Sniper things

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Jan 28, 2000
Klagenfurt, Carinthia, Austria
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I'd rather say 1 Hit=1 Kill - shooting's easy, hitting is the problem.
For me PSG 1 Hit =0.92 Kill - which means in 92% I hit the little head with the 6x.
I even make it in rapid succesion, so 'id say I'm able to get 24 bots faster with a PSG than anybody with a Robar.
I still like the Robar for 'special jobs' - gettin a bot behind a wall etc..
This is a free mod, if I prefer the PSG let me..

Snakeye /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif

anything you do can get you killed, including doing nothing


New Member
Nov 13, 1999
Perth, WA, Australia
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Has anyone actually faced seasoned snipers? they can shoot a guy in the head in less than 2 sec!

I can do it sometimes, but a 25% chance, it takes practise!

For tips on sniping:

1. Take ya time on aiming at da opponent, in dark/superb secure sniper nests, there will be hardly n e ammo to pick up, so since you have a "Where is the sniper" location, take ya time.

2. Take cover, in every map, look out for sniper nests! Look for dark places/ high ground/ good view/ secure and with plenty to cover!

3. If you are scanning the battlefield in your scope, and you see an enemy sniper... RUN! DODGE! STRAFE! if you take aim for him immediately a bullet would have already went right through ya head!

4. Went the enemy jumps, you take the oppurtonity, if you havent noticed, jump prevents movement to 35%! which means they make the enemy WEAK! and unable to dodge!

5. Dont always aim for the heads, if you are using a robar, there's no need! As for the PSG, you can kill 'em with 3 shots in the gut. Aim for the heads if only if they're slow!

Already a few guys in UT are asking me for tips, and they work, so dont think I'm just this guy who just shows off, thanx!


As long as I live!


Commander in Chief o' the BMA
Mar 17, 2000
Ottawa, Ontario
I'd disagree, but only because I'm a sadistic bastard and I love the feeling of stalking my prey.

I'll zoom in with the scope, and just watch my prey in my sites for a few moments, in gun battles, gunning down my teammates (hey, they're respawning bots,) with their head in my scope. Then they go to make a major breakthrough - like taking the flag - and quickly, so very, very quickly, a bullet has claimed their head. And by that time I am nothing more than a shadow skulking across to find a new perch, operating the bolt mechanism to find my next victim. I know its inefficient, but it is sadistic.


Jan 28, 2000
Klagenfurt, Carinthia, Austria
Visit site
Another tip for you snipers out there.

I know it shouldn't happen to a sniper, but if a enemy closes in, and you got no time to change your weapon do the following:

Wait! If the bot didn't spot you already - he's still running thowards you without shooting - you've got a chance the following works.
Let him come close and point the middle of the screen to him; as soon as his name appears, you are exactly in line and should pull the trigger.
Shooting to early usually results in miss and the bot emptying his mag into you..

Well, If a bot was able to close in, you're a really bad PSG sniper - aim more for the head! It's senseless with the Robar, but does great work with the PSG!
And thats exactly what you gotta do now. Point the middle of your screen to the bots head and fire! The PSG is semi-auto and can empty a mag quite fast. If you can't get the head, try body shots next time..

I ALWAYS try headshots with a PSG; even if I miss the first the second will hit - that's far better than three body shots. The only time I do not aim for the head, is when a bot was hit before, and I'm sure a single round into it's guts take him out.

Guess I'll be the first sniper using a M16/Sig 550 with scope..

For anybody not using a Robar:

Snakeye /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif

anything you do can get you killed, including doing nothing


Commander in Chief o' the BMA
Mar 17, 2000
Ottawa, Ontario
It would be really cool if Inf kept local stats for you, so you would know how many "groin shots" you got.

That would be cool.
Head Shots: x amount (x%)
Trunk Shots: x amount (x%)
Groin Shots: x amount (x%)
Arm Shots: x amount (x%)
Leg Shots: x amount (x%)
Disarming Shots: x amount (x%)

p.s., the groin should definitely be a place to include as a pain area. Not only does it contain a few major arteries, its also known to be brutally painful. That and seeing somebody grab his crotch and die would be funny. AND REALISTIC! (Who the hell wouldn't make that their last dying move if shot there, honestly?)


Active Member
Apr 30, 2000
i'm not sure but i think theres a mod out called groin shot that does just that...not sure if it eliminates the headshot tho

sniping the poor bastards for 2 years strong


Active Member
Apr 2, 2000
jaunty, the mod is called Crotch Shot. I played with it for a while and then deleted it, because the crotch hit area is so large the bots are constantly popping your knackers off. And soon as that happens, it's like a headshot - instant kill. Furthermore, it replaces head shots.

A note on the PSG-1, the Hensoldt 6x42 is a FIXED power scope. For version 2.8 it will not be zoomable.

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