Titan Onslaught Map Pack Volume 1

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Electrolyte said:
The only map I don't like in the pack is Torlan. All the others rock - glad you finally released the map pack :D
Actually, Torlan-32p adds a couple more node choices, so its naturally better than the original Torlan. Nobody plays regular Torlan at FragBU anymore.

Except Dark Pulse because he always wins because he has the tankz.


Dec 29, 2004
You lot haven't seen "ONS-TankMeUp" then. It's the same map as ONS-Minus, but every vehicle is a tank, including a smaller and much faster tank, and an ion cannon on a tank - when playing it with 32-players, it can be a seriously funny map :p

Starry Might

I went ahead and downloaded this earlier (mainly for the two maps I didn't already have).

I just played ONS-Acerbus...very nice map! I love the big library/church-like building where one of the Nodes are. :D

I'll have to check out DarkMarsh tomorrow.

Oh, and I saw over at the topic for this at the Atari Forums what some of the maps in Volume 2 will be...

A_Spec said:
but just to humor you, these are some of the maps still in development.

- ONS-Enchantment
- ONS-Spiffinggrad-32p
- ONS-Magnanimous
- ONS-ArticSummit
- ONS-TitanNecropolis
- ONS-Shyron (Improved version)

and there are 2 still unnamed projects that are currently in the alpha stage.
Can't wait! :2thumb:


Sep 17, 2004
Dark Pulse said:
I can win without the tankz, you know.


What a lousy quote.

I still remember when i was playing with you in a VCTF 1V1 in VCTF-AbatoirIsland
I was winning but you had to log in as an admin and use your hax. Way to go.


ra ra rat Putin!
Jan 24, 2004
Waterford, Ireland
Back on topic, I tried out a few I hadn't seen today, namely DarkMarsh and Echo which were both truly excellent pieces of work - Surprised I never saw them anywhere before :2thumb:

Bramideon was one of the first ONS maps I ever downloaded and I had SE long before this. TBH, it's potential has never been realised and it still needs a lot of work. Spawn points are iffy at the bases, the first time I spawned with only 16 players, I had to run a mile before finding a vehicle. I proceeded to leave the base in a manta and got caught up in the mesh (middle of tunnel) and had to suicide. Second time I played I went right inside a mesh in the blue base and was stuck there too. A pity, so it's been removed again.

One q, why is Dinora-32p named Dinora-32p- in this pack? It seems I've two versions of the same map now ;)

Can't wait to try out Volcano, Minus and StormyWeather which I'm about to do now :D
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Wandering spirit
May 11, 2004
Off course
Finally got around to installing it...strange enough, this pack increased my hard disk space. :B

The reason is that prior to installing the pack, I had to remove the maps I already had installed (all but a few) from the cache...and removed some beta versions of those in the process.


Flak Dancer
Dec 30, 2005
klasnic said:
Back on topic, I tried out a few I hadn't seen today, namely DarkMarsh and Echo which were both truly excellent pieces of work - Surprised I never saw them anywhere before :2thumb:

Bramideon was one of the first ONS maps I ever downloaded and I had SE long before this. TBH, it's potential has never been realised and it still needs a lot of work. Spawn points are iffy at the bases, the first time I spawned with only 16 players, I had to run a mile before finding a vehicle. I proceeded to leave the base in a manta and got caught up in the mesh (middle of tunnel) and had to suicide. Second time I played I went right inside a mesh in the blue base and was stuck there too. A pity, so it's been removed again.

One q, why is Dinora-32p named Dinora-32p- in this pack? It seems I've two versions of the same map now ;)

Can't wait to try out Volcano, Minus and StormyWeather which I'm about to do now :D

Dinora-32p-(with minus at the tend of name) IIRC, there is a mutator who remove 5hp when u use the sniper rifle, we put that in place to avoid having 3/4 of noob players camping with sniper rifle on the top of the map ...

for Bramideon, it's true if u dont have a manta or raptor it's a pain ... but I have a lot of good game anyway on it :)


New Member
Sep 13, 2005
Using the sniper deducts 5hp and gives a kick up the arse......

That's my little contribution to turning middle-node sniper-campers into lemmings. I've spec'd a line of campers along middle-node taking it in turns to fire....get a kick up the arse....fall off the edge of the cliff....and splat on the ground below "WTF????? HaXoRs?????1010101". Rack up one "Death Holding" to the PigletSniperRifle :lol:

The momentum-kick you get can be used by a decent player to good effect.
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Fast learning novice
Feb 20, 2004
Starry Might said:
Originally Posted by A_Spec, Atari Forums
but just to humor you, these are some of the maps still in development.

- ONS-Enchantment
- ONS-Spiffinggrad-32p
- ONS-Magnanimous
- ONS-ArticSummit
- ONS-TitanNecropolis
- ONS-Shyron (Improved version)

and there are 2 still unnamed projects that are currently in the alpha stage.
Can't wait!

Well I think it's no secret that ONS Plus will be one of these. Certainly one fro Frag BU. Is solves a lot of ONS's little niggles.


Flak Dancer
Dec 30, 2005
and lot of mappers I have contacted for their authorization have map on the way :)