UE1 - UT StÅRGÅTE Project "Unreal" -Recruitment-

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Good morning vietn.. Unreal!
Mar 10, 2008
And more good news, we can keep the Stargate name, becuase we are not going to sell this project. Then its called: Fan-art! :D wieeej yay...


Aug 5, 2005
W00ting himself on CTF-AllYourW00T
Hmm, is there any way to make Ued2.0 work with Unreal1? It is really annoying to map in a Ued1, that old rusty and buggy piece of s.... oftware. After all, why Unreal1 and not UT99 with OldSkool tool? :p

And no , it is not that bad but it could be better there and there... :)
Last edited:


Good morning vietn.. Unreal!
Mar 10, 2008
yes some more details :p ill fix that when everything is working and finished :)
We do it on Unreal1 because then it will get more life you see.. its dieing. :p
And yes, unreal 227d(wich our mod is based on) has Ued 2.0 as editor. but i just prefer the old one :)


Good morning vietn.. Unreal!
Mar 10, 2008
Oh sorry for the description. Well, the mod is totally free and public, for now we only have an Multiplayer beta patch availeble. We don't have an good server, smikey is trying to get one. I only have an server that is in my room, i can boot it up, but only when iam going to test something with some ppl. Do you have any instant messenger? so we can keep in touch. So, you should make an second unreal install, patch it with 227d and patch it with the beta patch.

Our forum is stargateunreal.freeforums.org. maybe you should register ;)

Examples are not necessary i think.. if you can make maps its ok. :p

So here is our plan..
When Death_Pax finished our SGC(Stargate Command Center) we have an Computerpanel in there(http://nl.youtube.com/watch?v=z1idoPjC27g).
On that CP you can choose an scenario(a small story with 5 - 7 maps).
So when you wnt trough the gate u play the scenario. When u finished, you will return to the SGC.

I dont know how much scenarios are in progress, we dont have lots of mappers(that is where we can use your help! :D) You can see the rules here: http://stargateunreal.freeforums.org/work-t57.html . (<--- dont read the replies, we are just sh!tting around there :))

My scenario is in progress at the moment, see the screenshots above :). Those screeniejs ore only of the map im working on, i have already 3 others finished of the scenario(they still need an detail edit tough).
My scenario is also running as test on the servers.

So eh, think of your own scenario, and build it :D.

Please dont use random textures, unless you created them by yourslef.
You dont have to bother about what kind of textures, all your deceision.

Give it an original name like: Assault on planet PX332 or something.(Names doesnt have to exist in the TV shows.)

You should create it like Tomb Raider.. finding buttons that open doors at the other side of the map you know what i mean :p

*wauw im getting good in long posts, sm1key is still the king tough.*


Okey now i have another request to all the coders and Skinners out there.
Please if you want to help us, read this carefully: http://stargateunreal.freeforums.org/classes-t107.html#740

You'll understand :)

Okey i hope this was some good information, please PM me your instant messenger like MSN or Yahoo. (If you want to help us :D)



Jan 22, 2008
The Netherlands
*wauw im getting good in long posts, sm1key is still the king tough.*

Hell iam :D

Hehe Sorry of my long AFK.. as Pyro told i had some problems..

Am trying to rush true all unfinished things and work to suport my friends at the mod comunity...

The Idea now is :

Pyro and me are finishing 4 weapons with help of TO3 Team member Duckfisher my good friend of Belgium :)
Now we need them to inport them in to unreal..

So cookie can fix the weapon scripts..

SO there wil be 5/6 weapons in the next Beta PAtch..
Death PAx wil work on a New HUD for the mod.. and try to have this done for the new patch ..

As for our map team.. The plan is to try to finish some story missions.. so we can fit in our Ennemy bots... ( where buster and cookie wil work on in later progres of the mod)

SKins need to be done for the enemy team..

As for far there wil be stil a small part that need to be re writed and to be taking care off.. ( coding etc. )

Wel i ques we can do this and it was fun to read all the replys haha... HOpe we can keep it by FAN ART.. and yes i am a FAN..

B '' Stargate' is al so a myhologie name of the gate of the gods... in peru.. if am correct and afganisstan and lot more countries.. loook on internet .. its also a code name of a secret project in the coldwar... google around:)

And yes thanks for al reply's :)

REcruitement is stil open :)

peace all :) happy fragging time!



Old fart on top the mountain.....
Pyronious, had to do a reinstall on the test machine due to some wierd glitch and even after that it still doesn't want to play nice. So I'll have to prep my other machine up for testing. I even got a extra hdd from a freind to use for development and such.


Good morning vietn.. Unreal!
Mar 10, 2008
Nice nicee.... :p im working on an complete rebuild of my map series.. so the old one will be gone, and my new one takes it place :p


Jan 22, 2008
The Netherlands
hmm oke Fast Quik Replay..

Updated a lot .. and also launched the official website now that wil replace all old Dedicated websites and forums..


More info wil be on BUF ASAP..

We had some delay because of prived family (Cancer) and some other crew people bussy with school and job...

but w'r doing our best:)

Updating website with latest and all needed screenshots and images...


Here is party?
Sep 21, 2003
Winnipeg, Canada
Visit site
I never understood why people put so much work into doing something that has already been done. I'm sure with your team's talent you can come up with some original content and a story to back it. If you do then its your own and you can do with it what you please.


Good morning vietn.. Unreal!
Mar 10, 2008
is making a mod with a complete new weapon set and (professional) good looking map art + new gametype and own website about stargate on unreal227 already done ?


Jan 22, 2008
The Netherlands
hmm check website for latest stuf& update news ... and sorry .. storyline is at forum posted.. and only for registered people .. ( i found out later ) rofl.. sorry. 99% view able with out registering.. but your always welcome to visit us. :)
