Kewl! I'll take that as a compliment! (Thanks for stickin' up for me)
So does that mean you are going to read those books?
Also, have you followed that link I posted before at
Guess how old I am...
Don't bother going into my profile to find out because I've turned age and date of birth off.
I'm can almost guarantee that I'm not the only gentleman browsing BuF. There are no doubt others, but were not interested in the smut which is prevalent throughout this thread. Either that, or they (much like I was before I first posted in this thread) have a religious background and were afraid that if they post in such a thread, it would mean they read it and then someone from their community would find out and judge them.
On that note, I'm all for multiculturalism and equal treatment for minorities and everything, but I disapprove of this. Put quite simply, homosexuality is a sin, and there's plenty of places in the Bible that will have something to say about it.
Oh god... it's too funny. This is going to go over so well.
Afraid of dem homos is ya?