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New Member
Mar 27, 2004
I got banned from Spawns server today.

For those of you that want to here the story, those of you that don't, and those of you who have no opinion, here’s the story.

I was playing XMP in Spawnies XMP Server today with Challenger and there had been multiple good maps in a row (for once) and we were having fun pwning everyone. All of the sudden I see "Loading next level XMP-AMP-Overlord-Alpha2" and I decide that my good map streak is ruined. Also, for the record, I start off the map like any normal map running around shooting people and hacking stuff. Then, since I'm so bored and It's such a crappy map, I flag down Challenger and we decide to have a little fun. The deploys on the map take 1/1000000th of a second to hack (one of the reasons I hate that map) so Challenger and I start hacking. We're hacking the deploy really fast and it's spamming on everyone's screen and we're having a good time until Spawn(H&W) says "stop that or i will ban you smot." I believe it was at that point that I got my first kick from the server. I quickly rejoin and start playing like normal, occasionally sneaking over to the deploy to hack it with Challenger (slower this time so as not to attract attention) and I get around 10k so I start playing again. After about 3 minutes of playing I get bored once again so I decide to try to win a GVG using only concussion grenades. I'm doing pretty good, killing the occasional ranger and tech with them, but no gunners. I've conced every blue player at least 6 times a piece but I haven't gotten that GVG kill I was hoping for. I keep concing all the opponent gunners I see and spawn(h&w) starts getting annoyed. She says "stop being a dick smot" and of course I reply with "Sorry." "im tryin to win a gvg with conc nades" she says nothing so I keep going. I think I get her once (still not sure if it was me or something else because I was blinded when it happened but she fell to her death.) I keep concing every blue player available in hopes that I will get a gunner. Still nothing. Then all of the sudden spawn(h&w) spawns (no pun intended) right in front of me so I conc her. I get her with a couple of good ones the BAM I kill her. I leap for joy on the inside but two seconds later I see "Your IP address has been banned from this server."

The End.

Now discuss weather conc spamming is a bannable cause, and if it is does that make gas spamming a bannable cause? How about turret spamming? (It’s even worse, not only is it uber annoying, it also lags the server) How about deploy point hacking? They’re all parts of the game, so they shouldn’t be bannable causes. If you’re going to play a map where the deploys can be hacked that fast you shouldn’t be allowed to ban for people hacking them.


Nov 21, 2004
hooray for mean server admins, she has a lot of ppl bant, the omnis that we <3, smot, and me, wonder who will be next

i got bant for telling her the truth. thats unfair i think.
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Jul 1, 2005
I miss omni's! I miss Smot! I miss Blue! I miss quality maps and lag free servers! I DON'T miss underpants tho. Not even a little bit!


noob for life
Aug 18, 2004
dutch_gecko said:
That's so unbelievably stupid. She has a lot to answer for.

I wasn't going to say anything but...

honestly now, what does she have to answer for?

It is her server, she pays for the server, she set up the server, she pays for the server, she runs the server, she pays for the server... All of you are freeloaders that don't have to play on her server, if you don't like the way she is running it. I did not like the way she was running it so I stopped playing on it and found another game.... no really, it IS that easy. ;)

I have an idea... go get a job, work, make money, and ::: gasp ::: :eek: go rent your own server. Put only stock maps in the rotation... or better yet open it up to others to choose the maps and they can pick only stock maps and then your server can sit empty (while you pay $100 a month for the best server available) while everyone goes back to playing in spawns. Hey wait that sounds kinda familiar. :::sigh:::

Spawns have earned the right to do what they want with their own server because they paid for it.

Those of you that are paying for your server and are doing something to promote the game and contribute in a real way... well imo you have the right to voice your opinion but to everyone else ... I just say 'eh' :rolleyes: whatever. :shake:
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Think Pink
Jun 16, 2004
Easy Tenacity, easy. I know what you mean - if I owned my own house I'd have the right to do anything with it I like, provided it's legal. I know that Spawn can kick and ban people for whatever reason, that's why she has that power. But don't you find it a little childish to ban somebody for using a weapon provided with the game in an ordinary fashion? Put yourself in Smot's shoes - you'd be pissed off as well.

And as for going out to get a job, and paying for my own server: not everbody is in a position to do that. A full-time university student can not get a full-time job. You know, pay now, reap the rewards later :rolleyes:


noob for life
Aug 18, 2004
dutch_gecko said:
Easy Tenacity, easy. I know what you mean .... Put yourself in Smot's shoes - you'd be pissed off as well.

I wanna make sure you know that I didn't mean anything personal towards you.

I have had to deal with smot many times already. I would guess that he doesn't really even like xmp anymore. So he gets in the server doing whatever he can to find exploits and annoy ppl. That is my best guesstimation. I suppose he has his good days and bad days.

My policy for a long time was to ban Smot on sight and trust me, it wasn't because he was teh leet either. He seems to know to much for his own good but not enough to stay outta trouble.

Well from what I understand ... another xmp server has been shutdown because of this stuff... too bad... XMP really is the best MP game imo.


Jan 23, 2004
It seems to me that the complaints are not about the server being moderated, troublemakers being kept in check e.t.c.. It is with an apparent abuse of those abilities. You can’t argue that owning a server gives somebody the unique right to be a bitch, it simply gives one the power to do so uncontested.

Frankly, to argue that apparent ‘victims’ have no right to voice their frustrations unless they fund a server of their own is ridiculous. While it may be Spawnies prerogative to run the server as she(?) wishes, others are equally entitled to share their opinion on how badly/well she is doing so.

As Gecko said, within the law, if it’s his house he can do what he wants, but as his neighbour it is my right to think him an @sshole and let my friends know exactly what I think of him. *Shakes fist & growls*

Like it or not, (I get the feeling she does) running the only active US server will put her in the spotlight. If the stories are true, (I know of at least a couple that are) kicking/banning players without warning simply for being more talented strikes me as a particularly pathetic way of making a name for yourself.

I’m sure if she is remembered it will be filed under 'L' in the same annals of fame as OG and those of the fabled TKL, because they bought the game, therefore, it was their right to play it as they please!
Mar 6, 2004
Frankly, to argue that apparent ‘victims’ have no right to voice their frustrations unless they fund a server of their own is ridiculous.
Exactly! she may have the server but only because WE play on it...if it wasn't for the players playing in it she wont have a server so if it's like "i pay for the server so you don't got a right to say anything" will only get people angry and lose players..if it gets too far all players and perma bant on other servers if someone else makes one for the US/CAN players. This reminds me..i was in this hockey sim league and the admins were so into power they are like "I MADE THIS SERVER YOU DON'T GOT THE RIGHT TO DO ANYTHING" and i was banend about 5 times...then i started a GM strike and 90% of the GM's followed me...i didn't wanna come back but i felt i would do it for the other gms cuz they were getting angry at how much power this guy was doing..then editing all my posts to make me say im the strike happened and the guy ended up leaving the league so it shut down....i was the best team on the ice by FAR...right players and stuff, i was like 30 wins 4 losses untill this happened then they started making me lose.


New Member
Mar 27, 2004
Honestly, I (Smot) love xmp with all my heart. The only thing I don't love are the small gay maps that Spawn often plays. And you (nb) banned me for being an ass. This may have been true but it was only towards a select group of you.


COD2 Baby!
Jan 17, 2004
}Bb{Kirby said:
Honestly, I (Smot) love xmp with all my heart. The only thing I don't love are the small gay maps that Spawn often plays. And you (nb) banned me for being an ass. This may have been true but it was only towards a select group of you.

So, are you trying to say your only a half ass? :lol:


New Member
Mar 27, 2004
Yes. Did you know that I've crashed your server a couple of times, and one time, when I was banned, I told someone to change their name to SmotPoker and crash your server? Shortly after that a dozen people joined spawn's server and cussed me out... It was fun.

(GR)Killer said:
This reminds me..i was in this hockey sim league and the admins were so into power they are like "I MADE THIS SERVER YOU DON'T GOT THE RIGHT TO DO ANYTHING" and i was banend about 5 times...then i started a GM strike and 90% of the GM's followed me...i didn't wanna come back but i felt i would do it for the other gms cuz they were getting angry at how much power this guy was doing..then editing all my posts to make me say im the strike happened and the guy ended up leaving the league so it shut down....i was the best team on the ice by FAR...right players and stuff, i was like 30 wins 4 losses untill this happened then they started making me lose.

kekeke i kan dekode dis message
It translates roughly to:

I was in this xmp server and the admins were so into power they were like "I MADE THIS SERVER YOU DON'T GOT THE RIGHT TO DO ANYTHING." I was banned about 5 times... After that i started a player strike and 90% of the player's followed me... I didn't want to go back to that gay server but I felt I would do it for the other players because they were getting angry at how much bs this girl (yes it was a girl) was doing... I posted on her clan's fourms and she edited all my posts to say "I'm gay." So the strike happened and the girl ended up leaving xmp so the server died. I was the best player in the game by FAR... right skills and stuff, i was like 30 kills and 4 deaths untill this happened, then my skills began to drift away.

But thats just what I read it as... (no the girl isn't Spawn, it's a different female admin)
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