The simple things that needs tweaking

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Fast learning novice
Feb 20, 2004
There are a few little annoyances in ut2004- many of which that annoy me are being fixed by shambler's excellent ONS Plus.

Double tapping before exiting a vehichle should allow you to choose which side of the vehichle to exit.

Linking to a node builder should share points - same for node destruction.

There should be points for taking out a tank or a leviathan's armour.

Vehichle crosshairs should be modifiable in the same way as weapon crosshairs.

The deemer needs nerfing (my suggestion is that it blows up a fixed time after pickup - reguardless of where it is; and does not blow up on impact - so that it's flight must be timed.)


Sim senhor, efeitos especial
Sep 26, 2004
Agree with everything bar the deemer suggestion...the deener is easy enough to shoot down (barring suicide runs) so I don't have problem with it.

Points for taking the armour off vehicles is a good many times I've played cat and mouse on foot against a goliath, taking it's armour down and then someone has come up behind it in a manta and killed it with 2 or 3 shots....annoying.

Sharing points for node bulding is essential...I still see point whores now refusing to link because they want the points.

I also would like to see the vehicle physics tweaked a little..sometimes the merest incline can twist the forward motion of the goliath...this simply wouldn't happen in real life.


Fast learning novice
Feb 20, 2004
There's never a need to suicide with deemers. The smallest pillar or bit of terrain is enough to duck behind. Shooting a deemer at long range is never done by good players. It's slow; so to take a node out quickly, flying there and using it at short range is more likely to take out your targeted node in time.

I haven't played with a deemer enabled server in months; because it is so unbalancing; most admins choose not to enable the deemer.

But let's not get pulled into that old discussion; what else are the little things that need tweaks?

The leviathan's turret should at least have some use.

The cicada's co-pilot fire needs to draw propperly when a server is under load.


Sim senhor, efeitos especial
Sep 26, 2004
Hmz, I wasn't talking about long distance flying of the you pointed out, no-one remotes it in. In Arctic people usually aim from the ledge above the primary node, in severence from behind the wall then duck behind, on crossfire behind the bridge next to the primary, or the ridge next to the other primary, in torlan from the top of the hill etc etc. In all these cases the deemer must have at least 2 to 3 seconds flight time...plenty enough to hear the launch sound, choose an appropriate weapon and shoot it down, as it will be flying in a straight line. Thats not including the fact that you may have someone in a turret to take it down too.

I can't see any issue with it, if it doesn't take a node down in one go then it has little is still laughable weak compared to the Lev's ion cannon.

If people don't like it, there are plenty of servers that play without super-weapons.

Perhaps, there could be a time limit that you have to shoot it by from picking it up before it explodes...but having a fuse AFTER firing (as you originally suggested) seems kinda silly. Imagine you shoot it at a node and it clatters in a few second before it explodes. What will it do, bounce? Just lay there?
i can't think of any maps where the deemer can be launched at a node and the player hide that doesn't leave the deemer in the air for a couple of seconds when it can be shot down.


New Member
May 24, 2005
Talking about tweaking (all game modes), I would like many many many things to be adjusted, but if I could chose ONLY ONE (so my mail does not become a whole book) I would chose this one that is maybe a minor detail but that annoys me quite a lot.
(info:I am one of those noobs who have just 3 fingers to play and therefore I use the mouse wheel to switch weapons)
I would be sooooooooo thankful to Epic if they could add this parameter in the weapon settings:

never display/put/add this weapon in my arsenal: YES / NO
and so on...

Well, this way I could already take away the stupid assault rifle right
from the start and I would not waste time to drop it.

Of course even if you don t want a weapon in your arsenal, you
still could pick up the ammunitions for EVERY weapons.

This adjustment is not a sacrifice for anyone because those who wish to keep the whole arsenal avalaible would just have to set up YES everywhere.
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ಠ_ಠ DaReTaL ಠ_ಠ
Sep 2, 2005
º_º FeiShan º_º
There is a simple solution to multiple server themes within one gametype.

Admins should be given the ability to have a server ring keywords kindof like websites. So if a group of admins want to make a server ring all they have to do is just agree to use the same keyword so people can UToogle it just as if they were filtering for a certain mutator or server settings. I also think their should be an option to search for all gametypes.

Ex: A group of trial server admins agree to use "trial" in their keyword description and more and more trial admins catch on and start putting trial in their keyword description to attract the "trial" playerbase to their server. So if Joe Tollefson wants to play trial maps all he has to do is simply enter trial as a keyword in his filter.


Nov 19, 2004
Points shmoints, it's a team game. If point whores are a problem, we need to fix the players.

They need to fix the vehicles so they don't constantly get stuck. Everything else is an afterthought.


ಠ_ಠ DaReTaL ಠ_ಠ
Sep 2, 2005
º_º FeiShan º_º
Momentum should stop completely resetting when doing a wall dogde, like ut2k3, this would also stop people from falling insane distances and wall dodging right before they fall. I know a patch fixed it, but it's unrealistic how the game handles momentum.


fps greater than star
Dec 7, 2000
The Nicest Parts of Hell
The redeemer should be unaffected by friendly fire settings, and always do 100% damage to everything. That is my only redeemer gripe.

I was gonna link the vehicle crosshair thread, but I guess you mean "ability to change them in the GUI" since that was your thread. :D

I'd like to assume momentum reset from dodge will be abandoned since it's a new engine, and the gravity has been "redone" and the dodges tweaked so's hopefully to have less expoitive combos, since it's only like that now to prevent boost dodging.

I like the idea of choosing what side of a vehicle to exit. I think all vehicle games should adopt this feature, or at least consistantly put you out of the side you are a passenger in. Ex: Hellbender; Driver = left, Shock Turret = Right, Twinbeams = Rear. Doesn't always seem to be the case. Would be cool to know what side you exit though, so you could dodge away from it immediately.


Bast's Pet
Aug 4, 2005
I'm glad I'm not the only one that finds these things annoying :p. The only things I don't agree with is the armor points, and timed deemer.

Though, maybe if it splits up the points between the top 3-5 people that did the most damage to the Levi or tank... Perhaps that would stop lamers from steeling your well earned points. It could give 1-2 points per person for a group effort and the normal points if you incur 80% or more of the damage to the vehicle. Would that work for you? ;)

I really hope they fix the manta physics too. Since it is suppose to be a hover vehicle, it shouldn't be scraping the ground over slight inclines or slightly rough terrain. Mountains and jagged rocks it should still have problems with though.


fps greater than star
Dec 7, 2000
The Nicest Parts of Hell
X points of leviathan damage could = one point.

Not that I ever thougth division of points for that was a necessity (or problem).

Do you even get extra points for downing a leviathan?


New Member
May 24, 2005
briach said:
Momentum should stop completely resetting when doing a wall dogde, like ut2k3, this would also stop people from falling insane distances and wall dodging right before they fall. I know a patch fixed it, but it's unrealistic how the game handles momentum.

it s UN-real tournament... so I don t have any problem with insane distances, and in addition everyone can do this trick.


Bast's Pet
Aug 4, 2005
-AEnubis- said:
X points of leviathan damage could = one point.

Not that I ever thougth division of points for that was a necessity (or problem).

Do you even get extra points for downing a leviathan?

I thought right now whoever kills a Levi gets 5 points?

I mean I don't mind the armament point thing as long as it doesn't give out too many points. I think it would be overkill getting 3 points for a tank. That’s why I gave a compromise in my above suggestion.
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ಠ_ಠ DaReTaL ಠ_ಠ
Sep 2, 2005
º_º FeiShan º_º
it s UN-real tournament... so I don t have any problem with insane distances, and in addition everyone can do this trick.
Personally, I'm not annoyed by the momentum resetting because it's unrealistic. I'm annoying by it because it is very limiting and I'd rather see some real less-simplistic and more fluid movement physics I can interact with.

Without momentum in wall-dodges every time you dodge off a wall you start at teh same momentum. In ut2k3 if you shieldjumped you could dodge off a wall and you'd still have upward momentum. I just find momentum reset to be noobish and it limits the wall-dodge so it can't be utilized in more creative and aweing ways.

And players falling great distances and doing a wall dodge, that is just bad form and it's a feature I really wouldn't give a crap about if the wall-dodge was less limiting and more fluid.
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fps greater than star
Dec 7, 2000
The Nicest Parts of Hell
Actually, I think the damage numbers still work the same on falls. Before you would take damage if you reached said velocity (when momentum wasn't stopped) before the kick, but you didn't take full impact damage, and had a greater chance of taking damage again on ground impact... Now, since your momentum totally resets, you take full damage from current fall right on the kick. So it's like 12, or 2 half dozens.

I as well though, would rather see more fluid and realistic movement physics. Lift jumps to wall kicks were my personal favorite.


Fast learning novice
Feb 20, 2004
Another thing that needs fixing is that the ELO system needs to cater for those who are less adept. (At the moment at least 1 quarter of players have an ELO of zero)

In my deemer idea - the deemer deploys; rather than explodes on contact. It blows up a limited time after pickup, not after firing. So you'd have a big scary countdown timer. Seeing a raptor blow up in midairwould be terrific. It would also need modulating so that if a deemer causes dammage to the person firing it; a "safety" kicks in - so that no damage is caused to the opposing team at all. So you couldn't just sit in a manta\scorpion over a node and wait for it to blow up.

---But that's me throwing ideas around. I miss the deemer; but prefer playing on servers with no deemer. I'm just thinking - is there a middle way?

I hae no problem with the levi - because in decently constructed maps; it isn't overpowering.

Vehichles getting stuck is down to poorly constructed static meshes. Some trees; most notably aren't built right; and that's how vehichles get stuck. On the titan server; every map such afflicted has had each such tree laboriously taken out and a new tree planted in it's place.


Nov 19, 2004
rhirud said:
It would also need modulating so that if a deemer causes dammage to the person firing it; a "safety" kicks in - so that no damage is caused to the opposing team at all. So you couldn't just sit in a manta\scorpion over a node and wait for it to blow up.

It's a nuclear warhead ffs. Under no circumstances should it not obliterate everything within its blast radius. I prefer the old UT deemer myself. Faster and harder to shoot down, but if you shot at someone who was attempting to launch it, it would kill them and not just go *poof.*

If suicide bombings are the problem, the simplest solution would be to make nodes less susceptible to nuclear attack, so, like the ion painter, it's not a one-shot kill.

Also, you could make the switch time slower, and give it a distinctive sound -- again like UT on both counts -- making it much harder to sneak the shot in.
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New Member
May 24, 2005
rhirud said:
Another thing that needs fixing is that the ELO system needs to cater for those who are less adept. (At the moment at least 1 quarter of players have an ELO of zero)

In addition, if you reinstall your system (or your UT), you will be lucky to get your name twice in the ELO ranking system :S
of course one of these names will never earn more or less points in all time ELO ranking.
so how many players have actually, 2, 3, or more recorded stats in the ELO ranking system.
Is that a way to fool people by making them believe that we are much more active players on stats than we actually are ????

Another thing with stats, why the hell the players list is displayed by the amount of played games instead of efficiency (after 50 played games) for instance. It would make a bit more sense... well, I guess.


Nov 19, 2004
Worse than rox duds are tank duds. You're battling another Goliath at full health, and you lose because one of your shots is a blank.