Should We Do Another Bonus Pack?

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Renegade Retard

Defender of the newbie
Dec 18, 2002
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AMmayhem said:
I wouldn't mind seeing bonus packs, but I'd like to see the maps available for individual download too. 56k is just too slow to download a 200meg file all at once. I can surely download a few at a time and eventually have them.

Once there is a BP that comes out, we'll send around the Adopt-A-BuF thread again. We can get you set up with someone on broadband that will send the the pack on a CD, free of charge.


Mayhem is everywhere
Nov 3, 2001
NaliCity, MI
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Renegade Retard said:
Once there is a BP that comes out, we'll send around the Adopt-A-BuF thread again. We can get you set up with someone on broadband that will send the the pack on a CD, free of charge.

Yes, but having them released individually would make them easier to review as well. But I'm sure something could be worked out there, and this is the wrong forum for that. ;)
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ma$e is back!!??
Mar 6, 2004
i have a cool idea for an onslaught map.. i think 1 or 2 custom vehicles could really help the map a lot.. i'll rough out some terrain for the map real quick and maybe post some screenies of just the general layout and the plan for a map...

im thinking a bonus pack would be pretty cool.. im kinda new to the forums i guess, but ive always kinda lurked and read stuff.. didnt register til a month or so ago.. but anyways, the past bonus packs were awesome. im thinking onslaught would work particularly well for a bonus pack. have a few modellers make some vehicles, a few scripters code them, then a few mappers make maps with the custom vehicles in it.. sort of a big group collaboration. now, im not the biggest fan of onslaught (i feel its more of a big vehicle noobfest) but it can still be fun to play every now and then. deathmatch maps are kinda boring IMO.. cuz it doesnt change much with the gameplay, its still always just run around and shoot basically. whereas with assault and onslaught, different maps require different tactics.. and new maps can bring new playstyles to the game.. [/my2cents]


Aug 12, 2001
So a Buf Bonus Pack 2k4? :D
I'm trying to avoid sounding like I'm recruiting but if anyone's interested in actually making this pack just email me ( Cogworks may not be as large as it was durring BuFPack1 but the ppl we have are dedicated folks and will see this project through completion.
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Oct 27, 2002
I guess we can all get in an IRC channel so maybe we can work something out. How about #bufbp2 on etg?

BTW zynthetic, that's why I called the thread "Should We Do Another Bonus Pack?" :p ;)

I have two maps pretty much done and I'll post some screenies when I get home.


you can call me Mike
Nov 3, 2001
N43° 03' 16" :::: W77° 36' 03"
thanks raffi_b! i wasn't aware there was this much enthusiasm is fronting another BuF Bonus Pack.

CogWorks—formerly BUMS (BeyondUnreal Mod Squad)—released a Buf Bonus Pack for UT1. Since then there has been little activity going on, with people leaving for school, etc.

If there is a future for another official Buf Bonus Pack hangout in ETG#cogworks. I'll make sure anyone who wants to contribute maps/mutators/anything gets access to our private forums. I will also see to that our website gets put back up.

c you in #cogworks!
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The King Is Dead, Punk Rock Lives!
Nov 30, 1999
Tustin CA, USA
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Please do classic maps Bonus Pack.. Like almost perfect maps of the original classics maps. For ONS, would be a bit different, cuz its new game type.


New Member
Oct 20, 2002
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Of course you should do a community bonuspack, but this time do the following:

1. tweak the mutators so that they work perfectly online! There are always some who want to try them, and it makes the author to seem lazy to release non-working mutators.

2. Include more BR maps. Now that UT2k4 improved the game mode drastically, it is truly fun! More BR I say!

3. Bigger size this time. It would rock to see at least 25 high quality maps in one pack.

4. No previously released maps, as it's no fun when you expect to see new maps, and some of them turn to be old. If there's old maps, then at least they should have all flaws fixed from the previous version (people said DOM-Aphrodite had bad start point pacing, but I don't know if it was fixed in the CBP version).


Mayhem is everywhere
Nov 3, 2001
NaliCity, MI
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Juguard said:
Please do classic maps Bonus Pack.. Like almost perfect maps of the original classics maps. For ONS, would be a bit different, cuz its new game type.

Would be nice to see some classic Unreal 1 maps too. With same layout out and theme, just maybe some better visuals. :) I've got a bunch of U1 maps saved off, if anyone wants to check them out for recreations. :tup:


ra ra rat Putin!
Jan 24, 2004
Waterford, Ireland
\/\/0RF said:
I think that as a community we should just go about our business of making maps and muts and other various Unreal knick-knacks, and after a while, if there is a consensus opinion that we have a half dozen muts and 10 or 12 maps that actually do kick ass (not DM-OMFGNotAnotherBox or CTF-Deck16v90), we can compile them into a community bonus pack. Until we actually have the product maybe we should table the idea of putting out a pack.

Seconded. I've downloaded about four maps so far for 2k4 as I expect the first ones out were either wip 2k3 maps or conversions or 'below par' ;) Yay, I'll bang out a map to be the first one there maps. Some muts out are really cool and we all expect great things but one thing I hope for 2k4 is that everybody concentrates on quality. There's a lot of n**bs jumpin in now who never played 2k3 or contributed which isn't a bad thing as it means more for us in the long run - But established guys like yourselves should really get together as a group, discuss your ideas, either work on a theme or concentrate on diversity and then give us mere mortals somethin' you guys can really be prowd of - Hell give us somethin' you'll win competitions with :D