SSPNasdaret=Name: Nasdaret|Age: Unknown|Race: Skaarj||Data:|Nasdaret is the leader of Bleeding Onyx, a gang of Skaarj space pirates who terrorize and rob other ships in the universe's starlanes. He is fierce and professional, and thanks to him, Bleeding Onyx is always one step ahead of planetary and intergalactic authorities.||Recently, Nasdaret and the rest of Bleeding Onyx have entered the Tournament, bringing their great combat skills and brutality with them.||
SSPZebes=Name: Zebes|Age: N/A|Race: Skaarj-replica Android||Data:|Zebes is one of two Skaarj-replica androids that were stolen by Bleeding Onyx, and reprogrammed to serve them.||
SSPHyvern=Name: Hyvern|Age: Unknown|Race: Skaarj||Data:|Hyvern is the armorer for Bleeding Onyx. He's actually not that skilled in battle, but he's willing to learn how to fight now that he's in the Tournament.||
SSPAshrok=Name: Ashrok|Age: Unknown|Race: Skaarj||Data:|Ashrok used to raid Nali villages on Na Pali before he joined Bleeding Onyx, and his pillaging skills have served them well.||
SSPFurian=Name: Furian|Age: Unknown|Race: Skaarj||Data:|The weapons expert of Bleeding Onyx, Furian is unusually laid-back for a Skaarj, but he's *NOT* any less vicious. Beware...||
SSPDevourer=Name: Devourer|Age: Unknown|Race: Skaarj||Data:|''Devourer'' got his nickname from his fondness for dining on the bodies of his slain victims after every successful raid.||
SSPVisor=Name: Visor|Age: N/A|Race: Skaarj-replica Android||Data:|Visor is one of two Skaarj-replica androids that were stolen by Bleeding Onyx, and reprogrammed to serve them.||||
SSPBloodraven=Name: Bloodraven|Age: Unknown|Race: Skaarj||Data:|''Bloodraven'' is the most vicious warrior in Bleeding Onyx. During a raid, he'll calmly slaughter hundreds of innocent (and not-so-innocent) beings with shocking efficiency and lethality.||He now brings that shocking efficiency and lethality to the Tournament, with unsurprisingly brutal results.||
SSPXerius=Name: Xerius|Age: Unknown|Race: Skaarj||Data:|Before he became a member of Bleeding Onyx, Xerius was an undefeated gladiator on the Skaarj Home World. He retired from battle and set out for the stars because he felt that all his foes were inadequate challenges.||Now he has taken up fighting again, this time in the Tournament. He hopes that the Tourney's contestants will give him a better challenge than the pitiful Skaarj he used to fight back on the Home World.||
SSPMendrak=Name: Mendrak|Age: Unknown|Race: Skaarj||Data:|Mendrak secretly wants to be the leader of Bleeding Onyx, and is waiting for the right opportunity to usurp Nasdaret and take control.||In the meanwhile, however, he likes to brownnose his leader, hoping that will lull him into a false sense of security and faith...||