UC2 Demo: Yes, I've played it

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Zer0 as a number
Apr 12, 2002
In the Borderlands..
I just got the demo from OXM picked up a copy from a local news stand.

from what you say and what the review has which I read and found quite intriguing UC2 looks solid...

I'll find out soon enough once I get home..I got the demo in my bag :( and no XBOX insight...unless I can hijack the one in student game room ;)


Sep 17, 2004
bigredbrett said:
Does anyone no how to do the coup de gra move in this demo?

English is not my native language , and it is not english.
Last edited:


I am your FATHER!
Feb 18, 2005
Florida, U.S. of A.
I saw the move performed on the demonstration video. It looks like they froze an opponent, then opened the adrenalin menu, and then did the move,but they didn't say what the button combo was. I also had it performed on me by an AI bot, so it should work on the demo.


i love lamp.
Jun 25, 2004
nj represent
i just got the demo recently. i like it a lot, but my question is, how do you get hte lock onto people? i really don't know how it happens, it just does and i have no idea how to control it.

Renegade Retard

Defender of the newbie
Dec 18, 2002
Visit site
discreet said:
i just got the demo recently. i like it a lot, but my question is, how do you get hte lock onto people? i really don't know how it happens, it just does and i have no idea how to control it.

Click on the right thumbstick. This will allow you to lock on someone. With projectile weapons, it will stay locked well enough to keep them in your screen, but you will have to actually aim. In melee, you aim stays locked on the enemy.

Twisted Metal

Anfractuous Aluminum
Jul 28, 2001
Long Island, NY
Renegade Retard said:
I haven't tired split screen, but the fps is as smooth as butter. If I had to guess, I'd say that it never dropped below 30 fps.

Quote from IGN:

"The demo we played is a slick production, with 60 FPS motion, excellent animated characters, quick cameras, smooth controls, and an incredibly unparalleled level of adrenaline-soaked combat amusement."

If that is true and it does indeed run at 60 FPS, then I'm starting to feel sorry that I sold my xbox. Halo 2 doesn't run anywhere near 60 FPS!


is ironing his panties!
edhe said:
Anyone know if it's out in Europe yet?

My flat mate downlaoded it and banged in on his xbox hard drive. It runs smoothly as stupid said above. But i do think it's out by now. (I'm in england)

I've had HUGE difficulties getting the hang of it, it plays immensely differently but in most ways it plays better, the players look excellent the environments are prettier and i even approve of the team skins despite their glowing. (The glowing is done nicely)
The controls though........... i've always stuck away from fps games on consoels, this one runs much better and at first i had just as much difficulty with it as i normally do but......... slowly i'm getting the hang of it.

Conclusion = Excellent game, shame it's on the xbox.

Also i rather like the idea of Mortal Kombat becoming a franchsie theme alter on. The two games slot nicely together now. "First Bood" "Finish Him"


Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
I agree, sd, I don't understand where poeple's hang up is with the Mortal Kombat stuff, because with this kind of mixing of genres (although the melee is admittedly very limited compared to what I believe it SHOULD be) the two games do mesh very well together.

In fat, looking at this I wish that Diversions Entertainment had stayed with Epic and made the next OMF on the Unreal Engine. It would probably be light years ahead of what it was (although it was a good, under-hyped game). I could totally see OMF characters in Unreal Championship 2.

Bean 3:16

New Member
Apr 27, 2000
Visit site
I really, really dig the demo. Have any of tried playing as Lauren, with the Speed always on, and then doing a Speed combo...SWEET.

I am also having a helluva time of getting used to the speed, but I'm getting used to it. I bet when I get really in tune with the controls, it will become like an art to play.

As for this game running smooth as butter...
Epic >>>>> Bungie


Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
Yah, plus doing the multiple dodges up those little areas is THROWING OFF ME GROOVE! I can't get used to it like the bots do!


It's Crunchy. It's Nice.
Jan 28, 2001
Indiana, USA
I am genuinely excited about this game. The demo is killing me how good it is. To state again...there MUST be a PC port of this game so we can build a real community around it.

I know I'm not alone in this feeling...even the inane chatter on XBOX live servers is full of people that were HALO2 droolers going gaga over this demo...I have not had this much fun with an Unreal title since UT99...and that is saying a whole helluva lot, because 8 days ago I still would have told you that hands down there's NO SUCH THING as a decent FPS on a console.