Switch Medic and Mechanic shotgun? Yes or No?

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Switch mechanic shotgun with medic shotgun?

  • Yes

    Votes: 7 46.7%
  • No

    Votes: 8 53.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


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Apr 4, 2002
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Well, let me get this straight:


GK2 "Mech shotty": 8 shots, fast reload (clip), slower ROF (pump*)


LK2 "Medic shotty": 10 shots, slow reload (tube), faster ROF (full auto IIRC)
*If I could have a real-life GK2 I would be the happiest pheasant hunter on Earth (as I already have an awesome retriever).

Class Pros/Cons of note:
Mech and medic have same armor/health ratings, but medic always regenerates health. Mech is one of the slowest classes, while medic is the fastest.

Personally I like the GK2 more as it has a faster reload time and it seems to cause more hit damage (mech is a favorite class of mine though). The LK2 is almost spammy (thinking of the auto shotty from CS), but the reload time is approprately slow.

I think the shotguns are fine as they are right now, but I'm remaining neutral to a switch until someone bumps me one way or another.
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New Member
Jul 18, 2004
Dissapearing into the fog !
I prefer the medics GK2 as you can fire out a flurry of shots then duck and reload, and if you are attacked while reloading you can fire while half full. This gives the medic a great scout and assault capability which i would hate to lose as its one of my favourite classes. The mechanic can already build turrets and as such he should have the less effective shotgun (in my opinion) so i say leave things as the are.


...aka [A|K]Leviathan, mkay?
Jan 7, 2002
...or a welding-torch which can be used... AS A FLAMETHROWER!!!
No... just kidding.

I think weapons are pretty much ok (apart from the smg - it needs a big change) as they are, but both shotties have a unused firemode - ideas?


New Member
Oct 6, 2005
hmmm i dont know if they should get switched or not maybe the medic should be redone im thinking about for him to have a pistol and faster regen or maybe he should have like a healing box to heal others with self regen anyone else agrees with me?


DA2 Project Lead/Level Designer
Dec 10, 2002
Redmond, WA
I think they're fine the way they are honestly, the medic doesn't need healing AND a powerful shotty :p


New Member
Oct 11, 2005
I think they should be left as they are as i can take down a turret much quicker using the mechanic shotty compaired to the medic. As the mech can build turrets he should have the shotty that does the most damage in destroying them.


Oct 10, 2005
Eastern United States
I suggest just switching the models over. How can you have an Auto Shotgun that needs to be manually reloaded while the Pump Shotgun just needs to release a magazine and slip in a new one?

Being in the military and having had the pleasure of firing off both the Manual and Auto Shotty our United States Military uses, I can see the obvious flaw of having a manual loading auto shotty. It's too slow. So my suggestion is to:

1) Just switch the models of the shotguns but keep the same animation files (just tweak the change so it will work)

2) To compensate for the medics spamming abilities you should widen the buckshot spread so he wont be so effective at medium/far range.

3) I honestly think you should give the rocket soldier a shotgun and give the SMG to the medic lol. A Fast class calls for a fast weapon. A shotgun is to cumbersome.


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Apr 4, 2002
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Lucian04 said:
I suggest just switching the models over. How can you have an Auto Shotgun that needs to be manually reloaded while the Pump Shotgun just needs to release a magazine and slip in a new one?
The classic conflict of game balance vs. logical sense in reality. You get a rapid-fire auto shotgun, but it's nerfed with tube reloading so the clip-loading pump shotty can compare.

Lucian04 said:
2) To compensate for the medics spamming abilities you should widen the buckshot spread so he wont be so effective at medium/far range.
Not a bad idea if you sawp the loading methods between the two shotguns. In addition I would give the tube loading pump shotty a tighter choke so it would be more effective at medium range.

Lucian04 said:
3) I honestly think you should give the rocket soldier a shotgun and give the SMG to the medic lol. A Fast class calls for a fast weapon. A shotgun is to cumbersome.
Interesting idea, but since the medic already has a pistol the SMG just seems to be too monotonous when paired with another pistol. The rocketeer has the A9 SMG precisely because it's essentially a machine pistol (which looks suspiciously like a Steyr TMP).

Perhaps the medic can lose BOTH the shotgun and the pistol, and get satchels/steroid injectors/stimpacks/whatever and an SMG.


Oct 10, 2005
Eastern United States
Dest said:
Dont worry about one being stronger then the other! The damage can be nerfed or gained! It's just that the ammo clip doesnt fit the fire methode.

My final Solution:

Change the shotgun models over. The autoshotty should have a magazine based reload system as they do in real life. As to compensate for the faster reload and very possible spamming ability, give the autoshotty a wider buckshot spread, decrease the number of buckshot all together and make the recoil a bit heavier. As for the Tube Loading Pump Action Shotty, Decrease the shot spread so it's more effective over medium ranges and give it a slightly bigger recoil (as shotguns tend to have a LOT of recoil) Also you should give the Autoshotty a scope (the US Army autoshotties come with or without scopes) and give the Pump action Iron Sight Aiming.


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Apr 4, 2002
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In RL I generally use a low magnification red dot scope on a shotgun when I'm firing very tight shot patterns or single slugs/sabots. For normal spreads I use the iron sights as they offer me an uninterrupted FOV for quickly acquiring a target.
On a side note, I almost never use buckshot/sabots/slugs for large game hunting since rifles are more effective at range (I hunt in California...range tends to be an issue). On the East Coast, of course, it would make more sense to use a shotgun as it has a shorter range and poses less danger to the comparatively more crowded environment.

To further drag things away it would be awesome if the medic had those steroids from DA1 :D


Oct 10, 2005
Eastern United States
Crash24 said:
In RL I generally use a low magnification red dot scope on a shotgun when I'm firing very tight shot patterns or single slugs/sabots. For normal spreads I use the iron sights as they offer me an uninterrupted FOV for quickly acquiring a target.
On a side note, I almost never use buckshot/sabots/slugs for large game hunting since rifles are more effective at range (I hunt in California...range tends to be an issue). On the East Coast, of course, it would make more sense to use a shotgun as it has a shorter range and poses less danger to the comparatively more crowded environment.

To further drag things away it would be awesome if the medic had those steroids from DA1 :D

True lol, why dont we give the Mechanic a slug firing shotgun for more accurate shots since having to fire at long ranges a great majority of the time really makes the mechanics shot gun useless.


Oct 10, 2005
Eastern United States
Hunz said:
Slugs... ouch! Alternate fire would be ironsight then, of course.

It would be completely badass. It would be even better if the devs fixed the upkick and velocity of the ragdolls upon impact/death to make even more gruesome movie style deaths.


DA Team
Oct 6, 2004
bikini bottom tbh!
Lucian04 said:
My final Solution:

Change the shotgun models over. The autoshotty should have a magazine based reload system as they do in real life. As to compensate for the faster reload and very possible spamming ability, give the autoshotty a wider buckshot spread, decrease the number of buckshot all together and make the recoil a bit heavier. As for the Tube Loading Pump Action Shotty, Decrease the shot spread so it's more effective over medium ranges and give it a slightly bigger recoil (as shotguns tend to have a LOT of recoil) Also you should give the Autoshotty a scope (the US Army autoshotties come with or without scopes) and give the Pump action Iron Sight Aiming.

Mar 20, 2002
Chica Go
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Lucian04 said:
My final Solution:

Change the shotgun models over. The autoshotty should have a magazine based reload system as they do in real life. As to compensate for the faster reload and very possible spamming ability, give the autoshotty a wider buckshot spread, decrease the number of buckshot all together and make the recoil a bit heavier. As for the Tube Loading Pump Action Shotty, Decrease the shot spread so it's more effective over medium ranges and give it a slightly bigger recoil (as shotguns tend to have a LOT of recoil) Also you should give the Autoshotty a scope (the US Army autoshotties come with or without scopes) and give the Pump action Iron Sight Aiming.

What's the point of the autshotty having a scope if you make the buckshot spread wider? Give the autshotty site aiming and give the more accurate pump action shotty the scope. I realize you wouldn't see that in RL but that's the whole fun of a game, plus it would make more sense for the configuration you suggest.


...aka [A|K]Leviathan, mkay?
Jan 7, 2002
Both the autoshot and the pumpshot have a free firemode which could be filled if someone has a appropiate, implementable idea.
A ironsight would make sense for slugs or explosive bullets, but putting a scope on a rifle which fires buckshot-ammo is kinda strange.