Seriousness: Girlfriend situation... [long kinda]

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BeyondUnreal Newsie
Aug 20, 2001
...Behind You...
Maj1013 said:
People, it's not rocket science.

Trying to decide what girl to ask out because "hmmm, I don't have a girlfriend. Maybe I should" is utterly unfair to them. The girl you ask out is supposed to be special to you in some way, someone you feel drawn to, who makes you do a mental check of "oh, crap, is this the shirt with chili stains on the front?" when she walks by. Not just "yeah, she's hot, so she'll do."

Well said Maj, you don't pick a girl because your without.

As I said before girlfriends can cost a bit but choice is important, just picking a girl to have a girl can end you in feeling used. You don't want that


Not much...
Apr 5, 2002
¯\(˚_o)/¯ I DUNNO?
Hunter said:
Well said Maj, you don't pick a girl because your without.

As I said before girlfriends can cost a bit but choice is important, just picking a girl to have a girl can end you in feeling used. You don't want that

now where was this advice for my last relationship? :rolleyes: better to learn the hard way i guess!


evolves and survives
what maj said...
you will know who you need the most when you need her most...

the hell with looks, looks will fade
the hell with personalities, personalities do change
but theres that old familiar feeling that you enjoy but cant embrace, that grows within each passing day, that you cant even begin to describe it other than "that old familiar feeling that i enjoy everytime i meet her"

live in it

and if you dont get that feeling, do think that maybe its not yet the time to get a girlfriend (im not saying that she's not the one, could be just aint the time yet)

Max Payne said:
This is love


I hear only yes.
Aug 6, 2001
Provo... somewhere in Utah.
Visit site
^^^ LOL ^^^

I understand what you are saying, Maj... it's just that I am of the opinion that each of these girls likes me in some way or another... I wouldn't be picking them just cuz they're hot (if I did that I'd be trying to go out with #2 right now).
I just want advice in this area, I'm not too good at it. I want to know what to do, cuz usually I make an ass of myself if I'm left alone.


Feb 2, 2000
Citrus Springs, FL
You have a few decisons. I would personally pick the third just because thats sounds like the best choice. If you pick the first you have the chance of screwing up a really good friendship but also have the chance to have a great relationship because she "knows" a lot about you already and you don't have to go through the "getting to know eachother" phase.
I for one, like the getting to know each other phase. Thats why I said pick the third one. Dating someone does cost money, but not as much as just going out to meet people. I know how you feel, about 2 years ago I was blowing my paychecks meeting people, get home and screw around with them, and than do it again the next night. I got very tired of that.
Being in a relationship is a really good thing, esp. if it works out. The g/f I have right now is in my eyes "as close to perfect as someone can get." We never fight, we understand each other, she's good in bed ;), we dont make each other go broke, and we both enjoy the same things. So I'd say look for a relationship bro. If it doesnt work out there are always other people. Just make sure you've had a "variety" of women before you lock yourself on one.



Strong Cock of The North
May 25, 1999
Tokyo, JP
Maj1013 said:
People, it's not rocket science.

Trying to decide what girl to ask out because "hmmm, I don't have a girlfriend. Maybe I should" is utterly unfair to them. The girl you ask out is supposed to be special to you in some way, someone you feel drawn to, who makes you do a mental check of "oh, crap, is this the shirt with chili stains on the front?" when she walks by. Not just "yeah, she's hot, so she'll do."

What formula are you using to find this value for X?:B


evolves and survives
BillyBadAss said:
What formula are you using to find this value for X?

First we acknowledge that Woman costs Time AND Money

Woman = Time * Money

Then we acknowledge that Time is Money

Time = Money
Woman = Money * Money
Woman = Money^2

As we have read that Money is the root of Evil

Money = Evil^(1/2)
Evil = Money^2
Woman = Money^2

Thus we have a conclusion

Woman = Evil


/me runs and hides from Maj and other ladies' wrath


I hear only yes.
Aug 6, 2001
Provo... somewhere in Utah.
Visit site
Yeah, I've seen that one before, good stuff... Sorry for the non-postage, my posting ability was revoked due to an error in the email address change thingy something or other. Anyway, it looks as if option number one isn't very good... we'll just stay friends. Now... a new factor has entered the equation.

Girl #4. She didn't just appear out of nowhere, I've known her for a few years, but it wasn't anything more than a "hi" every now and then. Recently, we've been talking a lot. I had decided to stay away from her because she has a BF. However, as some of you know, I am Mormon, as are she and her boyfriend. Her boyfriend is leaving next month to go on a two year mission for the church. She will be available. She's about 5'5", medium brown hair, and blows away everyone else that I've mentioned in looks. I think she likes me, but as I've stated before, I stayed away.
[Cue dramatic music]........