A knife like that is fine to carry around. You just have to justify why you have it.
I purchased a Tissot PR 100 today because I am vain.
I like how the actual time keeping part of that watch is just sort of thrown in on the side there, like an afterthought.
[GU]elmur_fud;2598418 said:Why would that make you vain? It is at the opposite end of the spectrum from ostentatious?
That Tissot is functional and stylish for any occasion IMO.
[GU]elmur_fud;2598418 said:This is a 'look at me watch'....
It's also badass as it is also a clock work orrery complete with platinum ball moon rotating the earth. Probably $100k+ to boot
I was half kidding. That Tissot is on the lower end of their lineup but still a elegant beauty to behold.
Looks more like a wearable calendar, but yeah, you know you're cool when the face has no numbers or other time marks.
[GU]elmur_fud;2598427 said:After I posted, I reread your comment and wondered if it may have been tinged with sarcasm. But it seemed on odd spot for such so I decided 'fuck it, I already posted'.
Hey what do you want!? You already got the months in latin, roughly what day of the month it is, and the astrological sign you currently are under...
I like having a nice timepiece for style more than anything.
but I've never spent more than 75 to 100 dollars on a watch.
I generally do the same, but over the last decade or so, these modestly priced watches keep dying on me. My older watch looked great when it was new, and has been fairly reliable, but the mineral crystal gets scratched when I brush up against a feather. The Tissot has a sapphire crystal, so scratches hopefully won't be an issue of concern. I suppose I am looking at this as a small personal investment.
[GU]elmur_fud;2598479 said:Sapphire being a type of corundum has a hardness of 9 on Moh's scale... Mineral crystal which is really just a hardened glass is about a 5-6. Diamond is 10, fingernail is 3, for comparison.
After 13ish years I think that this watch is pretty stylish...
since I only spent $350 originally that's about $27/year...
...Does it have a secondary battery?