I recently ran into these issues
1. SAW:
When trying to fire very short bursts it is quite likely it doesn't shot.
It seems like if you hit fire when the weapon is still 'proceeding the last burst' you won't produce a single shot even if you keep 'fire' pressed. I have no clue about the RL situation but since none of the other weapons shows this behavior I asked myself wether its a feature or a bug....
2. Benelli:
Although stated in the German manual, I can't find any way to interupt the reoading procedure and shoot. Since I find myself reloading all the time when using the Shotgun it would be quite helpfull.
So when pulling the trigger while reloading the player should just drops the shells and fire instead of dying with a half loaded weapon in hands...
(although somebody picking it up lateron might appreciate his effort to put in as much bullets with his last breath )
And what about other weapons? Wouldn't you be able to shot the chambered bullet even when the Magazin is missing?
I don't know if it's a lot of effort to implement (or if somebody beside me even feels a demand) but I feel clumsy when a retarted bot joins me watching the reload anymation just to shot right before I'm done...
1. SAW:
When trying to fire very short bursts it is quite likely it doesn't shot.
It seems like if you hit fire when the weapon is still 'proceeding the last burst' you won't produce a single shot even if you keep 'fire' pressed. I have no clue about the RL situation but since none of the other weapons shows this behavior I asked myself wether its a feature or a bug....
2. Benelli:
Although stated in the German manual, I can't find any way to interupt the reoading procedure and shoot. Since I find myself reloading all the time when using the Shotgun it would be quite helpfull.
So when pulling the trigger while reloading the player should just drops the shells and fire instead of dying with a half loaded weapon in hands...
(although somebody picking it up lateron might appreciate his effort to put in as much bullets with his last breath )
And what about other weapons? Wouldn't you be able to shot the chambered bullet even when the Magazin is missing?
I don't know if it's a lot of effort to implement (or if somebody beside me even feels a demand) but I feel clumsy when a retarted bot joins me watching the reload anymation just to shot right before I'm done...