When exactly did that other post (not the most recent) go from seriousness to a joke/sarcasm, Mojo? I thought it made sense for the most part up until the last paragraph. If you hadn't confused me with that last paragraph I probably would have asked you if you are sure you're liberal -not because you like Rage, but because you've said you're "admittedly far left". Rage is my favorite band, but I'm not left or right, I'm libertarian- and I don't agree with EVERYTHING Zach screams, but I do with very good sized portion of it (as do some who claim to be conservatives that I know).
Anywayz, where were we... CC, I don't think he tried to counter any facts you posted with opinion, he mostly gave suggestions to fix problems you talked about... the only thing Mojo said was untrue about your post was the victimless crime thing, and I agree with him- murder is murder, and it's illegal too (same goes for theft, assault, etc). About drug *abuse* (as of now it illegal both to ABUSE and USE the drugs in question) increasing chances of other crimes (which are illegal in and of themselves), you're probably right, but the same can be said about alchohol. A DARE officer here in Tuscon once told me that in 96% of cases of domestic violence, alchohol is involved. Does that mean we should illegalize alchohol (again)? We don't need to, because assault is a crime, we can just punish the people who cause harm, and not screw with the people who just like to have one harmless beer (or a glass of wine, cigarrette, extra-strength advil, mary jane cupcake, etc) when they come home from work to help them relax.
One more thing: "The sale and abuse of harder drugs is intrisically linked with crime." --CC
True, and that's precisely why it should be legalized! If someone could get X amount of crack for 10$, legally and safely, why would they risk getting arrested for buying the same amount of crack, though contaminated with lots of nasty shit that can fuck up/kill him, for 3 times as much? Less break-ins and prostitution for drug money, less business for the smugglers, more money and jobs for the US. Yes, people then could legally fuck up their own minds/bodies, but they already could with tobacco and alchohol, and the harder stuff being illegal didn't exactly stop anything.
Shot four puppet governors in a line,
Shook all tha world bankers, who think they can rhyme,
Shot the landlords, who knew it was mine,
Yes, its a war from the depth of time!
[This message was edited by DeadeyeDan[ToA] on Jul 12, 2000 at 20:25.]