So what have you done to help out UT:XMP recently ?

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Oct 25, 2003
Everett, WA
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I spent about an hour Sunday spammin all the CTF servers I could find that I had time for... Just went to those with lots of peeps on them. I pumped... I pimped... I Crooooned... XMP... If you like CTF you will LOVE UTXMP... XMP is like CTF on MegaSteroids... Your life will be woefully incomplete if you like CTF and do not go download the new UTXMP mod.... it is ONLY beta now but is moving fast towards finished version...


PRG said something here that I never realized... that ONS is more like XMP than CTF... I never really thought so but him saying so means that there are MORE peeeps to go pimpin this too :)

I am shameless! hahaha... I love the NEW XMP way way way ... ok INFINITELY better, than U2XMP.

GotBeer.... I was having a ****faced day lol.. I was easy to kill but was good to see you there :). Sorry to all other Xclanners how much I must give others the impression we suck hahahaha. I just have a dysfunctional killer instinct. I am a PLAYER not a Frag-Obsessive ;)

Pimpin on!


surrealistic mad cow
Jul 8, 2002
Skaxis, I don't know if the spamming will help but one guy described XMP as a mix of CTF+DOM+ONS :p .


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Oct 25, 2003
Everett, WA
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FurociousFa said:
good job to play another game, and likely attract no one by annoying them with your spam messages.

Understood. I am laying aside my Pimp costume for the time being... but keepin it fresh... gotta go get the goldfish in the boot heels some more food etc.


noob for life
Aug 18, 2004
Azura said:
This is a question I'm asking to each any every member that considers themselves a fan of the game. What exactly have you done to help UT:XMP gain some popularity as of late ?

....ummm paid for a website and server and .....ummmm paid for a website and server, and ummm....PAID FOR A WEBSITE AND SERVER..... heh now if we could just get a balanced scrimmable game I think we will be all set. ;)


Feb 16, 2004
Tenacity said:
....ummm paid for a website and server and .....ummmm paid for a website and server, and ummm....PAID FOR A WEBSITE AND SERVER..... heh now if we could just get a balanced scrimmable game I think we will be all set. ;)

I helped a bit. <3
Dec 4, 2004
Azura said:
Saw you coming a mile away, you bucket of vinegar dip xD .

What have I done to cause you this deep mental scarring and emotional trauma? Why do you avoid the rest of my post that completely annihilates your original post, while also calling you a retard? You brought this on yourself.


surrealistic mad cow
Jul 8, 2002
Nothing personal, but almost every reply of yours I've read is either negative or downright provocative. As for your 'annihilating' post, I've seen patches for games that have taken months to come out.


Back from the dead
Apr 17, 2003
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Well in all honesty I am on the same stand point as everyone else. It is that we advertise when the game is up to par. I did a little experiment during the U2:XMP beta for kicks and advertised it in early stages to get more people in the beta. Most of the people I invited simply hated the experience because it was not ready or considered playable in there mind(even though it was a beta). Ok back on topic.

What I did to help UT:XMP out(what I am still doing):

1) Convinced my clanmates to switch over(all 30 or so having to buy UT2K4).

2) Bought a UT:XMP server hosted by Xeno-Tech.

3) Compiled a list of bugs (post where was relevant).

4) Continued to be positive about the outcome(hoping FMI does not just say fock it and leave us).

5) I try to keep everything in perspective:

5a) FMI does not get paid to do this(they are doing this for us and themselves).

5b) FMI is working from scratch trying to convert/emulate a game that is no longer supported.

5c) The XMP community is still in state withdrawl from the fact that our life line(Legend Ent.) was snatched from us.

5d) The only thing keeping XMP alive is us. We hold the power to make it succeed or destroy it[Example= The Wheel of Time(need I say more?)]

6) Continue to play UT:XMP no matter what the outcome.
Dec 4, 2004
Azura said:
Nothing personal, but almost every reply of yours I've read is either negative or downright provocative. As for your 'annihilating' post, I've seen patches for games that have taken months to come out.

Sure, maybe the patches take months to come out, but does it take the team months to update any changes or give any word about what is going on with their project?

As for the negative replies, people often make lame attempts to insult me, such is your case. Yet no one understands why I respond to it, or fails to see the source.
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noob for life
Aug 18, 2004
:tup: :tup: Just wanted to give double thumbs up to Creig ...great job I hope it pays off in the end :notworthy:


Back from the dead
Apr 17, 2003
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Posted by Tenacity
Just wanted to give double thumbs up to Creig ...great job I hope it pays off in the end

I want to return the favor and say, "Thanks" for NB being bold enough to take that step back to U2:XMP and also for supporting Xeno-Tech. :clap:
Jan 13, 2005
Tampa FL
Awesome Thread...

1. I have sat on servers (mostly BBF) waiting for others to come and join. When neewbs join I try to show them around instead of just ice them again and again (sometimes once or twice just for fun though). Once newbs actually UNDERSTAND what is going on (ie, not getting fraged constantly and getting a chance to play the game with real players) they will get hooked just like i did.

2. I understand those that want to wait for a gold version of UTXMP, BUT here is the deal. NEW PLAYERS CHECK OUT THE GAME ALL THE TIME!!! I have played every ut2k4 mod i could find and the reason that i dont play most of them is i could never find anyone online to play with. UTXMP has some dedicated players but we could use some more. we dont want to loose newbs who love onslaught and vehivle capture the flag that download UTXMP only to not find anyone on. In my oppinion the CURRENT version of xmp is far more fun teamplay and fragging than any UT2K4 gametype.

3. I want to offer some praise to FMI for the awesome job that they have done already. the game rocks and the patch fixed all the major bugs that i experianced. I am learning mapping and scripting so i understand that its not easy... Keep up the good work :)

P.s. My 2 man clan :lol: wants to scrim with 2 members of your clan. preferably some small maps...


New Member
Dec 15, 2003