oh, I think that's a hardware issue on my end. Been messing with the game settings, trying to boost my fps where ever I can. Haven't had any trouble with O2 living in the memory for a while now. I think the problem is old hardware.stevenhorton said:The problem you had with OceanRun2; not being able to play the next map
My gfx card is an old G4-MX420, and I only have 512DDRram. I think another gig of ram will fix most issues I'm having, however a new gfx card will come first. My woman's card died, so I put a PCI gfx I had laying around into it & she's not too happy about living in a 640x480x16bit world So I'm going to get a new card and put this one into her's.
I'm in the air between Nvidia & ATI. Any sudgestions? I'm not going to buy the latest & greatest, but 1, maybe 2 models old to save on cash (unless I come accross a great deal).
I need a new monitor too if you know where to get a good deal on one. Mine is diying a slow painfull death. It's what made me edit this post. Out of the blue, it'll go black with a thin white horazontal line accross the center of the screen. After I beat on it a few times, the screen will pop back up. Needless to say what this does to my blood pressure when this happens durring a game...
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