You know, most of my day consists of blowing the crap out of humans and aliens on my pc, so i go around dismembering people? NO! One of the first games I played on the pc was wolfenstein, (The one where Blood is a valid health scource) and that was when i was 3! And i have also played silent scope, And do i go around shooting people between the eyes with a PSG1? NO!
I have never seen a real psg1!(I did see a browing M@HB once though, IT IS A BIG DAMNED GUN!)
And the only things i have ever killed are mosquitoes and flies and spiders!
You know, I think it would be funy to send this topic page to one of those soccer mom groups...
Itd be funny to See what their reaction would be.
And also, these anti voilence people have little signs in their yards that say "Do not tresspass or you will be shot!"
What the hell is wrong with this world? The height of the ninth year of my life was playing diablo on BNET! When i was four, i was blowing up mutant demons on doom! then doom 2, Then duke nukem 3d! And goldeneye, mech 2 and 3, turok 1 and 2, all of these violent games, and am I a serial killer who goes around boiling people's heads in acid? NO!
I remember someone saying something about scitsophrenics and stuff like that, and i thinks he/she is right, why let the 2% of poeple who ARE affected by games and movies deny the 98% of the pupulation of a little violent fun on the computer?
See, most of the time, I sit around and kill things on electronic devices and the nearest adult is in the other room visiting with friends, I mean, my parents know that i am not affected by blowing heads off of little monsters made out of pixels!
And my aunt wont let her kids play Mech warrior 2 because it ois too violent. ITS JUST A BUNCH OF BLOCKS AND TRIANGLES AND SOUNDS THAT GO BOOM!
I mean aside from "Big bird's big day", that is the least violent vidio game i have ever heard of!
So then, she says, "yeah, you can go ahead and watch power rangers, you just cant play With violent video games."
And also, she was trying to ban her kids from playing with my 21st century toys stuff, (You know, 12 inch tall gi joes with raealistic weapons) because "It simulates Violence" She even went as far as to try to take them away from me!
and don't even get me started on those preachers and the harry potter books, I mean parents are trying to get their kids to read, and here is the opportunity, But no, The nbooks are demonic because they havew wizards in them! So go read "Wizard of oz instead!" I mean, there is always a villain and some violence in a good story.
And then, when dad tries to take son hunting........
Demonshadow was here.
[This message was edited by Deathren Demonshadow on Sep 29, 2000 at 19:18.]
[This message was edited by Deathren Demonshadow on Sep 29, 2000 at 19:21.]