The Secret of the Necris

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Bite Me
Dec 19, 2003
Which kind of people are chosen to be "revived" by expensive Necris processes? Well, I suppose very enthusiastic ones which make optimistic maneuvers like that as last action in their "old" life *lol*

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New Member
Jul 12, 2004
I thought necris were born as a race... but when lauren became a necris when she 'died', I suppose we live in a world where michael jackson is no longer black, so you can really get away with anything.. as far as I make my series of necris, I make them as if they were a matriarch based race that has a lot of independence. Their goals of working together as a race are overwhelmed by their personal ambitions... they sometimes have too much pride for their own good. I dunno.. no offense to the UT series, but there IS no storyline to anyone... I just thought that it would make for an interesting movie and more interesting single player games if they had a bit more of a storyline that could add consistency. At least something that could give reason to ask 'star trek analytical style questions'.
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