UC2 Demo: Semi-Review

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Nov 17, 2002
London 1905
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UC2 is without a doubt the BEST console shooter to date. But wait, it's so much more than that.

Take every awsome aspect of Unreal you can think of, add the most awsome aspects of Jedi Knight II, add a dash of awsome graphics, great art direction and great character design and you'll start getting pretty close to what this game is.

Totally totally awsome. probably the best Unreal title since the original UT was released.

I've been playing it for about 6 hours already today.

I cannot recomend it enough.


Death Cube K

You'll be seeing him alot.
Mar 1, 2005
Big Apple, 3:00 AM
Mr.Magnetichead said:
Totally totally awsome. probably the best Unreal title since the original UT was released.

I agree with pretty much all your sentiments except for that one. 2k4 is still my favoritest out of the Unreals, and probably ALL fps's. But yeah, definately in the running for best console FPS.


Mar 1, 2005
Death Cube K said:
I agree with pretty much all your sentiments except for that one. 2k4 is still my favoritest out of the Unreals, and probably ALL fps's. But yeah, definately in the running for best console FPS.

still thin ut99 was the best ^^, but i will eventually get over it!