Sleepytown TDM

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See This Needle? See my arm...
Jun 10, 2001
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That map was not made for that many people. Hell even 6 peeps are too much!!! Why must servers pull crap like this when there are so many other maps that are being ignored. UGH

EDIT* And you wonder why inf is so deathmatchy


Jan 4, 2001
lol unnapreciative I see eddie, thats ok I'm not catering to you... I am however bringing a beautiful map back into play. Hopefully just in time for the 2 vs 2 league and the 1 vs 1 league. Anyways it shouldn't matter to you a bit since you dont play on our sevrers. Thanks for your pointless post though. Ohh and btw eddie one of our servers in facts runs almost ALL 3rd party maps, but you wouldn't know this.


See This Needle? See my arm...
Jun 10, 2001
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Originally posted by GNAT
lol unnapreciative I see eddie, thats ok I'm not catering to you... I am however bringing a beautiful map back into play. Hopefully just in time for the 2 vs 2 league and the 1 vs 1 league. Anyways it shouldn't matter to you a bit since you dont play on our sevrers. Thanks for your pointless post though. Ohh and btw eddie one of our servers in facts runs almost ALL 3rd party maps, but you wouldn't know this.

Sorry. maybe i expressed my opinion in an offensive way. i agree it is a beautiful map and yes it will work great for the 2 vs 2 or 1 on 1, i have no problems with that. But you have to understand that with 16 people playing it will be pure deathmatch chaos, rounds that end in 30 seconds. Is this your idea of fun? I hope not. I've played on your servers before, just not anymore because of decisions like this, i really believe it hampers gameplay. Why is my post pointless? I am just trying to help you out as an admin , maybe you will get more people on your servers if you listened to what we said. Stop preaching to the converted, dont you want new players on your servers? There are plenty on this board who would join in if you shaped up a bit. And I sincerally doubt that any server runs almost all 3rd party maps. Youd be surprised how many maps i have and subsequently how many i have not seen online. Well, i hope you see my side of things, maybe i was too hostile, i apologize but please take this into consideration. Thanx


Doctor of Phragology
Aug 6, 2000
eddie, why are you such a whiny lil ****?

How do you offer support for INF?

Do you run any servers for the public?

Do you host any websites for organized teams based
solely on the Infiltration mod (which offers free advertising for INF and the INF Team?

Been creating any INF maps lately?

Sleepytown is a great map but the ONLINE PUBLIC complained of telefragging, so Gnat fixed it. Although he allowed it to handle 18 players max if you ever played online or hosted a server you would realize that most servers allow no more than 16 max players, and the majority are 10-14 players max. Sleepytown is a fine map for two 5-man teams.

So quit talking out of your ass unless you know what you're talking about.


Jan 4, 2001
There are two parts to being an admin eddie, personal satisfaction and player satisfaction. This map was a personal favorite of mine since it came out. I put it there because I like it, and players like it minus telefrags. Thus I pleased both ends of my being an admin.

As for the map rotation, we have different servers for different maps. The 2000 server is predominately core maps with a few other 3rd party maps thrown in.

The 2001 on the other hand consists of:

cuban dawn,
Bosnian Winter*
Mayan Valley*
Industrial Mayhem*
Training Ground*
Twin Bridges*

*'s pointing to the 3rd party element. Thus this server runs as a majority 3rd party maps.

I accept your apology but just fyi I observed the same type response in another thread...

I believe you said something about the sevrers running the same old "crappy" maps. That was in response to the official map pack.... last time I checked none of them were crappy. It's unfortunate you feel this way... The thing is, the 2000 server is the one that is ALWAYS packed out... and the custom map server is not, it sorta tells who wants to play what in my opinion. But we offer both servers just so you can make the choice for yourself. As a matter of fact feel free to come and see us, you'll more than likely be pleasantly suprised if you play along with any of us regulars at the amount of teamwork, and general understanding of an anti-bug abusing mentality. DOn't be so easily discouraged...
Last edited:


See This Needle? See my arm...
Jun 10, 2001
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Originally posted by {PhD}Teutonic
eddie, why are you such a whiny lil ****?

How do you offer support for INF?

Do you run any servers for the public?

Do you host any websites for organized teams based
solely on the Infiltration mod (which offers free advertising for INF and the INF Team?

Been creating any INF maps lately?

Sleepytown is a great map but the ONLINE PUBLIC complained of telefragging, so Gnat fixed it. Although he allowed it to handle 18 players max if you ever played online or hosted a server you would realize that most servers allow no more than 16 max players, and the majority are 10-14 players max. Sleepytown is a fine map for two 5-man teams.

So quit talking out of your ass unless you know what you're talking about.
I'm a whiney little ****? Your the one dispensing personal insults. There is no need to be a jerk about it. :rolleyes:
How do i offer support?
I play the game. I'm not trying to be holier than thou, because i dont believe i am. i just trying to put my opinion in , thats what message boards are for.
Well, i tried to run a server once in awhile with cool maps, unfortunately there is no way in hell my comp and connection can sustain that. i am not blessed with a t3 :(

No i dont host any websites, frankly there are plenty of INF fansites that dont get updated as it is, do you really want another one?

No i have not been creating maps, as i do not know how, but frankly there are plenty of map makers out there whose work is ignore online, because servers refuse to run them. Do you really want more maps that no one will play?

And no sleepy town is not fine for 10 players, it is too small, try it yourself.

Overal, i dont understand why you have to be so uncivilized and rude. Im not trying to be a jerkoff, only helpful. I hope you realize this now, and then we can have a conversation without the insults. Thank you.


Jan 4, 2001
ohh eddie, in theory if the map is played in the way of which inf was designed(as a team) then it is ok for 10 players.... because people wont be out running and gunning into a bloody mess.

Ohh i edited my last post eddie please re-read you may find it informative.


See This Needle? See my arm...
Jun 10, 2001
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Originally posted by GNAT
There are two parts to being an admin eddie, personal satisfaction and player satisfaction. This map was a personal favorite of mine since it came out. I put it there because I like it, and players like it minus telefrags. Thus I pleased both ends of my being an admin.

It is a great map no doubt and if people do not mind being crammed into it with a 5 on 5 then you are right to run it. I know that i would probably be a little claustraphobic but oh well, lol

As for the map rotation, we have different servers for different maps. The 2000 server is predominately core maps with a few other 3rd party maps thrown in.

The 2001 on the other hand consists of:

cuban dawn,
Bosnian Winter*
Mayan Valley*
Industrial Mayhem*
Training Ground*
Twin Bridges*

*'s pointing to the 3rd party element. Thus this server runs as a majority 3rd party maps.

Oh i misunerstod you, you meant the server's maps were in majority running 3rd aprty maps. i thought you meant your server's ran THE majority of 3rd party maps. My bad.

I accept your apology but just fyi I observed the same type response in another thread...

good, no hard feelings? :)

I believe you said something about the sevrers running the same old "crappy" maps. That was in response to the official map pack.... last time I checked none of them were crappy. It's unfortunate you feel this way...

Yes i did say that. that was bad wording on my part, as these maps are great i just feel that are very overplayed. Again bad wording.
The thing is, the 2000 server is the one that is ALWAYS packed out... and the custom map server is not, it sorta tells who wants to play what in my opinion.

:( Shows you that a majority of people are too damn lazy to visit realmaps... and thus the community suffers., IMHO
But we offer both servers just so you can make the choice for yourself. As a matter of fact feel free to come and see us, you'll more than likely be pleasantly suprised if you play along with any of us regulars at the amount of teamwork, and general understanding of an anti-bug abusing mentality. DOn't be so easily discouraged...
Thanks for the invite, I'll be sure to take you up on it...... ONCE 2.86 comes out :)


Jan 4, 2001
man that post was confruuuusing, the replys integrated into my quote took a bit to get used to... but anyways glad you understand. You must understand when people post things like that I take offense because I see it over and over again, it just makes an admin wonder why he wastes his time ya know? anyways cya(when 2.86 comes out)soon