suspension bridge?

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Monkey in a bucket
Dec 1, 2001
dx*dp >= h/4pi
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this is my first level, and i didn't know about bsp or anything(if it matters), but the cubes are rotated, and i easily could have done vertex editing, but i didn't think of it. i took the pic with hypersnap because i didn't know of F9, and if i printscreened, it would be random garble in the pic. vertex editing has two ways, in normal mode, click a vertex, hold alt and click+drag it. in vertex edit mode(next to the normal mode), select a brush, hold ctrl+alt, and drag a box around the vertexs you want to move, then click+drag wherever.


Go in drains
Nov 3, 2001
York, UK
Rotating sux. As a general rule, avoid at all costs. If you have to rotate for a decoration or something, use semisolids, that way the w3rd bsp cuts won't affect the surrounding area.

And will people plz stop pimping Twrecks' maps and pimp mine instead :)


Monkey in a bucket
Dec 1, 2001
dx*dp >= h/4pi
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it looks good, much shorter than i though it was going to be, but i would vertex edit those beams, so the tops and bottoms are angled so it looks better, and reduce polys;)

use a invisible collision hull(under add special, me thinks), in the chain. i have never used it before, so i don't know what to do from there. only put the hull on the right, i think it might be part of the bsp
invisible collision hull doesnt work...

"Sheets will never block anything no matter how hard you try" -shane caudle

you need to put a BlockAll keypoint (actually a few of them) and edit the collide radius so its small enuff to just block the area of the chain... or just make a cube brush the size of the chain and add special non-solid & invisible.