card every 4 years.

I bought a 360 when they first came out for $500 and paid Xbox Live $50 a year for 5 years before cancelling it.

UT3 on 360 - $60
UT3 on PC - $50

That's only $810 total for the console. Now, I want you to build me a PC that can play UT3, a 5 year old game, on max settings @ 1080P without going below 60fps for under $810. Don't forget the monitor and all the other components. I already owned a TV when I got my Xbox. I wouldn't own a PC monitor with out a PC, but I can't say the same for a TV. I use my TV for other things.

FYI, my current PC, which has a 3 year old $900 upgrade, can run UT3 just fine. I'm not even including the original 6 year old PC build of $1,400 or the recent $500 monitor. The original PC build couldn't run UT3 for shit.


Nimbusfish Rawks
Apr 18, 2006
I bought a netbook or 'ultrabook' that can run UT3 for about £400 - i7 quad, 4Gb memory, 6000 series radeon. You could build a PC to do it for about £300. Argument easily debunked.
£300 quid desktop that can run UT3.

Not to mention, when you buy a console, you never buy just one game, which is the incredibly fatal flaw with that argument. I'm a PC gamer, and also own a Ps3 and a Wii - but I still have ~20 games on the 360. The ~£10-15 markup on that means that they've cost £200-300 more than the PC equivalent in the long run.
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Malcolm's Sugar Daddy
Sep 16, 2004
I bought a netbook or 'ultrabook' that can run UT3 for about £400 - i7 quad, 4Gb memory, 6000 series radeon. You could build a PC to do it for about £300. Argument easily debunked.
£300 quid desktop that can run UT3.

Not to mention, when you buy a console, you never buy just one game, which is the incredibly fatal flaw with that argument. I'm a PC gamer, and also own a Ps3 and a Wii - but I still have ~20 games on the 360. The ~£10-15 markup on that means that they've cost £200-300 more than the PC equivalent in the long run.

360 is only $200 now. I meant build me a PC from that same point in time when the xbox 360 was still $500. It wouldn't have cost you under $800. At this point, all the tech is old and cheap. I bought a core i7 when they first came out, that alone was over $400.