[15:36] River: Ahh, now that TWD's become a man and got his woman, I guess that means I'm left with only rambowjo, and zxan to throw poop at
[15:36] River: Sad day.. sad day.
[15:37] Selerox: hehe, yeah
[15:37] TWD|laptop: lol I'm not married to her yet guys
[15:37] TWD|laptop: I'm not engaged
[15:37] Agent_5: yet
[15:37] TWD|laptop: it will be a few months before I can start doing things like that
[15:37] Nereid: lol
[15:37] TWD|laptop: but it's a very good possibility, it's very serious.
[15:37] Kaithofis: Months.. weeks..
[15:37] TWD|laptop: anyways I'm gonna work on my basement so see ya
[15:37] *** TWD|laptop has signed off IRC (Quit: ).