This is why skinheads are retards

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Rattus Norvegicus
Jul 17, 2001
Originally posted by CHRYSt
Well yeah. Technically a skinhead is someone with a shaved head.

The ones I'm talking about usually just refer to themselves as "skins"

Skins refer to racist skins as "boneheads"

Don't EVER assume a skinhead is a bonehead. They'll kick the crap out of you. Immediately. Without hesitation.

Skins are very into punk rock. (Dropkick Murphys punk, not this Blink 182 ****. Call Blink punk, and they'll kick the crap out of you.) You'll often see them with "real" punks. (the ones with mohawks, leather jackets, and spikes everywhere.) Most skins are also very patriotic, both to the US and to their usually Irish descent. (Something about it seems to cause many, many skins to be Irish)

Skins like to drink and fight. It's just what they do. The violence doesn't help the stereotype, but it's part of their subculture.

And BBA, I've never seen a correlation with the Docs.

Right said, CHRYSt :tup: 'sides, punks like to beat down on skinheads :) hmmm... dropkick murphys.. I dont really like them, but I DO like Op IV and Crimpshrine and Screeching Weasel and lots of others. mainly bands that were on Lookout! Records when the company first started. And, LOL this kid at my school likes Fat Records, and he dresses punk, but then he started liking Sum41 and all this other Sh1t like blink, and he still calls himself punk. what an idiot.

[EDIT] BTW, most punks actually arent patriotic to the US, in fact they're -/-\-narchist :)


Earning my Infrequent Flier miles
Aug 10, 2000
I occasionally work with a skinhead at work. Well he's got really, really fine short hair, but that's cause he buzzes it. So basically, he's a skinhead.

He's also one of the coolest guys I've ever met.

He's ALSO got a wife and a child. I've seen them meeting him at work. He's a normal guy (he bounces when he walks and he uses a lot of slang, but that doesn't make a difference really) with a normal life.

Then there was a black guy at work who since found a new job. But this guy was the "stereotypical" black guy: afro-headed, slang using, hip-hop type guy. He was also the funniest guy there. He's since found a new job but man he was cool too.

These guys are the nicest people I ever met and they were "stereotypical" people, so the news media can go choke on that for a while.


Jun 5, 2001
Originally posted by el Gato

I vaguely remember something about colored shoe laces in Docs, back in the mid 80's. Like white = white supremist (bonehead), blue = skins, or something like that.
Maybe I'm thinking of something else. It was 15ish years age, and back then I was a wee little skate punk. :)

Yeah, man I remember that too! White was white power, Red had the same meaning as red suspenders, Blue meant straight edge and Yellow was anti-cop... or something weird like that, no?:D


You can't help that. We're all mad here.
Jan 14, 2000
Originally posted by _Zd_Lafnboy_
[EDIT] BTW, most punks actually arent patriotic to the US, in fact they're -/-\-narchist :)
I was talking about the skinheads, not the punks.

And these days, it's mostly the stupid or trendy punks that are anarchists. Most of them realize that Anarchy is for idjits.

I AM{skullface}

Oct 24, 2000
Boston, Mass
Originally posted by /\MM/\GETS\/M

Yeah, man I remember that too! White was white power, Red had the same meaning as red suspenders, Blue meant straight edge and Yellow was anti-cop... or something weird like that, no?:D

Heh, I remember that too, back when I was in the hardcore scene. (music you pr0n starved geeks, not hardcore films).

Anyway, back in the day we hardcore kids thought that white laces was for white power, yellow for facists, red for guys who spilt the blood of a black person. I've no idea if any of that bs was true, but it's what we all thought.

Just because a guy has a shaved head, doesn't mean he is a nazi, or listens to punk fact, all it means is that he/she has a shaved head.


el Gato

Jan 19, 2000
outside Raleigh NC
Originally posted by I AM{skullface}

Heh, I remember that too, back when I was in the hardcore scene. (music you pr0n starved geeks, not hardcore films).


/me hears 70's pr0n music in the background... :D

lol, at least I got the white laces right. Glad to see that I wasn't making the shoelace thing up. I wasn't sure as I slammed skating too many times back then... :eek: :)


New Member
Jul 16, 2001
The Right Coast
Originally posted by el Gato

You can tell by the color of the laces in their Dr. Martens. Right?

At least that's the way it used to be. Nazi's had white for white power, red for National Front, blue was for Baltimore skins, and any other color was "I don't give a fsck, where's the beer and the skank pit" (just like the rest of us punks/goths)

gawd I'm feeling old.

And there were alot of SHARP (SkinHeads Against Racial Predjudice) skins around at the time too. Beside the straightedge crew. The scene was so small in my hometown, that punks, skins, goths, and straight-edgers all hungout together, except for the nazi's


Rattus Norvegicus
Jul 17, 2001
Originally posted by CHRYSt

I was talking about the skinheads, not the punks.

And these days, it's mostly the stupid or trendy punks that are anarchists. Most of them realize that Anarchy is for idjits.

*sigh* well I guess most people in Fat Wreck are idjits then. Anyways, most punks are ANTI-GOVERNMENT, not anarchists, sorry bout that.

And.... hmmm... what did red suspenders mean???? :eek: YOU MAKIN FUN OF SANTA?!?!?!?!!!


Fire in Ma Belly!
Jan 4, 2000
Shut yo mouth!
Visit site
In a way I'm kinda glad I was a military brat growin up. Hell most military kids don't have time to worry about all this grouping and categorizing garbage. We don't know how long we'll be in that town for so you make friends with whoever you can.


BuFs #1 mom
Oct 31, 2001
Up my ass
Originally posted by [PPP]Redman
there was a documentary on gabbers and skinheads a week ago. there was this bald dude wearing a 'White Power' insignia on his bomberjack. when asked if he's a racist, you get this dialogue:

"Are you a racist?"
"Not at all."
"But you have a 'White Power' insignia on your jacket?!"
"Yes, why?"
"Aren't people with that insignia racists?"
"Oh, I just took it because it looks cool with my shirt."

skinhead -> :instagib: <- me

now thats so not true. they arent all like that. I meet this on kid thats like my age who is bald. he plays the guitar. hes real cool. please dont say everyone of a certain race or look is the same, because that isnt true.