Sniper damage question (and suggestion)

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The nozzle is now calibrating
Mar 10, 2004
57th State
From this Gunner's perspective: If two shots can kill a Ranger and a Tech, shouldn't it take three shots to get through the Gunner's heavier armor? If I can't move out of the way as fast as other classes because my armor is weighing me down, shouldn't that be reflected damage-wise? (I understand it is that way with most other weapons) I could see two-shot kills if one hit was a headshot, but otherwise I feel it should be three.

Or as an alternative, decrease the amount of health lost, with a corresponding increase in loss of shields. Instead of the first shot taking health from 100 to single digits, knock health to like 30 or something. That would keep the two-shot kills, but not completely cripple the Gunner if the Ranger (or someone else) decides to move in close for the kill.

I know, I know - "armor piercing". But even those rounds would be slowed by thicker armor, therefore doing less damage. Could be that the sniper round is a "magic bullet" that completely ignores armor and shields. :confused:


New Member
Aug 4, 2004
Instead of the first shot taking health from 100 to single digits, knock health to like 30 or something. That would keep the two-shot kills, but not completely cripple the Gunner if the Ranger (or someone else) decides to move in close for the kill.

i don't know about in utxmp but in u2xmp it knocks it to about half if it isn't a HS, making the gunner alot harder to kill than the other classes since you need get 2 sniper shots in while trying to not get a rocket in the face. ;)

your second suggestion could probably work but imo the weapon balance in u2xmp was nice and it should stay as close as possible to it in utxmp.:hmm:


destructive poppets!!
Nov 25, 2004
fireball said:
Yeah, but then at close range, gunners would utterly pwn rangers.


Then again...

well the pistol of the ranger fixes it(I hope) and maybe it can be that the medic has a 130 health :p with 80 shield or something. but I do agree that the ranger is a bit to difficoult at long range. you can lock but if he stands high on a mountain and walks back, then it would just be a waste of ammo. and the gunner needs very good dodgingskills to outsmart a ranger or to have a terrainadvantage.


destructive poppets!!
Nov 25, 2004
maybe let the ranger have a laser on the sniper so you can see the spot where the ranger is aiming at? then it will be harder for them(if they would let that red point in sight) to have a sneakshot


Reach out and torch someone
Laser sight? Problem with that is that you're not aiming 90% of the time in a FPS, you're looking/moving. That would just give away your position. I would say zoomed in only, but most rangers seem to fire 'off the hip', as it were.
And my original post was referring to the fact that gunners SHOULD be better at close range.


destructive poppets!!
Nov 25, 2004
hey stfu keep those comments to yourself

so what I've posted twice double.
ill blow your brains out in UTXMP! at least if you dare to face me!
well mine is small compared to a house yes


New Member
Aug 4, 2004
IMO The gunner is good now...the only thing that needs to change is the tech's shotty and AR and the ranger's pistol rof, also in utxmp at the moment it is impossible to Conc jump effectively, that's one very good way to make the gunner better against long range since he can conc jump to get close to far away targets.


Philosopher stoned
Nov 1, 2004
Cjumping is gay.
Giving sniper rifle a laser pointer would be really cool. It would really add some tension when you see few lethal red lines sweeping Na Koja´s thick fog.


I think the sniper ownage could be solved by reducing damage per projectile and increasing clip size to 5 or 6. And in general hit-scan weapons should do damage depending on which body part is shot. Crippling one´s left toe doesn´t kill you at same probability (xcept Bob Marley...) as piercing heart or lungs.

And what about removing crosshair from sniper rifle completely when not looking through scope and aiming with laser beam instead. Sweet...
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New Member
Dec 15, 2003

why not get rid of all crosshairs and the hud. players should only have one weapon (a rubber mallet) and hacking doors, generators and deploypoints takes 45 seconds. 2 classes are enough too. :rolleyes:


Pretty in Pink!
Feb 29, 2004
A long long way from home...
cyb said:

why not get rid of all crosshairs and the hud. players should only have one weapon (a rubber mallet) and hacking doors, generators and deploypoints takes 45 seconds. 2 classes are enough too. :rolleyes:

OMG that's the best idea i've heard :D 2 classes - sumo's and badgers? ;)

All this arguing but you can roast another gunner with one of his incindiary nades... I think the ranger should have asbestos clothes. Anyway should it be changed so that when it explodes it released a flume of Pot Pourri instead of napalm?


New Member
Sep 28, 2004
Mabye i am right mabye wrong but if i remember correctly in U2xmp it took 2 headshots to kill a gunner one body shot and one headshot did not do it.If you can hit a gunner twice in the body and kill him with SR that is not good...should be two body shots and a head shot,or two headshots ,or three body shots all with SR
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