Team Numbers Ratio ?

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New Member
Jul 18, 2004
Dissapearing into the fog !
I just had a thought that you may want to include, if its not too much work. At the moment teams are balanced at 50% of the total player count. It might be a usefull tweaking tool for mappers to be able to adjust this ratio. So easily defendable maps such as refinery could have a 2 - 3 ratio in favour of the attackers. This would also make the gameplay a little more interesting as it would allow for maps that are very heavily fortified, howeer the teams could be 1 - 4 in favour of the attackers.

And if its found that this isnt very usefull then the current maps could always be set to 1 - 1 and theres no harm done ^^


DA Team
Oct 6, 2004
bikini bottom tbh!
Attackers have almost or zero respawn time, though the defenders have around ten seconds. There are not more attackers then defenders, attackers only spawn much faster, which gives them a great advantance.


New Member
Dec 27, 2005
Dest said:
Attackers have almost or zero respawn time, though the defenders have around ten seconds. There are not more attackers then defenders, attackers only spawn much faster, which gives them a great advantance.

great i like that idea more than haveing more people on one side


New Member
Jul 18, 2004
Dissapearing into the fog !
Sounds good ^^ as long as attackers have a chance on the hard maps now :). Would this time be reconfigurable for mappers or is it a purely internal thing ? Or perhaps will this be adjustable in the advanced setup controls ?
Mar 20, 2002
Chica Go
Visit site
Dest said:
Attackers have almost or zero respawn time, though the defenders have around ten seconds. There are not more attackers then defenders, attackers only spawn much faster, which gives them a great advantance.

Aww too bad. I was kind of hoping to have more attackers. It was fun seeing them overwhelm the defenders while they mowed down wave after wave of them.

Either way, this is still a much better over the current 50/50 ratio going on right now.