Server Admins: UTComp

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Suicide King
Jan 25, 2004
Inability to comprehend the distinct possibility that shadows may very well be dangerous != tactics.
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Evil Clown
Oct 4, 2004
Sir_Brizz said:
Because they whine and somebody decides to listen (obviously NOT EPIC). Also, CPL and other big leagues have NEVEr used any type of mutator or mod that modifies the game to include glowstick brightskins, hitsounds, or anything else. It's not REQUIRED for tournaments. Clans are who decide to use UTcomp.

actually you are incorrect on this... not sure about CPL because i cant ever find a ruleset on their site... but TeamWarfare requires UTCOMP on most UT2004 game modes... but this was not just randomly done by an admin... a vote was put up to team founders (or one for all players, i never rememeber which one) and when the vote ended there was an overwhelming call for UTCOMP to be used... so no matter what one person says in this istuation, it will all boil down to what the community as a whole says... if people want to put UTCOMP on their servers then let them... if they have it and you dont like it then dont patronize their server... but if a league puts a vote up and the community wants it then i guess you will just have to live with it... i mean we all have to live with crap we dont like... iits just a fact of life...


New Member
Nov 22, 2004
fROM TEH cpl HYPERlink:

"Double Damage: ON
Brightskins: ON
Hitsounds: ON "

Ok - and listen - I'll repeat myself again - IT MAKES SENSE FOR 2k4 BUT NOT FOR UTXMP. 2K4 tourneys are 1v1 and 4v4 TDM. XMP is >NOT< a deathmatch based game where 1 kill = 1 point.

Furthermore, why must you argue about games that you don't play?

As I keep saying - UTCOMP is an integral part of the competitive UNREAL TOURNAMENT 2004 scene - it is not necessary for UT:XMP. (although, now that you mention it, it did seem easier to determine team colors at a distance in U2XMP vs. UTXMP... but that's probably the brown maps and brown crosshairs in UTXMP)

KingOfHearts - the inability to understand that different monitors have different intrinsic brightness/contrast and gamma levels !=clue - nor does using the Matrix skin in 2k4 make one "l337". If you want to huddle in the shadows, may I suggest you stick to Rainbow 6, or another "tactical shooter"?

/rant off


Reach out and torch someone
Well I looked at the prounreal one, so bleh.
And I do play UT2004.
So, do you now suggest we make sure that everybody has the same gaming hardware too? Oh, and make sure it can't be adjusted. That would be unequal. So would be any keybinds, 'cause not everybody has the same ones.
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Suicide King
Jan 25, 2004

chu::LOB:: said:
KingOfHearts - the inability to understand that different monitors have different intrinsic brightness/contrast and gamma levels !=clue - nor does using the Matrix skin in 2k4 make one "l337". If you want to huddle in the shadows, may I suggest you stick to Rainbow 6, or another "tactical shooter"?

chu::LOB:: said:
If you want to huddle in the shadows, may I suggest you stick to Rainbow 6, or another "tactical shooter"?

chu::LOB:: said:
In competition, ideally the only variables should be tactics and aim of respective players/team.

chu::LOB:: said:
"tactical shooter"?


chu::LOB:: said:
/rant off

chu::LOB:: said:
You ranted alot and didn't say much of anything.
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New Member
Nov 23, 2004
ROFLMAO!!!!! :lol: This thing has devolved into one big flame fest.

Having heard what this mod/mutator allows, I'm totally against it. Disabling fundamental game & map features for fu[k3rs with no aim, skill, cleverness, or resourcefulness is tantamount to hax against good players. Skillful players should not be made to suffer due to the inadequate playing abilities of others.

That being said I would not be averse to customization options. Though the point that it does not help gameplay has been belabored to an annoying degree, it does add a measure of aesthetics to the game which many players do enjoy. (I know some of you will contest this point as well, arguing bitterly about how hardcore UT players shouldn't need to...bla...bla...bla... RELAX, it's just a game! There is much more to life than fragging players and capturing artis.:rolleyes: )

In any case, it would seem advantageous for a skilled modder to create a mutator that allowed for colored names and possibly few customization options. Or better yet, FMI could easily incorporate this into the next UT:XMP build ;) !!!


Evil Clown
Oct 4, 2004
tabasco said:
ROFLMAO!!!!! :lol: This thing has devolved into one big flame fest.

what did you expect... i mean the subject is UTCOMP... you either love it or you haate it... there really seems to be no middle ground on it... but oh well... if you dont like it and it is used you will have to live with it... if you love it and it inst used you will have to live with it... to play games there is always something some people dont likew but yet we still play compromise is integral for any good game....


Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
SweetTooth said:
actually you are incorrect on this... not sure about CPL because i cant ever find a ruleset on their site... but TeamWarfare requires UTCOMP on most UT2004 game modes... but this was not just randomly done by an admin... a vote was put up to team founders (or one for all players, i never rememeber which one) and when the vote ended there was an overwhelming call for UTCOMP to be used... so no matter what one person says in this istuation, it will all boil down to what the community as a whole says... if people want to put UTCOMP on their servers then let them... if they have it and you dont like it then dont patronize their server... but if a league puts a vote up and the community wants it then i guess you will just have to live with it... i mean we all have to live with crap we dont like... iits just a fact of life... do realize you are talking about the PRO COMMUNITY right? Which I already have stated whines about stuff not being equal all th time. The pro community is the biggest bunch of freaking losers in the world. Wah I can't see any of the player models. Wah I can't tell if I hit that person. wahwahwahwahwahwah!

In general it's bad for a company to listen at all to the pro community. Their input is almost always "let's noobify the game to the point that we can destroy everything that moves in a single fell swoop".

CPL never used TTM or UTcomp. WCG, not surprised (was started and is stiull run by whiney "pro" gamers). ES, not really big competition but still another "league" that was started and still run by whiney "pros".

The fact of the matter is that unless you have identical computers, identical windows installs, identical copies of the game, you will nver have a level playing field. Unfortunately, it's NEVER possible (even with seemingly identical parts) to have an identical experience. Therefore, even little tweaks don't really do anything but make the game too simple.


New Member
Nov 22, 2004
and btw - if more people used UTCOMPs CPMA hitsounds, there would be a lot more smart players (you can tell how much damage by the pitch of the sounds). It's a useful training tip I've passed on to players who don't already have this skill (and yes, it translates - when you play on non-utcomp servers, you then have a better idea of how much damage you are doling out).

but it's simply more digression, as I've stated time-and-again that I don't think UTCOMP is necessary or even appropriate for UTXMP.



Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
chu::LOB:: said:

It's simply numbing how you hold fast to your beliefs and present them as truth even in the face of facts .
So the CPL decided to join the ranks of n00b pros worldwide union NPWU.... Well I can't say I'm surprised. Guess what? I never said what I said was fact. Oh but I guess it's too much to aask that you regard what people say as their opinion rather than just a blatant attachment to truth that may or may not exist anywhere but in your head.
and btw - if more people used UTCOMPs CPMA hitsounds, there would be a lot more smart players (you can tell how much damage by the pitch of the sounds). It's a useful training tip I've passed on to players who don't already have this skill (and yes, it translates - when you play on non-utcomp servers, you then have a better idea of how much damage you are doling out).
riiiiight....rather than just learn it on your own, let's learn with hitsounds :rolleyes:


Master Beta
Apr 2, 2004
fireball said:
So... it's required for tournaments. With what settings? Nowhere does it specify that the brightskins part has to be on (unless I missed that). There are some parts of UTComp that are actually useful in games. But so long as you make all the players bright neon, why not remove lighting? Shadows don't matter. Take out fog too, cause it doesn't let you see correctly. Oh, and walls you can't see through are obviously a problem, cause it's all about aim and tactics, right? If you can't hide in a room WITH NO LIGHT SOURCES TO GIVE AWAY YOUR POSITION, why should you be able to hide behind a wall? Hell, let's give everybody a radar too so we don't need to worry about people who can't track their enemies as well.
Skill is more than who can glow the brightest.


Now.. get back to discussing how to implement colored names, and less discussing how much dick the person above you snacks on for brunch because his opinions differ from yours on the intarweb about a mutator that has no impact on this game, or this forum.



New Member
Nov 22, 2004

When you couch things in the absolute language of "CPL doesn't use UTCOMP" and present it as a statement of "fact" you are not expressing an opinion. I only ask that you not mislead people by being unclear in your language.

I'm going to clearly label parts of my post, and suggest you do likewise until you can differentiate between "facts" and "editorialization".

FACT: actually, i just discovered the CPMA hitsounds last night, and shared the knowledge with my buddies and my team.

FACT: i know weapon damages, thank you...

OPINION: and figured it would be a great way for people to learn the nuances of the game.

OPINION: for the folks that don't have 8 hrs a day to play, CPMA hitsounds are a great shortcut.

OPINION: Yes I do believe it "simplifies" and "noobifies", but it can also serve as a valuable trainer.

See? It's not so difficult. Now if you just add these simple steps to your writing, I can guarantee you'll get less flames (and sadly for you, maybe less attention :(




Puppet Master of BBF
Mar 28, 2004
Webster, NY
I HATE that UT2K4 uses utcomp on tournaments... I think brite skins are stupid. really really just dumb.... I'd rather play the game the way the creators intended it. Now Nick colors are ok, I liked them in the original XMP.... but brite skins and lil pingy hit sounds suck!!! keep them out of UT:XMP



Evil Clown
Oct 4, 2004
easy way to solve this instead of bitching and moaning here for or against UTCOMP... when ladders/leagues are put up i am sure votes will be put up... i know that once myself and TeamWarfare get a ladder up (after the first patch hopefully since we all know it isnt ready for competition yet) i will personally put a vote up for the use of UTCOMP... if people want it then it will be used... if they dont want it it will not be used... simple as that!


New Member
Nov 22, 2004
SweetTooth said:
if people want it then it will be used... if they dont want it it will not be used... simple as that!

Rgr that in a big way. It's the clans that decide to use UTCOMP or not :)


Master Beta
Apr 2, 2004
Captain Kewl said:
You know, the original aborted multiplayer for U2 actually contained a hitsounds mutator.

Considering the majority of the old community (so far, at least..) thinks implementing that would be as catastrophic as dropping the soap in a highway truckstop restroom, if U2 had that in from the start - the whole 120 or so people keeping it alive probably wouldn't have done so.. and well, then where would we be?

I played Q2 for 5+ years, when Q3 came out and there were hitsounds I beat the SP then threw my special edition tin box in the trash and prompty started to name every turd of the day after a different iD employee from that day on.

I don't like my games to wipe my ass. The fun is in the challenge and skill development. But hey, everyone has a different opinion. One person's isn't better than the others. I'm just going off of mine and those of the old community that I have seen post thus far.


Think Pink
Jun 16, 2004
tabasco said:
P.S. This is not an opinion post, I'm just trying to get some info. The colored name flame wars are in other threads. Go post there if you feel a flaming reply coming on.

Mantik said:
Now.. get back to discussing how to implement colored names, and less discussing how much dick the person above you snacks on for brunch because his opinions differ from yours on the intarweb about a mutator that has no impact on this game, or this forum.




Evil Clown
Oct 4, 2004
chu::LOB:: said:
Rgr that in a big way. It's the clans that decide to use UTCOMP or not :)

that is why im here... i represent TeamWarfare and i have to do a good job or i LOSE my magical admin powers... admins are not allowed to make the rules up (well unless it is an emergency and things have to be add immediately) without discussing with the community first... all rules before a ladder is ever opend to competition are discussed with the community via forums, email, and polls, once we admins get a good idea of what to set up we do it and give just a little more time to let people look at the rules and make suggestions... there is always change as ladders progress but we try to get the rules right the first time so that this change is minimal...
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