Currently, and for a good while, BUF (Beyond Unreal Forums) started a rule about signature images. These images can be annoying for some people for the size in Bytes or in dimensions. Keep in mind that forums are horizontal, signature images follow the design.
We authorize animated sig of course, as long as the file size is under 130 KB for the sake of it.
File type = PNG, JPG, GIF
Total maximum height = 160 pixels
Total maximum width = 550 pixels
Total maximum FileSize = 130 KB | 56'ers would like your cooperation for it. BMP's and Animated sigs are the cause of high FileSize.
Friendly size = 450 X 160 pixels | With 1 text line under
Friendly size = 500 X 130 pixels | With 2 text line under
(remember you can always change the size of text)
Here is a code tag from Vbulletin.
It will put the text, in the same line of your signature, like here:
(With no commas "*")
That will work correctly if you put all the text after the [/align*] code. other wise, if you don't fill the place with text, it will put the image with your signature space. You really don't want that to happen. You will have to "preview post" for a while before getting it correctly first.
And please, don't forget about the 800X600 users.
Currently, and for a good while, BUF (Beyond Unreal Forums) started a rule about signature images. These images can be annoying for some people for the size in Bytes or in dimensions. Keep in mind that forums are horizontal, signature images follow the design.
We authorize animated sig of course, as long as the file size is under 130 KB for the sake of it.
File type = PNG, JPG, GIF
Total maximum height = 160 pixels
Total maximum width = 550 pixels
Total maximum FileSize = 130 KB | 56'ers would like your cooperation for it. BMP's and Animated sigs are the cause of high FileSize.
Friendly size = 450 X 160 pixels | With 1 text line under
Friendly size = 500 X 130 pixels | With 2 text line under
(remember you can always change the size of text)
Here is a code tag from Vbulletin.
It will put the text, in the same line of your signature, like here:
[align=left*][img*]LINK HERE[/img][/align*]text
(With no commas "*")
That will work correctly if you put all the text after the [/align*] code. other wise, if you don't fill the place with text, it will put the image with your signature space. You really don't want that to happen. You will have to "preview post" for a while before getting it correctly first.
And please, don't forget about the 800X600 users.
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