The Soccer Moms have done it again.

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Apr 27, 2000
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then they go on and ban alcohol. I'd like to see whut happens after that.
/infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif


Maybe someday the world will learn, to be kind to someone who makes a fault..
Snakeye <IMG src=>

Hell, I'd settle for having the world learn anything at all.


New Member
May 31, 2000
Actualy, I know this one guy who loves racing games, can't play them, but loves them. Onetime when he was driving me and his brother somplace he thought he would show off, started to swerve left to right... oh, did i mention it was snowing?
Anyway the car went into a spin, was'nt damaged no one killed. We blame that incident on his love of racing games.
But, he is the only person on this planet who could fail an IQ test, so the theory that games incurage violence, has some ground, but only people thicker than... the thickest thing any of u could imagine.

mellenium hand and shrimp

this has been copied and pasted from the TO board I think, one of my posts....

First part...
Damn, I'm glad I don't go to school anymore, I would have probably be considered one of those kids that wants to kill everyone just 'cause of my personality. Lets see, I wore a trenchcoat, listen to what they called devils music (KISS, stuff like that, hey, it was in the 80s, so shut up /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif had access to firearms, was picked on (didn't give a shit) the list goes on and on. Hell, they probably wouldn't let me back in my old school today...

/me finds this world to be filled with paranoid, over-protective, politicly correct assholes.

All it takes is one little person to have a problem and tell someone, then the world sucks for those people that are labeled and stereotyped. Shit, the times we live in today are gonna be nothing like the ones tomorrow I think.

Second part...

Whats really stupid is that new law around the US that prohibits anyone under 18 to play a "gun game" without having an adult within 5 feet. They say its "excellent practice for murder"

1. Have any of those kids actually fired a gun? There is a huge difference between a hunk of plastic that shoots little light beams and a chunk of metal that fires weighted chunks of metal, and you have to compensate for drop, wind, range, movement and so on.

2. Have playing, say Silent Scope 2 (sweet game) made anyone want to go up on a roof and start picking off people? Not that I can think of.

Keiichi: Don't let it get to ya, I still wear mine about everywhere I go. Even though I had to stop at a local school to fix a flat on my motorcycle, all the teachers and other people started shaking their heads, and saying I shouldnt wear my trenchcoat. Man, I was trying to keep warm! One of even commented on my motorcycle ('98 Titan Gecko RM, btw)

"That motorcycle is inappropriate for younger children to see (had a whole bunch of flames on it) you evil devil-worshipper!"

1. I may be evil, but not 100%

2. Just 'cause I'm interested in voodoo and witchcraft doesn't mean I practice it.

3. "devil-worshipper" I haven't sacrifieced (SP?) a goat ever, haven't chanted and lit a bunch of candles in the shape of a pentagram, so on...

4. I have lots of tattoos, and most people around here think tattoos+trenchcoat+huge flame paint jobbed motorcycle=devil-worshipper. But thats not entirely true, especially with me.

The way I see it, people are and will always be afraid of something (such as those teachers scared of me, bad influence I guess) because they just don't understand it. And something you don't understand, you don't want to, because its scary! If the human race will finally wake up and realize there is a whole pantload of stuff worth doing and seeing than rather complaining about the way someone looks, the world would be much better.

/end rant


Anyway, thats my two cents on the topic, and all of those senators and soccer mums can lick the coyote shit off my boots if I offended them, 'cause frankly, I dont give a shit.

I feel the reason as it's leaving me, no, not again

Its quite decieving as I'm feeling the flesh made me bad


Youth is wasted on the young.

[This message was edited by beerbaron on Sep 29, 2000 at 16:14.]


Dusty ****er.
Nov 26, 1999
Anchorage, Alaska

When you said<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> that game pisses more blood than most i've seen[/quote]

Wich game was it? Unreal? DEiablo? or JFG?

Demonshadow was here.


Dusty ****er.
Nov 26, 1999
Anchorage, Alaska

You know, most of my day consists of blowing the crap out of humans and aliens on my pc, so i go around dismembering people? NO! One of the first games I played on the pc was wolfenstein, (The one where Blood is a valid health scource) and that was when i was 3! And i have also played silent scope, And do i go around shooting people between the eyes with a PSG1? NO!
I have never seen a real psg1!(I did see a browing M@HB once though, IT IS A BIG DAMNED GUN!)
And the only things i have ever killed are mosquitoes and flies and spiders!

You know, I think it would be funy to send this topic page to one of those soccer mom groups...
Itd be funny to See what their reaction would be.

And also, these anti voilence people have little signs in their yards that say "Do not tresspass or you will be shot!"
What the hell is wrong with this world? The height of the ninth year of my life was playing diablo on BNET! When i was four, i was blowing up mutant demons on doom! then doom 2, Then duke nukem 3d! And goldeneye, mech 2 and 3, turok 1 and 2, all of these violent games, and am I a serial killer who goes around boiling people's heads in acid? NO!
I remember someone saying something about scitsophrenics and stuff like that, and i thinks he/she is right, why let the 2% of poeple who ARE affected by games and movies deny the 98% of the pupulation of a little violent fun on the computer?

See, most of the time, I sit around and kill things on electronic devices and the nearest adult is in the other room visiting with friends, I mean, my parents know that i am not affected by blowing heads off of little monsters made out of pixels!

And my aunt wont let her kids play Mech warrior 2 because it ois too violent. ITS JUST A BUNCH OF BLOCKS AND TRIANGLES AND SOUNDS THAT GO BOOM!
I mean aside from "Big bird's big day", that is the least violent vidio game i have ever heard of!
So then, she says, "yeah, you can go ahead and watch power rangers, you just cant play With violent video games."
And also, she was trying to ban her kids from playing with my 21st century toys stuff, (You know, 12 inch tall gi joes with raealistic weapons) because "It simulates Violence" She even went as far as to try to take them away from me!

and don't even get me started on those preachers and the harry potter books, I mean parents are trying to get their kids to read, and here is the opportunity, But no, The nbooks are demonic because they havew wizards in them! So go read "Wizard of oz instead!" I mean, there is always a villain and some violence in a good story.

And then, when dad tries to take son hunting........

Demonshadow was here.

[This message was edited by Deathren Demonshadow on Sep 29, 2000 at 19:18.]

[This message was edited by Deathren Demonshadow on Sep 29, 2000 at 19:21.]


Old Timer
Mar 13, 2000
No shit. I used to be heavily into AD&D and Magic: The Gathering. I actually had to hide all my cards and manuals from my parents because they considered it "devil worship" and would try to take them away from me. My parents consider Aa! Megami-sama (aka Ah! My Goddess/Oh My Goddess! in the states) - the anime series that I got my nick from - to be satanic because three of the four main characters in the series are Goddesses. My mother actually tried to ban me from watching it. And I'm 19 years old!

My Aunt and Uncle are the biggest "Jesus Freaks" (no offense to Christians) in recorded history. They're worse than the freaking Flanders. They have 98% of their cable channels blocked and, even then, they have to be present whenever their kids watch T.V. The only thing they'll allow them to watch is PBS and The Discovery Channel. They won't even let them watch The Learning/History Channel because of all the war documentaries. I feel sorry for my neices. As far as they're concerned, that's how it should be. They have no idea what they're missing. I'm tired of typing, so I'll just finish this rant later. To be continued.....




New Member
May 31, 2000
Actualy i think there are a lot more schitzo's than that, and then there are the one s we don't know about, the person next door maybe /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif .
Can u imagine what life will be like for those girls when they grow up?
We have to find somplace between what those girls go through and what most kids don't go through.
After all, teach a babeie to walk backwards and when it grows up it will look at everyone and think WTF?
That reminds me of an Offspring track "What goes around, comes around" i think.


New Member
Dec 13, 1999
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> The only thing they'll allow them to watch is PBS and The Discovery Channel. [/quote]

PBS!? PBS?! They let they're kids watch that communist propoganda crap?! what kind of christians are they!? Don't they know the McLaughlin Group is a leftist think tank?

People are silly.

I've got some neighbors a couple of doors down who won't let their kids play with toy guns (they've got a 6yr old and 8yr old boys). They're a couple of ex-hippies who hate guns and capatilism and pretty much everything in the world that actualy protects them from being eaten.
But little boys are what they are, and I've seen them playing soldier in the back yard with sticks as guns.
We're talking about people who don't have a TV or a computer, who send their boys to a Montisory (sp?) school, so what's influencing their kids?



Apr 27, 2000
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Morality and religion, it is sad when people believe that the bible is the say all and end all of life. The world is too dynamic for just one book or even one person to try to explain. To allow a religion to dictate every action and reaction in a life is just so sad - I pity those people who use it as a crutch. Morality itself is dynamic, differing from one person to another or even one situation to another, more so reality. We should not try to dictate what others should believe, but respect their rights, while protecting our own.


Maybe someday the world will learn, to be kind to someone who makes a fault..
Snakeye <IMG src=>

Hell, I'd settle for having the world learn anything at all.


Jun 6, 2000
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yeah, and when i play sesame street Learning your a's b's and c's i get all rowdy myself!! i just go wild and start spraypainting the alphebet on walls!! im a hooligan!!!!


Goat Fucker

No Future!
Aug 18, 2000
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How many times have a serial killer stormed into a mall, all guns blaring, screaming thease words.
"My computer just went down, so i´ll just kill you insread"?!!.....I cant remember such a thing ever happening, can u.

And why the hell are people so afraid of Satanist´s?!
I have 3 good freinds that are satanist´s, and they are the nicest people i have ever met.
They DONT sacrifice animals or ppl, and hate those pchyco´s that do.

People have this warped idea that Satanism is about evil, But its not.
Satanism is about doing what YOU want, and not to supress youre instinct´s.

I can personaly identify with alot of the stuff in Satans "bibel", and think alot of the other stuff is just silly.
But i cant identify with the christian bibel, wich tells us to do the oposite of ouer instincts.

As u may have already guessed, i´m not christian, but im not a satanist either.
I consiter both religions to be "crack pot" religions.

And here´s a puzzle for ya, take a good look at the all American phcyco, a good look.
Now divide them into two groups, runamok christians, and runamok satanist´s.
Wich is bigger?!

Ok....let me solve that one for ya.
I have studied it, and runamok christians are far more comon.
Now why is this??......damn that´s a good question.
I have my own theory´s, wats youre´s.

Now before any one acuses me of preaching satanism, and i get the whole fucking spanich inqusiton down on my sory arse.
Let me tell u that i dont, im planting a seed for thought.

And here´s a nother one.
Nothing u do is unselfisch, u do it for youre self.!


Christopher Webb

Overtly Serious Chappy.
Personaly I don't think the bible is that bad, it's just that it's EXTREMELY misinterpreted. I DON'T think genesis was written to be the be all and end all of creation, nor was the tale of Sodom and Gomarrah meant to be God's way of saying "gay people must die"

Look at all those 'eye-for-an-eye' christians, then look at the entire 'turn the other cheek' message of the 2nd testament. Just a little contradictary?

<insert cute/ interesting/ bizarre signature here>


Active Member
Apr 30, 2000

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> I remember someone saying something about scitsophrenics and stuff like that, and i thinks he/she is right [/quote]

that was me, and i'm a he

and i was talking about JFG with the blood and the pissing. It really does, anyone who hasn't played it should go buy it now and be warped by the rivers of green blood and decapitations of disturbingly overgrown ants, with futuristic MP5's no less. Soccer mums are gonna have a field day on this one !

FUCK SYMPATHY! i dont need fucking sympathy! i need my fucking johnson! - The Dude <img src=>


Active Member
Sep 27, 1999
Same thing happens with AD&D, and unfortunately, my mom believes it.

Some kid that played AD&D goes psycho and sacrifices himself or something. Why did he do it? Because he played AD&D? NO! Because the kid was a friggin' demented pyscho in the first place. I played my first FPS when I was 7 years old, and I don't run around looking at people like things w/o emotion that can be killed with no regrets. You don't get influenced to that extent by games. It exists in your mind already, if you see the world that way.

And the people who do get influenced are just dumb-asses with no common sense who can't determine fantasy from reality.

Want to learn how to map? Email me!


Dusty ****er.
Nov 26, 1999
Anchorage, Alaska


Yep, JFG is EXREMELY gory, yet it only received a teen rating. It is about as gory as unreal, so, these damn wsoccer moms better decide, To either not screw around, or completely try to block gore and violence form the world, either way, i think they'll lose. (At least i hope they do /infopop/emoticons/icon_mad.gif )

I refuse to give any personal information except for the fact that I AM Crazy!

[This message was edited by Deathren Demonshadow on Nov 01, 2000 at 22:25.]


Apr 27, 2000
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Chistopher webb:
agreed, the bible isnt bad, its the people.


Maybe someday the world will learn, to be kind to someone who makes a fault..
Snakeye <IMG src=>

Hell, I'd settle for having the world learn anything at all.