Malware sure isn't in executables, only flash! Any reason to suppose that playing a new flash game is more likely to give you a virus than downloading some exe from the web or on a disk vended out of the back of some dude's van on the street corner?
Epic should not make themselves more enticing to all these game shops that currently have experienced Flash developers
The caveat is that you're not even aware you're downloading the 'virus' if it's embedded in flash; it can already have executed everything it wants to on your machine before you've had a clue and unless it does something obvious you may never know it was there at all - your virus scanners probably won't pick it up either since there is no foreign executable for them to pick at; the flash executable does all the legwork there.
Most importantly though, the exploits are well known - really well known. There are more than a hundred (if not two hundred) well documented critical vulnerabilty exploits out there that you can just look up.
To an experienced flash developer, this is the exact opposite. They're used to working with a completely different set of tools, what we have here is a set of tools that can be used by someone to enter the flash market with no real flash experience.
and how about a patch for UT3?
No, the first UT needs to be patched first.
That's not saying much.But UT2k4 has the most active players of all UT games.
First comes the patch for UT2k4, we have been waiting much longer already!
But UT2k4 has the most active players of all UT games.
fair enough, was a much better game anyway