StarCraft II

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Bola Gun fun anyone?
May 25, 2004
Its better to go and play Forged Alliance, and if you're gonna play Supcom, at least install Sorian's AI, default is suckier than suck.

I confess I still on occassion play Forged Alliance, though with two mods that speeds up the game, increased income, and reduced build time. This does mean the AI is able to throw out even more units your way, uh-oh.


fap fap fap
Jan 20, 2008
At this point you're nothing more than a troll.

I just linked you a video discussing high-level strategy, resource distribution and battle plans for a game that's not even in beta yet, based off of one battle report alone. And there's four of those videos already, from just one former pro player and e-sports commentator.

Those videos last roughly one hour per match and most of them don't even touch on the game-specific info like unit stats, good unit combos, strategies for different race matchups, build orders, counters, etc. Just the high-level stuff like resource distribution and mental concepts.
You might notice the guy has about 60 other similar webcasts about SC1 that DO delve into the deeper mechanics of the game.

If after watching that kind of stuff you can still honestly claim "SC has no damn strategy in the first place", you're a troll and my trying to have a reasonable debate with you is over.

Last try, it's really not that complicated of a concept:

Thinking mans game + micromanagement = More demanding thinking mans game. Same strategic level/depth, same choices/risk vs reward, higher pace of the game and more stuff to do at once.
It's as simple as that and if you can not agree even on that basic level I highly doubt you've played SC for more than 10 matches and you still thinking Zergling rushes are the ultimate strategy and probe harass is cheap.

You claim that removing micro from a game altogether frees up time for the player to macro more. Then, in order to not make the game boring, you could add MORE macro decisions. You know, like lots of stuff happening at once, larger scale, and lots of little decisions that you'll have to make that make up the grand strategy when combined.

...Which ends up back at micromanaging. If you increase the scale of a battle, the scale of micro/macro increases as well. Building 3 barracks is considered macro in SC, yet if you increase the scale to a game that typically has 50 barracks per player, 3 barracks can be considered annoying micromanagement as well. After all, shouldn't you be focusing on map control and strategic decisions instead of methodically placing new buildings?
Those three barracks have very little effect on the grand scheme.


About popularity: I'm pretty sure we can count a game that has made it to a national sport for nearly a decade as a good game, without bringing up Halo and Wow.

There are more effective ways to troll than to go into long drawn out arguments. ;)

I didn't read your reply to brizz's post cause I didn't feel like using the the time to, but I've seen some pro SC matches and all the SC2 battle reports so far. It would be hard to argue over a video without referencing every few seconds of it, but from what I've seen it's just basic things like attacking head on with certain units and microing.

Edit: Lol that guy in the video you linked says he doesn't know **** about SC1 or SC2. I don't think a newb is real credible. :lol:
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Cute and Cuddly
Aug 2, 2000
Salt Lake City UT
Make sure you log in to your account and check there. If you're in then the beta client will show up along with your other games. A lot of the opt ins haven't received their email yet but are already playing. Some are saying that only 500 were admitted today.
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fap fap fap
Jan 20, 2008
Make sure you log in to your account and check there. If you're in then the beta client will show up along with your other games. A lot of the opt ins haven't received their email yet but are already playing. Some are saying that only 500 were admitted today.

Awesome, I just made a Bnet account and registered all the Blizz games I could. Also opted for the betas. Too bad you can't register older games like Diablo 1 yet.


New Member
Jan 20, 2008
There are more effective ways to troll than to go into long drawn out arguments. ;)

I didn't read your reply to brizz's post cause I didn't feel like using the the time to, but I've seen some pro SC matches and all the SC2 battle reports so far. It would be hard to argue over a video without referencing every few seconds of it, but from what I've seen it's just basic things like attacking head on with certain units and microing.

Edit: Lol that guy in the video you linked says he doesn't know **** about SC1 or SC2. I don't think a newb is real credible. :lol:

The guy I linked you DID reference every few seconds of it. You're going to contradict him based on no real experience and watching a few replays?
Oh, and read the very short 2 line description above the video for credibility.
"Sean Plott
Day[9].tv provides high level commentary on competitive Starcraft matches from an 11-year veteran and top player."

Indeed, what does a former WCG winner and two-time finalist really know about the game?


Apparently all the first-wave beta keys were already mailed out yesterday, so signing up now probably won't be too effective. There's quite a lot of people with passes from blizzcon who are still waiting for a key and then there's all the people who own at least one blizzard product who are good luck;)

The current live streams are hilarious, by the way. Most of them, as far as I've seen, have consisted of some WoW nublet being harassed to death by a former SC or War3 player.
Most recent example: Protoss vs Terran. Protoss can already build stalkers, sends one forward and catches Terran without any unit-producing structures. Proceeds to build pylons all through the T's mineral line and then cannons behind it. 20 Seconds build time, bam. Entire Terran's economy gone. Without building a single unit:p
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Apr 2, 2005
The current live streams are hilarious, by the way. Most of them, as far as I've seen, have consisted of some WoW nublet being harassed to death by a former SC or War3 player.
Most recent example: Protoss vs Terran. Protoss can already build stalkers, sends one forward and catches Terran without any unit-producing structures. Proceeds to build pylons all through the T's mineral line and then cannons behind it. 20 Seconds build time, bam. Entire Terran's economy gone. Without building a single unit:p

If I get a beta key that sounds like something that will happen to me for the first few days until I get the hang of it :p
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Cute and Cuddly
Aug 2, 2000
Salt Lake City UT
Apparently all the first-wave beta keys were already mailed out yesterday, so signing up now probably won't be too effective. There's quite a lot of people with passes from blizzcon who are still waiting for a key and then there's all the people who own at least one blizzard product who are good luck;)

The reports I'm seeing out of the community outlets that have contact with Blizzard are saying that invites will be sent out all day today and into the evening. I was seeing people get their email all night long.


Gold Member
Apr 3, 2004
London, Ontario
Installed WC3 this morning with the intention of getting back into the Blizzard-RTS swing of things.

I used to play it a lot back before I got sidetracked with school/life in general/etc. Mainly with friends over LAN and teaming up with them over They were the types who would analyze replays and read strategy guides all night just so they could beat me (I would always beat them at FPS games of course...) I could usually hold my own against them for a good length of the match before slipping up somewhere and letting them destroy me though.

I played a 1v1 game against easy AI on Plunder Isle this morning. Got completely owned by about 15 Orc units, 10 mintues into the match.

*practices more* :(


Apr 2, 2005

(and yes, that's build time he's looking at. Gas is displayed to the right of the mineral req.)

I hate people who include "lol" after everything they say >:[

btw just for you kids who are making multiple accounts:
In order for a account to be able to opt in to upcoming beta tests, you must have at least one Blizzard Entertainment game that you own attached to the account. Please note that the World of Warcraft trial edition does not count toward this requirement. Having more than one game attached to an account or having specific games attached to an account will not affect your chances to be selected.

Beta invitees will be selected periodically from the entire pool of players who have chosen to opt in and who meet the requirements. Opting in early doesn’t mean you’ll be invited sooner than someone who signs up after you.

Also the beta is 1.64GB :p
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20% Cooler
Jun 6, 2008
Installed WC3 this morning with the intention of getting back into the Blizzard-RTS swing of things.
Installed StarCraft for the same reason :p
I'm hoping I'll get to play it eventually but not have too many bugs so I don't have to post on their forum too often (and stopping playing :D)