Stats no longer tracking modified gamestrings

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New Member
Aug 23, 2004
I honestly do not know whether this is a UT2Vote issue, GameMake issue, or "Epic being anal about their ECE release" issue, but what I have noticed is this:

Carball stats are no longer tracked
Deathball stats are no longer tracked
Gamemake stats showing modified match type are no longer tracked

If you have a modified match type that does not use the "Epic" preferred jargon under "match type", your games are not tracked under the stats. This is only for match/ranking stats, not for weapon stats, and not for map stats.

If anyone knows what is going on, let me know. TY


Active Member
Mar 20, 2002
Not sure if it was you that mailed me but all I did all day was answer emails and work with Epic to get the Whitelisting.

When using GameMake3 make sure the suffix section of your classname, ie the part after the fullstop is identical to the Parent Game.

For instance you want to make a Capture the Flag game, now the original is XGame.xCTFGame
Now make you game Whatever.xCTFGame
I got this from some another Admin who says it works - I have not tried it.


New Member
Aug 23, 2004
ProAsm said:
Not sure if it was you that mailed me but all I did all day was answer emails and work with Epic to get the Whitelisting.

When using GameMake3 make sure the suffix section of your classname, ie the part after the fullstop is identical to the Parent Game.

For instance you want to make a Capture the Flag game, now the original is XGame.xCTFGame
Now make you game Whatever.xCTFGame
I got this from some another Admin who says it works - I have not tried it.

Can I make multiple DM games then? How would this work for carball and deathball (which have nothing to do with GameMake, btw, or UT2Vote, but just have the same problem)?

I will make an arena tonight using your suggestion with AkimBin and DM and see it works. I assume it would read:

meType=(GameName="AkimBinArena",blah blah blah MapPrefix="DM",GameClass="DeathArenaTwo.DeathArenaTwo",Mutators="XGame.MutQuadJump,UnrealGame.MutLowGrav,AkimBinBeta.MutDualAkimBinArena",blah blah blah Difficulty=3")

will now read

GameType=(GameName="AkimBinArena",blah blah blah MapPrefix="DM",GameClass="AkimBinBeta.XDeathmatch",Mutators="XGame.MutQuadJump,UnrealGame.MutLowGrav,AkimBinBeta.MutDualAkimBinArena",blah blah blah")????

And yes, I emailed a help email address on GameMake. Sorry it went to you, did not pay attention to whom the address was, my apologies for the double posting. I know you all are under pressure (Queen singing in background).
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Active Member
Mar 20, 2002
Yes, you can make as many of those as you like provided the Prefix part of the name is always different (the AkimBinBeta. part ) :)
Hey dont worry about mailing me, thats what I'm there for, it s just this past week has been hell and I missed many mails out but things should cool a bit soon :)


New Member
Aug 23, 2004
ProAsm said:
Yes, you can make as many of those as you like provided the Prefix part of the name is always different (the AkimBinBeta. part ) :)

Gave this a shot with the AkimBinArena and zark and it did not work, so I will settle for no stats. Great idea though and good someone got it to work. :)

This standardization/no support for mod/muts stuff is really annoying. If it were not for the modding community, there would be no UT.

The more political this gets, the more I enjoy Doom 3 more every day and am looking forward to Quake IV. ;)


Active Member
Mar 20, 2002
Yes, Epic are a bit over the top with removing the stats from a custom game.
I mean what is a custom game, all it does is modify the original so if you make a different CTFGame, its still CTF but they have their wierd reasons.
Its all to do with cheating as one could make a mod that every flag counts as 10 flags and every frag counts as 100 etc.
There should be a 'StatsWhitelist' of sorts for a custom game to get onto.
Maybe someone should suggest that to Epic :)


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Aug 22, 2003
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Do you mean the gameclass strings?? (e.g. XGame.xDeathMatch). If so, thats always been the case and not a UT2Vote problem.

EPIC stats have always tracked by the unique gameclass string, and only the defaults are supported - everything else gets logged as a 'custom gametype'.


New Member
Aug 23, 2004
What is odd here is I am running games are not "custom" per say, as in highly modified. I run sniper, zark, instagib using the ESR, and Akim Binslayer. With the exception of AkimBin, perhaps, all of these get logged by UT as regular DM on other servers - except in my case, because I have modified the gamestrings so that I can run multiple DM games.

And I used GameMake to do it. Sooooo....why should someone who runs a zark server get their zark stats logged, but my zark stats wont get logged? Because I am running more than one deathmatch game?

The logic escapes me, but then the logic behind most of what Atari/Epic does escapes me.

you could use local stats logging with utstatsdb and have full controll
And that is entirely correct, and I am trying to find out more about this..If this is the same utstats I have read about on unrealadmin...

And about making a suggestion to Atari...well...hope this made sense:
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New Member
Sep 26, 2004
ProAsm said:
Yes, you can make as many of those as you like provided the Prefix part of the name is always different (the AkimBinBeta. part ) :)
Hey dont worry about mailing me, thats what I'm there for, it s just this past week has been hell and I missed many mails out but things should cool a bit soon :)

Not sure on how how to do this. GameMake3 always tells me the period between prefix and suffix is illegal char. :(


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Aug 22, 2003
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groovyjoker said:
Hey guys, not sure what happened, but remember how in UT2k3 there was the "Other" category?

That just showed up under my stats, and I am pretty sure these are all the gamemake and other custom games I have been playing

I'm pretty sure that the entire gameclass string (e.g. XGame.XDeathMatch) must match one of the predefined gameclasses for standard games in order for stats to be logged properly. Everything else gets logged to 'custom game'.

The class suffix on its own ('XDeathMatch') would not prevent someone from writing that mod and cheating their way up the stats rankings.

I have not verified this yet - will test using the latest gamemake and let everyone know.


New Member
Aug 23, 2004
ArPharazon said:
I'm pretty sure that the entire gameclass string (e.g. XGame.XDeathMatch) must match one of the predefined gameclasses for standard games in order for stats to be logged properly. Everything else gets logged to 'custom game'.

The class suffix on its own ('XDeathMatch') would not prevent someone from writing that mod and cheating their way up the stats rankings.

I have not verified this yet - will test using the latest gamemake and let everyone know.

So, let me make sure I understand you correctly.

Epic/Atari Corporate geeks have decided that servers may run ONE and only ONE "predefined" gameclass string PER SERVER because of some fear of mods and cheating?

Okay, lets talk about Epic, Atari and if they give a rat's ass about cheaters. Shall we discuss Wormbo's resignation? The lack of support for UTSecure. SafeGame, formalized support for UTAN, or any other effort to prevent cheating? No? Gee....

You mentioned people cheating so they can move their way up ranking..that is assuming Epic, Atari and the rest of the gang can keep their server up long enough to show people what their stats are 50% of the time....No one cares about rankings anymore except those who are new to the game.

Sorry, I just dont see this logic. What I see is that they have designated each server the ability to run ONE gameclass type of each category (DM, CTF, ICTF, AS, ONS), probably in a weak attempt to control bandwidth because they knew this game would be a server hog.

If this is correct - if we were "allocated" gameclass strings - then I propose servers get to choose what strings they use. If they want one of each type, fine. If they want 3 DM and 1 ONS, fine. Just keep it under the X-number of standard gameclass strings they were issued, or else the category falls into "Other."

Okay, rant over.