i like the way the turrests are now, especialy the energy and the mini, the link may be able to work if it was not remote controled. but i think any of those ion turrets are just plain crap and they should get rid of them...nothing is more agravating than those ons-omfghaxxxorsuperduperexreamholysh!tION-edition maps lol, and even if there were only 1 of those guns in a map i still dont like something that can take down a node and basicly any vehicle in one shot. i like a hard fought intense game of ons where it take massive team work to build a node, then to only have it destoyed in 2 sec by 1 shot really sucks imo. team work and skill sould win ons not who can get in the biggest gun first. for that reason its also why super wepons arent alowed in competative play, but back on topic. i think they should keep the energy, and mini gun turrets in ons they both work effectivly at what they do and they are well balanced. and if the fix the link to be like the energy and mini, and NOT remote contoled then i wouldent mind trying that one either.