Sniper damage question (and suggestion)

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The nozzle is now calibrating
Mar 10, 2004
57th State
I go away for the weekend and come back to this...

Optimus, did you mean CJing is gay in UTXMP, or just in general? If it's the latter, I completely disagree. CJing was necessary for a gunner to move around the map when no vehicles wer available. But to stay on track, in U2XMP 2 sniper shots to any part of the body are enough to take out a gunner at full health (I should know, it's happened to me enough times.) Not sure about UTXMP, but it's probably the same. I guess it all boils down to the old "what exactly do the shields do, anyway?" question.


Reach out and torch someone
I don't care about CJing if it blinds you. The health loss and inabilty to see where the hell you're going (guessing by radar/map knowledge) is a tradeoff for the movement.
Now, when you can see what you're doing during it.. that's a problem.
Oh, and the shields drain energy if you stand over a blue supply station. It's a way to make sure your team loses power faster in combat.


Philosopher stoned
Nov 1, 2004
I forgot to add that the laser pointer on sniper rifle should be used only when not zoomed in. The ordinary crosshair should pop up when looking through scope. If I was a realism enthusiast i could say that crosshairs are just r3tarded coz u dont really see them in real life and the only way for aiming should be through weapons own pointer. But the common system with crosshair is pretty useful when compared with the real thing. Try Carnivores-series for annoying aiming...


New Member
Sep 28, 2004
.pot.OptimusPrime said:
I forgot to add that the laser pointer on sniper rifle should be used only when not zoomed in. The ordinary crosshair should pop up when looking through scope. If I was a realism enthusiast i could say that crosshairs are just r3tarded coz u dont really see them in real life and the only way for aiming should be through weapons own pointer. But the common system with crosshair is pretty useful when compared with the real thing. Try Carnivores-series for annoying aiming...

Just to clarify..are you saying in REAL life that you do NOT see the crosshairs on a real rifle? If so then you have obviously never in your life fired a real gun with a scope on for the laser that is in reality not very apt to happen since it is a 50cal BMG in Utxmp it would in real life be very heavy and it is not a weapon that you would want to use in a jump and dodge gunfight,that is what the pistol is for....better yet a shotgun or a little sub machinegun or Mac 10


The nozzle is now calibrating
Mar 10, 2004
57th State
This is Unreal, after all. Otherwise we'd all have to ask, "Where do all the weapons go when you're not using them?"


New Member
Sep 28, 2004
well since this is Unreal they shrink when not in use and are like a coin sized object that you store in your back Pocket...or close to their depends on which animation you see in game :)


Philosopher stoned
Nov 1, 2004
Magwa said:
Just to clarify..are you saying in REAL life that you do NOT see the crosshairs on a real rifle? If so then you have obviously never in your life fired a real gun with a scope on for the laser that is in reality not very apt to happen since it is a 50cal BMG in Utxmp it would in real life be very heavy and it is not a weapon that you would want to use in a jump and dodge gunfight,that is what the pistol is for....better yet a shotgun or a little sub machinegun or Mac 10

moomoo. Of course you see crosshair when you look through scope. Expressing my thoughs in English is sometimes pretty tricky for me... (and yes I have fired guns but as a pacifist I´m not getting my ego boosted for that) I like laser pointer for it being cool, not realism aspects. Let´s not continue this thread. ta


The nozzle is now calibrating
Mar 10, 2004
57th State

I think I know what you're saying about the crosshairs. Every weapon is basically fired from the hip except the pistol and zoomed sniper rifle. So, you would see the zoomed rifle's crosshair, and maybe line up the pistol's sights at arms length, but everything else is basically "shooting from the hip" (according to character animations), so no crosshair. For the game, though, I'm thinking your weapon projects the crosshair on your hud.

And to finish:
/me pulls flamethrower from a deep, dark place and roasts gecko
Roasted leezard, anyone?
Anyone remember that REALLY old pre-Delirious Eddie Murphy song about sticking stuff up your butt?
"Put some money in your butt.
Sure feels real funny in your butt."
and so on...


destructive poppets!!
Nov 25, 2004
and let that pointer shown on your screen if you look towards a sniper that has a aim on you(must be able to turn off, bad for heartpatients :lol: ).


Pretty in Pink!
Feb 29, 2004
A long long way from home...
GDCFaust said:
double-posters have small penises
And again another double post... Must include the word 'very' this time... :p

GotBeer? said:
I think I know what you're saying about the crosshairs. Every weapon is basically fired from the hip except the pistol and zoomed sniper rifle. So, you would see the zoomed rifle's crosshair, and maybe line up the pistol's sights at arms length, but everything else is basically "shooting from the hip" (according to character animations), so no crosshair. For the game, though, I'm thinking your weapon projects the crosshair on your hud.
If you want no cross hairs then good luck to ya ;) About the "laser dot thing", why not just set your sniper rifle sight to a dot, and then shrink it a bit and turn it red? That's what i've done - but i have it green...
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destructive poppets!!
Nov 25, 2004
look at the time between those posts(one is 7.18 AM and the other is on 1.50 PM)

okay I won't double post but next time I'll triple or quadtiplepost hahahaha :lol:

what are you whining about I didn't doublepost again :lol: :lol:
and very small compared to 2 houses on eachother :lol: :lol:

and here a triple post by cyb:
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New Member
Dec 15, 2003
heavy_wargod said:

yep, but only double posts suck, making triple posts is considered cool again. *cough*
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