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Real Maps Coordinator
Well I geuss we disagree then. You say:

"True, and that's precisely why it should be legalized! If someone could get X amount of crack for 10$, legally and safely, why would they risk getting arrested for buying the same amount of crack, though contaminated with lots of nasty shit that can fuck up/kill him, for 3 times as much? Less break-ins and prostitution for drug money, less business for the smugglers, more money and jobs for the US. Yes, people then could legally fuck up their own minds/bodies, but they already could with tobacco and alchohol, and the harder stuff being illegal didn't exactly stop anything."

Lets talk the facts here. In Nevada, prostitution is legal. It costs much much more to see a 'liscenced' hooker than one on the street. The women make less working in a brothel than the street and prostitution has far from dissapeared in Nevada. Or take Amsterdam. The sale of legalized drugs has not stopped people from selling hash illegally, (or rolling dog shit in oregano) nor harder drugs. - Theres always going to be someone that wants to make money selling drugs illegally, regardless of legalization, (which honestly for softer drugs I favor) becuase I think they will be able to charge less for it than Uncle Sam. Why? Case in point - People still to this day drive truckloads of cigarettes from North Carolina all over the US to avoid the taxation that comes along with it, and they sell the cigarettes for less. Same thing with booze. Theres no reason to think that anyone would do anything different if drugs were legalized. The reason that were not going to see harder drugs legalized is this: No American is going to endorse risking their 18-21 year old kid having direct access to hard drugs. Now this is hypocritical, as when I was 14 I knew how and where to get all sorts of drugs, as most kids do. Also People wont want to endorse that like alcohol, crack or PCP is OK to experiment with and is socially acceptable; marijuana maybe, but but even that stretches it.

The nature of drug abuse is addiction. So even supposing that all drugs were legalized, an addict is at some point going to run out of funds, and make quick cash by doing crimes. As nice as the Ronald Reagan brand of crack is, the government isnt going to give it away to Mr(s). Crackhead, and that person is going to get funds any way they can. Nothing changes; Uncle Sam becomes the guy that slings dope rather an individual.

To be honest saying that drug use is victimless is as foolish as saying that prositution, or gambling is victimless. People do things in addiction that they would never do sober, and victims are what they make of others. Let me be clear, here. This does not mean that they are not responsible for their actions. Again. This does not mean that they are not responsible for their actions. In my career I have had the disctinct dipleasure to see people put their own childrens hands in hot oil, prostitute their children, starve their children and yes, kill their children, directly as a result of drug addiction. These are human beings who before they were addicts were good parents, able to hold steady jobs, make an income and love their kids. Now you want to tell me that the kid whos forearms and fingers look like taffy is not a victim? The 11 year old that was raped multiple times by a john while the mom sat in the next room is not a victim? That is the point blank fallout of drug abuse, and I dont care how much of a liberatrian you are, if you think that even 1 child harmed in any manner as a result of drug abuse is acceptable for total drug legalisation, then I am to say the least, at a loss for words.

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Infiltration lead level designer
Jun 1, 2000
Washington State
Point of clarity...

Responding to Chris Webb's last post, and to make sure no one gets the wrong idea, let me clarify one thing. I am no right-wing conservative! Perish the thought! /infopop/emoticons/icon_eek.gif

I'm a centrist, through and through. I take conservative positions in some issues & liberal positions in others. So if there's any right-wingers lurking among us, it certainly ain't me!

Oh, and thanks for the compliment, Chris. Though it looks like there's at least one other person here who at least partially agrees with me. It's nice to have company... /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif
<h1><font face="symbol">
a 1001</font></h1>
"I love war and responsibility and excitement.
Peace is going to be hell on me."

Gen. George S. Patton, Jr.


de oppresso liber
Mar 2, 2000
Tucson, AZ, US
Yes, it appears we do disagree, CC.

So is it your stance that mariguana should be legalized but not harder drugs? (that was only a guess, just clearing things up)

My stance is indeed, that all should be legalized, and I agree with you that that is probably never going to happen in the US in my lifetime, but alot of things aren't going to happen that should, that doesn't mean people shouldn't try (no matter how clear the future looks, you never know for sure), or at least have their opinions heard.

Ok, about price: drugs aren't prostitutes, and this isn't Amsterdam. I can't claim to be an expert on Amsterdam or it's border patrol, but as it seems to me, as long as we didn't go ape-shit taxing the stuff, drugs here would be cheaper legal than illegal- more competition to drive the prices down, no need to smuggle the stuff over the border or take precautions to hide it, etc, and probably less middle men- illegal drugs have to be distributed widely and sold by as many dealers as possible, whereas legal manufacturers of drugs could sell cheap right from the factory, and the cops couldn't do anything about the fact that you have huge signs that say "The THC-PCP-LSD Warehouse".

And I agree that people will try to sell illegally anyway, but if a pharmaceutical company could make it cheaper and safer, the dealers would lose ALOT of business. And yes, if it doesn't work some will just move on to something non drug related to smuggle, but either way it'll still hit them hard. And yes, people are also going to run out of money and do whatever they can for drugs, but making it on a smaller scale wouldn't hurt.

While prostitution in Nevada or drugs in Amsterdam might seem like fair examples, I think the best example is the prohibition- it's almost exactly the same as what's going on now. Now I'm not saying that when they made the sale and production of alchohol the gangs were wiped off the face of the planet, but the problem was significantly reduced.

Now for the 2 reasons you say ppl will never legalize it. You basically took care of the first one for me, because they are too stupid to realize that they're kids are already subjected to it all, unless they've sheltered their kid from the world in a basement/boarding school/bubble. As for the second reason, you say people don't want to send a message that it's socially acceptable, which I think leads in teh same direction- they are stupid. People don't look to the government for what's socially acceptable, they look to society. I like to think that people are generally smart enough to realize that we live in a (supposedly) free country, and you have the right to do what you want to your own body as long as it doesn't interfere with someone else's rights (after all, even little 7 year olds use the phrase "it's a free country" when told to do something by a peer, etc). There are thousands of things out there that are legal (and don't interfere with anybody else's rights), but they are far from socially acceptable. So that leaves only "people won't accept legalization because people are stupid."

And nobody said the people you're talking about weren't victims, I only said they weren't victims OF DRUGS. They were victims of child abuse/assault/rape/wahtever. And the drugs might cause people to cause this, but they don't cause it directly- like you said, people are responsible for their own actions. Whether or not they were good parents before they got addicted matters not, they made the decision to lose control, so they are responsible for what they do when in lack of control.

And no, I do not think *increased* pain and suffering would make legalization worthwhile, but I firmly believe it won't increase. People are going to get killed and hurt and raped no matter what laws are passed- it's all about how many people, and I want that # to go down. If someone wants to use drugs, they are going to do it, laws or no laws. Case in point the prohibition, the only thing illegalizing alchohol did was give lots of money to violent gangsters, excite the country into a fever of lawlessnes and make people want to drink MORE, and waste police resources on enforcing crimes that didn't hurt anybody. Making something illegal does not get rid of it, and in cases where the said crime is victimless and popular, it doesn't really even decrease it. Even if it did just a tiny bit, and some incredibly stupid minority just started abusing drugs because the government said it's OK, the amount would be unsubstantial, and moot because we'd DOUBLE the amount of police and federal agents working on non-drug related crimes- crimes with real victims, like rape, assault and murder.

Shot four puppet governors in a line,
Shook all tha world bankers, who think they can rhyme,
Shot the landlords, who knew it was mine,
Yes, its a war from the depth of time!