UC2 Demo: Yes, I've played it

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Renegade Retard

Defender of the newbie
Dec 18, 2002
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I got my copy of OXM this weekend and, as promised, it had the UC2 demo on the demo disk, along with some extras.

First, the extras:

In the Mag Issue
This month's issue of OXM contains a full preview of the game, discussing everything from gametypes to the various races. OXM gives UC2 a 9.3 out of 10, which is one of their higher ratings.

Also on the Demo Disk
Besides the playable demo, there are three extras on the disk. The first is the UC2 intro, which I'm sure we've all seen. The second is the demonstration or presentation that was included in one of the demo disks a few months ago. The third is character profile for three of the UC2 characters: Selket, Anubis, and Arclite.

Finally, THE DEMO
- For a demo, this one's actually quite deep. You can play CTF, DM, or TDM. Each game type gives you two maps to play as well.
- You can choose to play the demo using one of three characters. A female Necris (iirc), Anubis, or a Skaarj.
- Everyone spawns with duel "pistols" or some type of variant. You can then choose one explosive weapon and one energy weapon. The demo gives you the choice between two of the explosive weapons and two of the energy weapons. The two explosive weapons to choose from are the rocket launcher and the RipJack. The two energy weapons are the sniper rifle, and a mini gun like weapon (for the life of me, I can't remember the name of it right now). No, Brizz, it is NOT your classic mini. ;)
- Oh, did I mention that the demo is XBox Live Enabled? ;)
- The game looks amazing, and plays just the same.
- Gameplay is spot on. The game moves smoothly and is a blast. You can play if either first person or third person behind view, though you're automatically put into third person during melee. Transition between the two is seemless for those who'd prefer to be in first person while using guns.
- Melee is where it's at. Period. Mastering melee is going to be required in order to get very far at this game. Not only do you need to know how to use it effectively, but you need to learn how to counter it. If there's one problem that I forsee, it's that melee may be a little too overpowering. But it sure is fun!
- Each race has it's own attributes and advantages. For instance, the skaarj is strong and can take a lot of damage, but the Necris is quick and nimble.
- Melee fighting is a lot of fun. At first I thought "there's no way a melee fighter can get close to me with my rockets," but the designers did a great job of balancing it out by giving the melee fighter a few advantages. First, you're most nimble and quick when in melee mode (hint to CTF flag carriers). Second, if you lock onto a target, you can do a kind of diving attack that can get you in close range to your enemy quite quickly. Third, melee fighters have a shield move they can do. If timed right, you can deflect an enemy's fire right back at him.
- Adren: yes, it's in the game, but the adren system is completely redone for this game and is actually a huge part of the game. Getting adren can let you do things such as special combos in melee or temporary increase in agility. Adren is not like it was in UT2kx where you may get to use it once a game, and it could change the outcome of the game. Adren is something that everyone is constantly using. Also, some "moves" require that you be full of adren, but some things such as a melee lunge only need a few. You don't have to be full of adren for every special movement/combo.

That's just a scattershot of some of the things I've noticed while playing. If you guys that haven't played it have any questions, just ask and I'll try to answer. This really is a fun game, and I'll probably be buying it as soon as it comes out.

Now a disclaimer: This is NOT UT meets XBox. If you're a huge fan of the UT series and expect much the same for the Box, then your in for a suprise. It is a brand new game and feels completely different, but it incorporates some of the base ingredients that makes the UT world so great. It is the perfect UT evolution to fit the console.

Renegade Retard

Defender of the newbie
Dec 18, 2002
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edhe said:
Karma boobies?

No seriously - how does the engine perform on the box, fps wise? split screenwise

I haven't tired split screen, but the fps is as smooth as butter. If I had to guess, I'd say that it never dropped below 30 fps. In about two hours worth of play, I don't recall any hitch or skip in gameplay.

The guys in the OXM article remarked on the smoothness of the game on a number of situations. They couldn't get over how a game with world class detail (again, the game just looks gorgeous) can run so smoothly.

Renegade Retard

Defender of the newbie
Dec 18, 2002
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The controlls for movement and looking are are the same as and just as smooth as Halo2. Something to aid the controls is a targeting system.

For weapons mode (as opposed to melee mode), you can select a target to lock on. This does NOT lock your sites on this target. As long as you're able to keep a "line of site" to the target, the lock will always keep your target on your screen. It's up to you to do the finer points of aiming, though. The downside to targeting is that it could cause you to get blind-sided by someone else. Therefore, there's times to use the targeting and times not to.

Fore melee mode, you can use the targeting as well. However, in melee, the target locks you "dead on" to your target so that he's always in your sites. This does not mean that you'll always hit your target, though. Melee is more about timing your blows than just simple button mashing.

As far as the shield, as far as I can tell, it's only available in melee mode. While in melee mode, it is available upon demand by pressing the alt fire button (left trigger).

Here's the default controls, or at least what I can remember (not at home):

Left Thumb: Movement
Right Thumb: Look
Right Thumb click: lock target
Left Trigger: Alt fire/melee shield
Right Trigger: Primary fire
A: Jump
X: Adren selection (hold down "X" so see a selection menu pop up, hit the coresponding key to get the desired combo)
B: Switch to melee mode
Y: Switch weapons (pistols, explosion, energy)
Black (or white?): switch views (1st person, 3rd person behind)


Good news everyone!
Feb 16, 2004
Ottawa, KS
Ok i can see it now, more than half the subscribers will end up being a necris female because they are fast and nimble, only a handful will be skaarj, and the last handful will be humans. Plus if they DO put in some sort of karma boobies :D then just like every other online game, it will be dominated by the female character. /undersexed teen "Hehehe teh girlz b00bies are teh shakey shakey meh feeling a sensation in the boxors!!!1111

Renegade Retard

Defender of the newbie
Dec 18, 2002
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I'm actually leaning toward the skaarj because they're tough and can take a beating. Of the three on the demo, they're my perferred in melee.

Don't forget that each race has their own specific adren combos. For instance, the Necris have a combo that is called Ethenreal. It's invisibility, but you also get a ghostly "decoy" that runs a few paces next to you. The enemy only sees this, and if they mistakenly attack it, they hit nothing while open for you to attack.

Renegade Retard

Defender of the newbie
Dec 18, 2002
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BTW - if you happen to get the demo, look for the area where you can read the discription of each weapon. Read the discription of the sniper rifle. I'm not going to tell you exactly what it says. Let's just say it's a funny backhanded slap at another weapon. :D

Renegade Retard

Defender of the newbie
Dec 18, 2002
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I'm guessing it will at first, simply because it will be the new "thing." However, I think once people learn how to play, there's going to be a nice balance between the two styles. Personally, I think that the better players will be those that learn to effectively switch between the two.

Edit - For instance, last night I got a kill by knocking someone off balance with a rocket, switching to melee and diving in to finish them off.
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New Member
Nov 21, 2004
I am soooooo sceeeeeeeeerd. The people with the demo, and people that love Unreal will be playing this demo a lot. Cough Retard Cough. When I get on Xbox Live I am going to get owned by Retard like everyone. Lol. I am going to be shooting in front of me while you are behind me if you are saying you are praticing as much as you say. And what gun does the sniper mock?
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i love lamp.
Jun 25, 2004
nj represent
Renegade Retard said:
I'm guessing it will at first, simply because it will be the new "thing." However, I think once people learn how to play, there's going to be a nice balance between the two styles. Personally, I think that the better players will be those that learn to effectively switch between the two.

Edit - For instance, last night I got a kill by knocking someone off balance with a rocket, switching to melee and diving in to finish them off.

ahh thanks for the info. this is the only thing that really concerned me about the game, it looked cool and all but i don't think i would have liked it if it almost completely revolved around melee combat, and it was hard to tell from trailers since they were showing it off as such a big feature. i'm definitely going to have to pick the game up in that case.

Dark Pulse

Dolla, Dolla. Holla, Holla.
Sep 12, 2004
Buffalo, NY, USA
-=Brandon=- said:
I am soooooo sceeeeeeeeerd. The people with the demo, and people that love Unreal will be playing this demo a lot. Cough Retard Cough. When I get on Xbox Live I am going to get owned by Retard like everyone. Lol. I am going to be shooting in front of me while you are behind me if you are saying you are praticing as much as you say. And what gun does the sniper mock?
My guess would be the Lightning Gun, but I don't have a XBox either, so I can't be certain. :p