The south doesn't consider itself a part of the north? I would have never guessed. And his name isn't Wrong, it's Wong, so I see no reason to call him Wrong. And his last sentence was, in fact, missing a comma.Neuroflare said:South germany doesnt even consider itself a part of north germany. Its an Austrian accent because they are speaking an Austrian dialect of german.
And smoke, EvilDrWRONG would ahve been a better retort. Despite his correctness.
Smoke39 said:The south doesn't consider itself a part of the north? I would have never guessed. And his name isn't Wrong, it's Wong, so I see no reason to call him Wrong. And his last sentence was, in fact, missing a comma.
Spawning gibs when you take damage and having bits of your flesh actually fly off to reveal a metalic skeleton are two compltely different matters. And Star Trek phazors rock. Their rifles are cooler, though.vulture987 said:smoke man, are you saying you couldnt make a mod that gibbed you as you took damage? i mean i know nothing but it doesnt SOUND hard. you could at least make one where gibs fly off with the blood right?
as for the star trek phasor, i have personally never liked it. i mean look at it! the borg get weapons from any race they assimilate, the klingons (i butched the spelling i know) have their warblades, what do humans get? a fancy tazor. now i know its probibly a realistic idea of a futuristic weapon but still, lets face it. real weapons can be pretty boring.
I know his name is Wong. I'm saying that your statement would have been clever if you said Wrong.