So I finally bought UT3...

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XSI Mod Tool User
Nov 12, 2008
Cleveland, OH, USA
Well, the DX11 hardware certainly makes up for the slower system, and when Epic makes another UT game, XP will have the final nail in the coffin anyway.


spam noob
Jan 29, 2006
It'll be interesting to see how the whole dx11 situation develops. Consoles make up for the majority of game sales these days - last I heard PC game sales only represent 7%. That's a pretty narrow market to launch a new dx version and the $500 cards that can run it.

I'm guessing it's going to be a good long time before we see any significant dx11 exclusive games. At best it's going to be console ports that have some type of halfbaked dx11 support just to advertise it on the box.


Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
Better than Vista maybe, but not XP.

On my main machine I got 2 FPS LESS on 7 than XP. But on my laptop I got a huge performance boost as soon as I switched from Vista Home Premium x32 to Win 7 Pro x64
A 2 FPS reduction is meaningless. It could be other system factors causing that.

For me, Windows 7 performs on par or better than XP did.


Lurking where you least suspect...
Dec 26, 2000
Tucson, Arizona
It'll be interesting to see how the whole dx11 situation develops. Consoles make up for the majority of game sales these days - last I heard PC game sales only represent 7%. That's a pretty narrow market to launch a new dx version and the $500 cards that can run it.

I'm guessing it's going to be a good long time before we see any significant dx11 exclusive games. At best it's going to be console ports that have some type of halfbaked dx11 support just to advertise it on the box.

D3D is only an API. It's not necessarily very important. Honestly knowing your hardware and how to make the most of it with software is really what matters. DX is also limited to only Microsoft products. Which really hurts things...


Art for swans is dope!
Jan 24, 2008
You say a 9500GT runs ridiculously slow in UT3. I have a 9500 GT from EVGA, and the game runs fine for me only because I have the advanced features (the ones you can only access via the .ini) turned off with everything else set up high (besides bloom and DOF) and at 800x600. To other people, this would be a definite bad card for playing games like UT3, but for me, as long as it can run more recent games at bearable frames and above-Low graphics, I'm OK.

Although seeing as you want to review maps, I can see why you need as much eye candy as you can get, so... here's your 15 seconds back, I guess.

EDIT: Oh yeah, something really weird happens when I play maps in the UT3 Editor via the "Play From Here." Whenever I do that, I get maybe 60 frames, it's so smooth. It might be that the editor forces you to play in a window, though, what with it being a preview...
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