Unreal 2 is going to whoop Quake 3 so bad.....

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Snoop Dogg

New Member
May 3, 2001
Ohhh hell no!!! I did not just hear Quake III sucks!!! :)

Quake III is much better then UT in deathmatch anyday of the week and visuals are outstandingly better I would say 2x better then UT or at least Unreal.

Unreal II will slaughter it like a pig though.


Mar 29, 2001
I think that the "Mature Discourse Only" was a better thread, because you don't get this:

Originally posted by Snoop Dogg
I did not just hear Quake III sucks!!! :)

Quake III is much better then UT in deathmatch anyday of the week

Sorry Snoop, not the best of arguments :)

Although, that's typically what these kind of discussions degenerate to. Oh well, continue with your "debate" . . . Or don't :)


Mar 29, 2001
It died a LOOONG time ago. You and me temporarily resurrected it :D hehehe

We should go back to the very first few records and bump those :D hehehehehehe :D :D :D


Mar 29, 2001
Already did, in the Off Topic :D IT was "What's the worst movie ever." I'll grab the link here in a minute.


Dec 10, 2000
In a stream of stars
ok, we've obviously misunderstood eachother :D

i asked you to sadle your horse, ride the vast wasteland in search for the lost thread, to be believed the very first unreal 2 thread on these forums.

My ? is:

can you do it? :D

Snoop Dogg

New Member
May 3, 2001
Okay I didn't defend my arguement well because I used to always write a full page reply on every forum that talked about something better then Q3A....hope you understand I am just tired of writing full pages....**** I think I should just save it as a file or something.

Anyways I think the Quake 3 Engine is more tweakable then UT's engine from what I have seen Developers do. I mean some fantastic things are accomplished with both engines but Games seem to be easier to produce using the Quake 3 Arena Engine and in my opinion look much better.

Sacrafice for example...Quake 3 Engine......have never seen a game use the engine better.

Hardly any BIG NAME titles using the Unreal Engine also.

That is my opinion on Quake 3 Arenas Engine Vs Unreal Tournament's although dont get me wrong both are insanely great all around.

Deathmatch wise I just like Quake 3 Arenas and always have liked the Quake Series with Deathmatching. Although Unreal Tounament makes a big splash in that arena it still seems much slower more like a Half Quake Half Team Fortress Classic type game. Its not Full Blown DEATHMATCH is what I am trying to say and the game modes that came with show that.

But still I am extremely happy with its included game modes since it can take Quake 3 Arena, Team Fotress, Counter-Strike game styles all in one game with near profection!


Dec 10, 2000
In a stream of stars
Strange :D i've tried the following: since most q3 players state that q3 is faster than ut, i've played a q3 match.. hm.. damn slow.. :) i don't know, it felt like moving in slow mo.. and i had my player speed up to 380. :)
But on the other hand, i'm playing ut on turbo now, 130%, 70 % aircontrol. :)

And snoop, btw, believe it or not, quake is faster than q3.

Open your eyes :D


Dangerously Player

Nah.... Nah.... Nah.....


UT is best graphics and play!
Q3 best killer fast actions.
U2 Perfectly Graphics play not know yet.. wait for demo.
HL best graphics and play (alittle bit slow)


I have see on Duke Nukem Forever.. it gonna be king!

look this movie!!!


it is so COOL!



Feb 10, 2000

Originally posted by Snoop Dogg
Okay I didn't defend my arguement well because I used to always write a full page reply on every forum that talked about something better then Q3A....hope you understand I am just tired of writing full pages....**** I think I should just save it as a file or something.

Anyways I think the Quake 3 Engine is more tweakable then UT's engine from what I have seen Developers do. I mean some fantastic things are accomplished with both engines but Games seem to be easier to produce using the Quake 3 Arena Engine and in my opinion look much better.

Sacrafice for example...Quake 3 Engine......have never seen a game use the engine better.

Hardly any BIG NAME titles using the Unreal Engine also.

That is my opinion on Quake 3 Arenas Engine Vs Unreal Tournament's although dont get me wrong both are insanely great all around.

Deathmatch wise I just like Quake 3 Arenas and always have liked the Quake Series with Deathmatching. Although Unreal Tounament makes a big splash in that arena it still seems much slower more like a Half Quake Half Team Fortress Classic type game. Its not Full Blown DEATHMATCH is what I am trying to say and the game modes that came with show that.

But still I am extremely happy with its included game modes since it can take Quake 3 Arena, Team Fotress, Counter-Strike game styles all in one game with near profection!
Don't know much about engines...it's true more people use the Q3 engine but the UT engine is not completely ignored. Dues Ex, Duke nukem Forever come to mind as big name titles. Q3 does have better grafix tho. Curved Surfaces.
DeathMatch. As A DM player I'veplayed Q3A and UT. I instantly took a disliking to Q3 DM because I thought the weapons were sorry, looked bad,felt bad. Game play was a lot faster tho.
When I tried UT I loved the weapons but I was frustrated with how it was slower then Q3. So I bumped up speed and played turbo mode. perfect. Eventually I became used to the slower pace and now play at at 100% with no complaints.
Half Life DM...too slow soo boring to me yet most of my friends swore by it and chose it over UT and Q3.
So my point? Which game is better DM is simply a matter of opinion. Not an argument you can win or loose. Gameplay wise both games have to be decent if not good just based on their fanbase and sales.


More sexy then Yurch
Quake 1, and Quake 2 are some of my favorite games of all time. They had simplicity, they had darkness, they had evil. The levels were great, forboding, and above all dark. The monsters were generally good, not quite your serious sam charging bull good, but for there time amazing. Quake 2 incorperated great netplay, helped not only by what was for the time stunning netcode, but also by the weapons themself. You cant not love the Quake 2 Chaingun, and rocket launcher.

Quake 3 was at least in my opinion an experiment. ID wanted to know if they could create a game within the Quake universe, having no substance other then Arena combat. They also wanted to capitalize on the multiplayer movement, moving almost exclusively to the online format. All this is well and good, and in and of itself wouldnt have hurt the game one bit. The problem came when the lighting changed. Quake for me anyway was always about atmosphere, hell all the way back to Doom you could see this. Doom 2's shareware demo ended GREAT, you fall into a pit of death with hundreds of baddys all in close quarters. best part is ITS DARK.

Look at Q3A's levels, most of them are dark, somewhat anyway. The 3rd party release maps are much better. But Q2 was all about the dark, it made you think you had pissed someone off and ended up in there own little hell. For me anyway the biggest problem was the weapons, they're no fun, asside from the dubble shotgun, and the machine pistol they just are soo....blah.

If you hate Q3A do me one favor before you write it off though, grab 6 or so friends more the better and play a lan game. That is the only way the game is really any fun. Granted ANY game improves via lans, but Q3A starts to shine.

My Cisco CCNA class got bored and put the Q3 demo on most of the machines in the class, it looked like crap(ati rage pro's) but i have to tell you it was amazing fun. Nothing like jumping out of no where with a dubble barreled shotgun and turning your best friend into little gibs....and taunting him face 2 face.


Dec 10, 2000
In a stream of stars
I'm starting to hate all those dark/small levels. seen too many of them.. in doom, quake, quake2 .. hm...
Althought, there are many wide open, bright doom levels yes there are :)
Afcourse, the dark quake levels rule. :D
Q3.. hm the only time i had fun in q3, real fun, was when playing corkscrew instagib. :)

UT rocks.
Think it's too slow? Play turbo, set gamespeed at 130 % or higher and THEN say it's slow :D
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