Team Skins Question

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New Member
Oct 23, 2005
Hi people,

I have a question about Team Skins. Usually a team skin is just a exchange of the body skin of a character. I know that you can either just exchange the face or the body skin(i already done that), but how do you need to set up the *.upl to make UT2k4 change BOTH, the face AND the body texture?

I know that HIDE done that, with his ABYSS model, since her tattoo's change(body texture)and some color at the tip of her wings change also(face texture). I just cann't get it to do that for my own texture -.-

Every help is apreciated.

Peace ... Momoka

P.S. Not tell me, that i should search by myself, or use the search engine. I don't have the time to do a good search and the search engine need to work right to be feed with the right key words ... and what does it hurt you if you know a good post to just paste a link, eh?


New Member
Oct 23, 2005
Ok, i tryed out that "TeamFace=1", and it do work for a normal model. However, i am working with one of HIDES models, the newest one Abyss, and she has like 3 textures for her head.
So in the orginal texture, she has as default black wings, and as the red team she hast some red finish on the wings. I got the tecxtures right, but even if i add "TeamFace=1" it just don't show me the red finish on the wings in the player selection, if i let me show the red skin(the blue skin doesn't work either).


ra ra rat Putin!
Jan 24, 2004
Waterford, Ireland
Check your .upl entries against Hide's, Momoka and the same with the texture files. If you can't find anything to cause it, ask Hide himself as the textures may be built into the animation file or something ;)

[EDIT] Oh hi :D


New Member
Oct 23, 2005
I did check the *.upl file against hides, but i didn't found any difference. Actually, i tryed as second attempt to use hides *.upl , just changing the actual texture. But it still don't work :(.
Hides models are somewhat strange anyway, since they use one body texture, but they also use the face texture at 3 different locations(CalamityAngel, Abyss)or they even use more then a body texture and a face texture(BunnyEris). The Cats(Jagt Tiger / Marygold)use the normal textures, so one face and one body one, as does Skylla. But many newer ones use the textures in a strange way, like the face texture at 3 spots, or a 1024x2048 body texture(Ageha).
Not to mention that anoying "shiny metal" effect hide seems to like to use on every model(even if its a nearly naked one, like Abyss). He use so many combiner, and stuff ... i really need to take just the normal skins out and put them on the models ... for my own offline play. I just hate that "shiny blinky" stuff, like i hate that +40 ambient light on the models(the Mutator hide made rules ^^).
Oh, and i cann't seem to get the skins to work, without apply them first onto the model itself, saving the animation file also. Seems hide did a lot more then just "skin" his models ^^


New Member
Oct 23, 2005
Klasnic, i know that. The skins don't work(at least on models like Angel Interceptor, Calamity Angel, Abyss usw)unless you save the animation file with correct path to the skins used.
But hide did do that as well, his Abyss model uses a team colored shader/final blend texture for both the body and the 3 face parts. I did basically the same, i took a texture for the body and the face, and added it to the animation file, saving it as a new file. Then i stated inside the *.upl file what texture to use for the body and face, and what mesh to use(i naturaly used the new saved animation file, WITH the correct paths to my textures inside my *.utx file).
But inside the character selection of the options menue, when i select the different team colors, it just shows me the correct body team skin ... and the standart face skin.
Seems like i really need to open a new thread and ask hide himself ...


New Member
Aug 9, 2004
all the Teamface boolean does is set whatever is in texture is applied to the material in slot 1 on the model to look for its _teamnumber varient. If the face material is not in slot 1 then it will not change using the normal commands. Look at the model in the animation browser and check its material slots. You may try to specify the other materials directly via "material[x]=texturetype'package.folder.texture' " but that may not work from a upl.
However that will not make that texture change with the teams either.